13 results

The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials

Journal Article
Xie, Y. H., Yang, Z. X., Barreto, D., & Jiang, M. D. (2017)
The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials. Granular Matter, 19(2), 34-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10035-017-0723-8
The behavior of granular materials is very complex in nature and depends on particle shape, stress path, fabric, density, particle size distribution, amongst others. This pape...

Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions

Conference Proceeding
Boix, D. M., Goh, K., & McWhinnie, J. (2017)
Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions. In Proceedings of 2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS 2017https://doi.org/10.1109/RED-UAS.2017.8101644
This paper proposes a method to investigate into helicopter landing on uneven terrain by means of using a scaled articulated robotic landing gear. A mathematical model of an a...

Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity Using a Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser Sensor

Journal Article
Mądry, M., Alwis, L., Binetti, L., Pajewski, Ł., & Bereś-Pawlik, E. (2019)
Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity Using a Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(20), 9215-9220. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2019.2922041
A fiber ring laser sensor setup utilizing FBGs (Fiber Bragg Gratings) for simultaneous measurement of ambient temperature and relative humidity (RH) is presented. Two FBGs are...

A novel efficient mixed formulation for strain-gradient models.

Journal Article
Papanicolopulos, S., Gulib, F., & Marinelli, A. (2019)
A novel efficient mixed formulation for strain-gradient models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 117(8), 926-937. doi:10.1002/nme.5985
Various finite elements based on mixed formulations have been proposed for the solution of boundary value problems involving strain-gradient models. The relevant literature, h...

Realising the affective potential of patents: a new model of database interpretation for user-centred design

Journal Article
Wodehouse, A., Vasantha, G., Corney, J., Jagadeesan, A., & MacLachlan, R. (2018)
Realising the affective potential of patents: a new model of database interpretation for user-centred design. Journal of Engineering Design, 29(8-9), 484-511. https://doi.org/10.1080/09544828.2018.1448056
This research sets out a new interpretation of the patent database using affective design parameters. While this resource contains a vast quantity of technical information, it...

Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G. A., Ramesh, H. P., Sugavanam, C. M., Chakrabarti, A., Corney, J., & Wodehouse, A. (2017)
Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design. In International Conference on Research into Design. , (933-944). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-3518-0_80
Interactions (i.e. modes of operations through which product development knowledge is generated and externalized in the design process) play a vital role in knowledge processe...

Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni-P coatings

Journal Article
Stankiewicz, A., Kefallinou, Z., Mordarski, G., Jagoda, Z., & Spencer, B. (2019)
Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni-P coatings. Electrochimica Acta, 297, 427-434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2018.12.026
Ni-P∖alginate microgels coatings, as potential metallic protective coatings with self-healing properties, were deposited by the electroless method. The alginate microgels cont...

A New Approach for Patent Use in Student Design Engineering Projects

Conference Proceeding
Maclachlan, R., Wodehouse, A., & Vasantha, G. (2018)
A New Approach for Patent Use in Student Design Engineering Projects. In Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE18)
This paper presents a new philosophy for patent use in student design projects; patents are more valuable when viewed as creative and learning resources rather than as a list ...

A Probabilistic Design Reuse Index

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G., Sherlock, A., Corney, J., & Quigley, J. (2018)
A Probabilistic Design Reuse Index. In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
The benefits of being able to create a number of product variations from a limited range of components, or sub-assemblies, are widely recognized. Indeed it is clear that compa...

A novel method for rapid inspection of sewer networks: combining acoustic and optical means

Journal Article
Plihal, H., Kretschmer, F., Ali, M. T. B., See, C. H., Romanova, A., Horoshenkov, K. V., & Ertl, T. (2016)
A novel method for rapid inspection of sewer networks: combining acoustic and optical means. Urban Water Journal, 13(1), 3-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062x.2015.1076857
Operation and maintenance of the public sewer system represent key tasks for an operator. Condition assessment is usually conducted by conventional closed circuit television (...