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107 results

Evaluation on multivariate correlation analysis based denial-of-service attack detection system

Conference Proceeding
Tan, Z., Jamdagni, A., Nanda, P., He, X., & Liu, R. P. (2012)
Evaluation on multivariate correlation analysis based denial-of-service attack detection system. In SecurIT '12 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things, 160-164.
In this paper, a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack detection system is explored, where a multivariate correlation analysis technique based on Euclidean distance is applied for ne...

Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification

Journal Article
Wylie, J., Tan, Z., Al-Dubai, A., & Wang, J. (2020)
Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification. Journal of Guangzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 19(4), 28-41
Every Android malware sample generally belongs to a specific family that performs a similar set of actions and characteristics. Having the ability to effectively identify Andr...

Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts

Journal Article
Xu, D., Tian, Z., Lai, R., Kong, X., Tan, Z., & Shi, W. (2020)
Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts. Information Fusion, 64, 1-11.
Traditional text emotion analysis methods are primarily devoted to studying extended texts, such as news reports and full-length documents. Microblogs are considered short tex...

A Multi-attributes-based Trust Model of Internet of Vehicle

Conference Proceeding
Ou, W., Luo, E., Tan, Z., Xiang, L., Yi, Q., & Tian, C. (2019)
A Multi-attributes-based Trust Model of Internet of Vehicle. In Network and System Security. , (706-713).
Internet of Vehicle (IoV) is an open network and it changes in constant, where there are large number of entities. Effective way to keep security of data in IoV is to establis...

Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis

Book Chapter
Tan, Z., Jamdagni, A., He, X., Nanda, P., & Liu, R. P. (2011)
Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis. In Neural Information Processing; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (756-765). Springer.
The reliability and availability of network services are being threatened by the growing number of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Effective mechanisms for DoS attack detecti...

KNN-Based Approximate Outlier Detection Algorithm Over IoT Streaming Data

Journal Article
Zhu, R., Ji, X., Yu, D., Tan, Z., Zhao, L., Li, J., & Xia, X. (2020)
KNN-Based Approximate Outlier Detection Algorithm Over IoT Streaming Data. IEEE Access, 8, 42749-42759.
KNN-Based outlier detection over IoT streaming data is a fundamental problem, which has many applications. However, due to its computational complexity, existing efforts canno...

A 3D Smooth Random Walk Mobility Model for FANETs

Conference Proceeding
Lin, N., Gao, F., Zhao, L., Al-Dubai, A., & Tan, Z. (2019)
A 3D Smooth Random Walk Mobility Model for FANETs. In 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS)
The number of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) applications has increased over the past few years. Among all scenarios, UAV group consisting multi-UAVs is normally used to prov...

Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection

Journal Article
Tian, Z., Shi, W., Tan, Z., Qiu, J., Sun, Y., Jiang, F., & Liu, Y. (in press)
Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection. Mobile Networks and Applications,
Organizations' own personnel now have a greater ability than ever before to misuse their access to critical organizational assets. Insider threat detection is a key component ...

FIMPA: A Fixed Identity Mapping Prediction Algorithm in Edge Computing Environment

Journal Article
Zhang, S., Liu, Y., Li, S., Tan, Z., Zhao, X., & Zhou, J. (2020)
FIMPA: A Fixed Identity Mapping Prediction Algorithm in Edge Computing Environment. IEEE Access, 8, 17356-17365.
Edge computing is a research hotspot that extends cloud computing to the edge of the network. Due to the recent developments in computation, storage and network technology for...

Machine Un-learning: An Overview of Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions

Journal Article
Sai, S., Mittal, U., Chamola, V., Huang, K., Spinelli, I., Scardapane, S., …Hussain, A. (2024)
Machine Un-learning: An Overview of Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions. Cognitive Computation, 16, 482-506.
ML applications proliferate across various sectors. Large internet firms employ ML to train intelligent models using vast datasets, including sensitive user information. Howev...
6 results

Repairing Polluted Artificial Intelligent Systems with Machine Unlearning

2019 - 2021
This project is intended to seek in-depth understanding of the new promising decentralised machine learning scheme, namely federated learning, and develop a proof-of-concept algorithm-independent unle...
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £29,998

Behaviour profiling using Touch-based Behavioural Biometrics for Continuous Authentication Systems

2022 - 2022
Authenticating smartphone users from distinct behavioural biometric patterns provided through human interactions on touch screens would allow users to be continuously authenticated on their devices wh...
Funder: The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance | Value: £923

Divulging the Secrets of Artificial Intelligence

2022 - 2022
Digital Infrastructures are complex systems that are built upon computing and communication hardware, and whose resilience is undermined by the security of its hardware building blocks, which has not ...
Funder: The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance | Value: £2,500

Security and Privacy in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

2022 - 2024
The great leap forward in wireless communications technology drives the recent advancements of Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs). As a key part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) framewo...
Funder: Royal Society | Value: £12,000

Evaluation of Federated Machine Unlearning using Membership Inference Attacks

2023 - 2026
Federated Learning (FL) is a type of distributed Machine Learning (ML) training technique that allows for accurate predictions without sharing sensitive data. This is possible, as FL allows everyone t...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £73,564


2019 - 2020
The usage of encryption keys is an important aspect in preserving privacy in communications. Increasingly these communications are protected using SSL/TLS methods. Along with this, there is a general ...
Funder: The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance | Value: £10,759


Qualification level

16 results

Natural Language Interfaces to support career decision-making of young people

2021 - date
Exploring how natural language interfaces can be used to support young people with career decision making, including ethics...
Marianne Wilson | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Digital Forensic Triage Methods for Prioritization, based on Computer System and User Classification

2024 - date
Mark McLeod | Director of Studies: Dr Sean McKeown | Second Supervisor: Rich Macfarlane

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Compositions and Derivatives on Blockchains: A Comprehensive Analysis, Design Framework, and Risk Assessment

2023 - date
Trevor Oakley | Director of Studies: Dr Zakwan Jaroucheh | Second Supervisor: Dr Thomas Tan

Metaskills Maturity for future workplaces

2019 - date
Katherine Stephen | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Prof Hazel Hall

Cyberbullying detection approach using pre-trained models and contrastive self-supervised learning for data augmentation

2019 - date
Lulwah Alharigy | Director of Studies: Dr Naghmeh Moradpoor Sheykhkanloo | Second Supervisor: Dr Thomas Tan

Divulging the Secrets of Artificial Intelligence

2021 - date
Mr Yanfei Zhu | Director of Studies: Dr Thomas Tan | Second Supervisor: Dr Chan Hwang See

From algorithm selection to generation using deep learning

2018 - 2022
Mhd Rateb Mhd Ziad Alissa | Director of Studies: Dr Kevin Sim | Second Supervisor: Prof Emma Hart

An investigation of olfactory display technology for the enhancement of presence within virtual reality experiences

2018 - date
Andrew McKelvey | Director of Studies: Dr Emilia Sobolewska | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

Evolving legacy enterprise systems with microservices-based architecture in cloud environments

2015 - 2021
Safa Habibullah | Director of Studies: Prof Xiaodong Liu | Second Supervisor: Dr Thomas Tan

Internationalisation-at-home for Computing & Engineering: the experience of a non-first-tier Chinese university

2020 - date
Lijuan Luo | Director of Studies: Dr Peter Cruickshank | Second Supervisor: Dr Kendall Richards
