10 results

Metasurfaces for Advanced Sensing and Diagnostics

Journal Article
La Spada, L. (2019)
Metasurfaces for Advanced Sensing and Diagnostics. Sensors, 19(2), 355. doi:10.3390/s19020355
Interest in sensors and their applications is rapidly evolving, mainly driven by the huge demand of technologies whose ultimate purpose is to improve and enhance health and sa...

Graphene-Oxide and Hydrogel Coated FBG-Based pH Sensor for Biomedical Applications

Journal Article
Binetti, L., Stankiewicz, A., & Alwis, L. S. M. (2018)
Graphene-Oxide and Hydrogel Coated FBG-Based pH Sensor for Biomedical Applications. Proceedings, 2(13), 789. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2130789
A hydrogel coated fibre grating-based pH sensor for biomedical applications has been realised, where Graphene Oxide (GO) had been used to enhance the bonding between the coati...

A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs

Conference Proceeding
Essa, A., Al-Dubai, A. Y., Romdhani, I., & Esriaftri, M. A. (2017)
A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs. In 2017 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)https://doi.org/10.1109/ISNCC.2017.8072000
Although energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has been investigated widely, it is still a challenging dilemma. Clustering mechanisms are among the most widely ...

Structural Health Monitoring Using Textile Reinforcement Structures with Integrated Optical Fiber Sensors

Journal Article
Bremer, K., Weigand, F., Zheng, Y., Alwis, L. S., Helbig, R., & Roth, B. (2017)
Structural Health Monitoring Using Textile Reinforcement Structures with Integrated Optical Fiber Sensors. Sensors, 17(2), 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17020345
Optical fiber-based sensors " embedded " in functionalized carbon structures (FCSs) and textile net structures (TNSs) based on alkaline-resistant glass are introduced for the ...

BARBEI: a new adaptive battery aware and reliable beacon enabled technique for IEEE802.15.4 MAC.

Book Chapter
Salayma, M., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Yassein, M. B. (2017)
BARBEI: a new adaptive battery aware and reliable beacon enabled technique for IEEE802.15.4 MAC. In M. Grzenda, J. Furtak, J. Legierski, & A. I. Awad (Eds.), Advances in Networking Systems Architectures, Security, and Applications, (317-335). CHAM: Springer
The IEEE 802.15.4 standard supports both physical and Media Access Con-trol (MAC) layers of low rate Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs). However, this stand-ard considers only the...

Mobility And Energy Extensions For The IEEE 802.15.4 Standard

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Al-Dubai, A. Y., & Guibene, W. (2015)
Mobility And Energy Extensions For The IEEE 802.15.4 Standard. In L. Luke Chen, M. Steinbauer, I. Khalil, & G. Anderst-Kotsis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, (318-321). https://doi.org/10.1145/2837126.2837167
The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is designed for low-power and low-rate wireless Personal Area Networks. Although energy is a key parameter in shaping the communication and interact...

A New Energy Efficient Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Conference Proceeding
Eshaftri, M., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Yassein, M. B. (2015)
A New Energy Efficient Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. In I. C. Society (Ed.), 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), (1209-1214). https://doi.org/10.15439/2015F193
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), clustering techniques are usually used as a key effective solution to reduce energy consumption and prolong the network lifetime. Despite m...

Sensor Failure Detection, Identification, and Accommodation Using Fully Connected Cascade Neural Network

Journal Article
Hussain, S., Mokhtar, M., & Howe, J. M. (2015)
Sensor Failure Detection, Identification, and Accommodation Using Fully Connected Cascade Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(3), 1683-1692. https://doi.org/10.1109/tie.2014.2361600
Modern control systems rely heavily on their sensors for reliable operation. Failure of a sensor could destabilize the system, which could have serious consequences to the sys...

Specknets: A Case Study for Artificial Immune Systems

Davoudani, D. Specknets: A Case Study for Artificial Immune Systems. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/5220

Metamaterial-based Sensor Design Working in Infrared Frequency Range

Journal Article
La Spada, L., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2011)
Metamaterial-based Sensor Design Working in Infrared Frequency Range. Progress in electromagnetics research B: PIER B, 34, 205-223. https://doi.org/10.2528/pierb11060303
In this paper, we propose the design of high sensitivity and selectivity metamaterial-based biosensors operating in the THz regime. The proposed sensors consist of planar arra...