4 results

Maritime litter and sewage contamination at Cramond Beach Edinburgh — A comparative study

Journal Article
Velander, K. A., & Mocogni, M. (1998)
Maritime litter and sewage contamination at Cramond Beach Edinburgh — A comparative study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 36(5), 385-389. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0025-326X%2897%2900204-X
Beach litter was monitored between April and October 1994 at Cramond Beach, Edinburgh. When compared with data collected over the same period in 1984, it was found that overal...

Beach Litter Sampling Strategies: is there a ‘Best’ Method?

Journal Article
Velander, K., & Mocogni, M. (1999)
Beach Litter Sampling Strategies: is there a ‘Best’ Method?. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 38(12), 1134-1140. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0025-326X%2899%2900143-5
Ten methods for sampling beach litter were tested on 16 beaches located around the Firth of Forth, Scotland in order to ascertain the effectiveness of the various methods. Bot...

Seasonal variations in nutrient levels in Bemersyde Moss, Borders Region, Scotland.

Journal Article
Velander, K. & Mocogni, M. (2001)
Seasonal variations in nutrient levels in Bemersyde Moss, Borders Region, Scotland. The naturalist. 126, 17-26. ISSN 0028-0771
Nutrient levels were monitored over a twelve month period in Bemersyde Moss, a shallow wetland in southern Scotland. The Moss is used by a variety of waterfowl, both as a wint...

Agricultural and avian nutrient input into a shallow wetland, Bemersyde Moss, Roxburghshire, Scotland

Journal Article
Velander, K. & Mocogni, M. (2001)
Agricultural and avian nutrient input into a shallow wetland, Bemersyde Moss, Roxburghshire, Scotland. The naturalist. 126, 17-26. ISSN 0028-0771



