16 results

Cardiac rehabilitation availability and delivery in Europe: How does it differ by region and compare with other high-income countries?: Endorsed by the European Association of Preventive Cardiology

Journal Article
Abreu, A., Pesah, E., Supervia, M., Turk-Adawi, K., Bjarnason-Wehrens, B., Lopez-Jimenez, F., …Grace, S. L. (2019)
Cardiac rehabilitation availability and delivery in Europe: How does it differ by region and compare with other high-income countries?: Endorsed by the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 26(11), 1128-1130. https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487319827453
Aims: The aims of this study were to establish cardiac rehabilitation availability and density, as well as the nature of programmes, and to compare these by European region (g...

Utilising a data capture tool to populate a cardiac rehabilitation registry: a feasibility study

Journal Article
O’Neil, A., Cadilhac, D. A., Grace, S. L., Thomas, E., Grace, S., Boyle, D., …O'Neil, A. (2020)
Utilising a data capture tool to populate a cardiac rehabilitation registry: a feasibility study. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 29(2), 224-232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2018.12.012
Background: Clinical registries are effective for monitoring clinical practice, yet manual data collection can limit their implementation and sustainability. The objective of ...

Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: an implementation study protocol

Journal Article
Orchard, J. J., Neubeck, L., Freedman, B., Webster, R., Patel, A., Gallagher, R., …Lowres, N. (2018)
Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: an implementation study protocol. BMJ Open, 8(10), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023130
Introduction: Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) in people ≥65 years is now recommended by guidelines and expert consensus. While AF is often asymptomatic, it is the most ...

Scottish National Inquiry on Atrial Fibrillation.

Presentation / Conference
Neubeck, L., Barclay, K., Dunn, M., Oliver, C., Armitage, W., Hudson, P., …Quinn, T. J. (2018, August)
Scottish National Inquiry on Atrial Fibrillation. Paper presented at Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association ASM (Prize Session Finalist), Brisbane, Australia
Background: Understanding Atrial Fibrillation (AF) management in Scotland was identified as a key priority at the Cross Party Group for Heart Disease and Stroke which meets re...

The global cardiac rehabilitation program survey: Program resources and impact in Australia.

Presentation / Conference
Gallagher, R., Supervia, M., Neubeck, L., Turk-Adawi, K., Candelaria, D., Ladak, L., & Grace, S. (2018, August)
The global cardiac rehabilitation program survey: Program resources and impact in Australia. Paper presented at Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association ASM, Brisbane, Australia
No abstract available.

Atrial fibrillation: is there enough evidence to recommend opportunistic or systematic screening?

Journal Article
Orchard, J., Lowres, N., Neubeck, L., & Freedman, B. (2018)
Atrial fibrillation: is there enough evidence to recommend opportunistic or systematic screening?. International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(5), 1372-1378. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyy111
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart arrhythmia, the prevalence rising with age to 18% for those aged  ≥85 years. It is associated with a 5-fold higher likelihood...

Are self-reported telemonitored blood pressure readings affected by end-digit preference: a prospective cohort study in Scotland

Journal Article
Parker, R. A., Paterson, M., Padfield, P., Pinnock, H., Hanley, J., Hammersley, V. S., …McKinstry, B. (2018)
Are self-reported telemonitored blood pressure readings affected by end-digit preference: a prospective cohort study in Scotland. BMJ Open, 8(1), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019431
Objective Simple forms of blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring require patients to text readings to central servers creating an opportunity for both entry error and manipulati...

Effectiveness, acceptability and usefulness of mobile applications for cardiovascular disease self-management: Systematic review with meta-synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data

Journal Article
Coorey, G. M., Coorey, G. M., Neubeck, L., Mulley, J., & Redfern, J. (2018)
Effectiveness, acceptability and usefulness of mobile applications for cardiovascular disease self-management: Systematic review with meta-synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 25(5), 505-521. https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487317750913
Background: Mobile technologies are innovative, scalable approaches to reducing risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) but evidence related to effectiveness and acceptability r...

Effectiveness of Online Cancer Education for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals; a Systematic Review Using Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework

Journal Article
Campbell, K., Taylor, V., & Douglas, S. (2017)
Effectiveness of Online Cancer Education for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals; a Systematic Review Using Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework. Journal of Cancer Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-017-1308-2
Embedding online learning within higher education can provide engaging, cost-effective, interactive and flexible education. By evaluating the impact, outcomes and pedagogical ...

Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study

Journal Article
Gallagher, R., Neubeck, L., Roach, K., Sadler, L., Glinatsis, H., Belshaw, J., …Parker, H. (2017)
Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(10), https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.8352
Background: Emerging evidence indicates mobile technology–based strategies may improve access to secondary prevention and reduce risk factors in cardiac patients. However, lit...



