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Building capabilities in disabled job seekers: A qualitative study of the Remploy Work Choices programme in Scotland

Journal Article
Robertson, P. J. (2018)
Building capabilities in disabled job seekers: A qualitative study of the Remploy Work Choices programme in Scotland. Social Work and Society: International Online Journal, 16(1), 1-15
This article reports on a qualitative study of the UK’s labour activation pathway for jobseekers with disabilities and health conditions. The aim was to explore the experienc...

Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants.

Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018)
Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), 73-90.
This paper draws on an anthropological perspective on social security to explore the complex ways in which Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants living in Glasgow negotiated thei...

Working with children and young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour.

Allardyce, S., & Yates, P. (2018)
Working with children and young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press
‘At a time when a better-informed picture about the realities of child sexual abuse is urgently needed, this book provides a vital part of this complex jigsaw’ from the Forewo...

Assessing the Sheltering Response in the Middle East: Studying Syrian Camps in Jordan

Journal Article
Alshawawreh, L., Smith, R. S., & B. Wood, J. (2017)
Assessing the Sheltering Response in the Middle East: Studying Syrian Camps in Jordan. Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(8), 1881-1887
This study focuses on the sheltering response in the Middle East, specifically through reviewing two Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, involving Zaatari and Azraq. Zaatari camp ...

Time-Use, daily activities and health related quality of life of Irish youth

Journal Article
McKay, E. A., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. (2017)
Time-Use, daily activities and health related quality of life of Irish youth. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4_Supplement_1), 7111505067p1.
This large cross-sectional time-use study empirically examined, for the first time, the relationship between participation in daily activity and self-reported health-related q...

The Impact of Welfare Reform in Scotland - Tracking Study - Sweep 4 Report

Graham, H., Egdell, V., McQuaid, R. & Raeside, R. (2016)
The Impact of Welfare Reform in Scotland - Tracking Study - Sweep 4 Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of ongoing welfare changes on a range of working age households in Scotland. The study consisted of four interview sweeps over ...

Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool (COLT) – A Multi-agency Educational Resource to Support Complex Public Protection Understanding and Practice

Journal Article
Heyman, I., Innes, G., & Goodhand, K. (2016)
Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool (COLT) – A Multi-agency Educational Resource to Support Complex Public Protection Understanding and Practice. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 4(3),
Multi-agency public protection practice has received significant media and government scrutiny in recent years, in response to failings to protect those most vulnerable people...

Modelling Waqf As An Agency For Time Based Donations Of Human Capital

Journal Article
Khaleel, F., & Abdullah, M. (2016)
Modelling Waqf As An Agency For Time Based Donations Of Human Capital. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, 5(2),
Humanitarian responses, in the wake of complex emergencies, have never been just about supply of monetary assistance and commodities, as the accessibility and availability of ...

Association between allopurinol use and hip fracture in older patients

Journal Article
Basu, U., Goodbrand, J., McMurdo, M. E., Donnan, P. T., McGilchrist, M., Frost, H., …Witham, M. D. (2016)
Association between allopurinol use and hip fracture in older patients. Bone, 84, 189-193.
Background Allopurinol reduces oxidative stress and interacts with purinergic signalling systems important in bone metabolism and muscle function. We assessed whether allopur...

Framing the experiences of BME social work students within a narrative of Educating for a Culturally Diverse Workforce

Journal Article
Hillen, P., & Levy, S. (2015)
Framing the experiences of BME social work students within a narrative of Educating for a Culturally Diverse Workforce. Social Work Education, 34(7), 785-798.
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has noted that a higher percentage of black and minority ethnic (BME) students fail or take longer to complete their social work de...