33 results

The Ensoulment of Virtual Space Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging With a Sculpture Park

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., Turner, P., & Banach, A. (2016)
The Ensoulment of Virtual Space Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging With a Sculpture Park. In J. C. Read, & P. Stenton (Eds.), IDC '16 Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. , (680-683). https://doi.org/10.1145/2930674.2938613
This is a demonstration of a Minecraft facsimile of Jupiter Artland, a sculpture park on the outskirts of Edinburgh. With the cooperation of primary school children we develop...

Enlightened trial and error

Journal Article
Turner, P., Turner, S., & Flint, T. (2012)
Enlightened trial and error. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 13/14, 64-83
Human-computer interaction as a rationalistic, engineering discipline has been taught successfully for more than 25 years. The established narrative is one of designing usable...

Jupiter Artland Minecraft Experience

Digital Artefact
Flint, T., & McGregor, I. (2016)
Jupiter Artland Minecraft Experience. [https://vimeo.com/166204060]
This Android application is free to download from the Google Play Store. This mixed reality game connects the real world with a virtual Minecraft version of Jupiter Artland. ...

Soundscape mapping: a tool for evaluating sounds and auditory environments

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., LePlâtre, G., Turner, P., & Flint, T. (2010)
Soundscape mapping: a tool for evaluating sounds and auditory environments. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Auditory Display
This paper describes a soundscape mapping tool, and provides an illustration of its use in the evaluation of an in-car auditory interface. The tool addresses three areas: comm...

Virtualizing the real: a virtual reality contemporary sculpture park for children

Journal Article
Flint, T., Hall, L., Stewart, F., & Hagan, D. (2018)
Virtualizing the real: a virtual reality contemporary sculpture park for children. Digital Creativity, 29(2/3), 191-207. https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2018.1511601
This paper discusses a virtual reality experience for a contemporary sculpture park, Jupiter Artland, developed in Minecraft targeting 9-11-year-old children. Issues of fideli...

Jupiter Artland Audio Guide

Digital Artefact
Flint, T., & Mcgregor, I. (2011)
Jupiter Artland Audio Guide. [https://www.jupiterartland.org/learning/projects/audio-development-project]
This is the official audio guide for Jupiter Artland. Visitors can choose between audio guides one might expect with commentary by artists and curators or a series of stories...

Psychogeography With Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Barrett-Duncan, H. (2018, July)
Psychogeography With Technology. Presented at 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI), Belfast
This submission is a co-created map of Wester Hailes which draws from methods of psychogeography. The map is touch sensitive. Touching pictures on the map triggers bespoke aud...

Aide Memoire

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., & Dylan, T. H. (2018)
Aide Memoire. In L. Hall, T. Flint, S. O'Hara, & P. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of BHCI 2017https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.69
The Aide Memoire is a fully realised product constructed from discarded testing equipment. Born out of a series of creative sessions exploring the broad theme of interactivity...

Expanding the Child Visitor Experience – mixing realities in a contemporary sculpture park

Presentation / Conference
Hall, L., Flint, T., & Mitsche, N. (2018, May)
Expanding the Child Visitor Experience – mixing realities in a contemporary sculpture park. Paper presented at 2nd International Research Symposium in Tourism Hospitality & Events
This research considers how the visitor experience could be enhanced through intertwining and blending the real and virtual, creating a new mixed reality that extended and add...

Designing Mixed Reality Experiences and Pedagogies on the NYC High Line

Presentation / Conference
O’Keefe, B., Flint, T., Friedman, E., & Benyon, D. (2018, October)
Designing Mixed Reality Experiences and Pedagogies on the NYC High Line. Poster presented at Celebration of Scholarship
No abstract available.
5 results

Let's Play Wester Hailes: Community Produced Video Games of Edinburgh

2021 - 2022
This project aims to engage children and young people with the computer games industry. Working with WHALE Arts we will build games and upload them onto bespoke arcade machines. The games created wi...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £25,708

IIDI & Jupiter Artland Foundation

2011 - 2011
This project involved developing audio guides for Jupiter Artland.  A traditional audio guide was developed, including introductions of the work and discussions from the artists.  Alongside this was a...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,992

Festival UK 2022

2020 - 2021
This is an application for a funded R&D process to develop a bid for Festival 2022. Festival UK* 2022 will be ten open, original, optimistic, large-scale and extraordinary acts of public engagement t...
Funder: The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport | Value: £4,800

Creative Coin

2021 - 2022
This project uses data and technology to design a “Creative Coin”, an alternative currency as a method for exploring the contributory value of the Creative Industries to a Circular Economy.
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £5,380

What Do Dovecot Weavers Do All Day?

2016 - 2016
Dovecot and the ENU team are exploring innovative digital solution for visitors to experience the work of weavers without disturbing the concentrated work required for tapestry weaving. With the creat...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,524
9 results

Dr Tom Flint awarded prestigious R&D funding

16 November 2020
Dr Tom Flint from the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University has been named as a member of one of the groups in the funded R&D phase of Festival UK 2022.

School of Computing Hosts Easter Egg hunt online in Jupiter Artland in Minecraft

11 April 2020
Children from across Scotland gathered together in virtual space for an Easter Egg hunt hosted in Jupiter Artland in Minecraft during the lockdown.

MEmorial Project awarded Edinburgh Futures Institute Funding

23 June 2019
In June 2019 the MEmorial team completed a two week development workshop, to follow on from this initial research, funded by an Edinburgh Futures Institute Research Award. The workshop culminated in a...

MEmorial Project awarded prestigious residency

19 October 2018
The MEMorial Project, has been awarded a residency at the Museum of Loss and Renewal Collomachia Italy.

Tom Flint to talk at Edinburgh Informatics HCI Group

20 February 2018
Tom Flint will be discussing his work with Jupiter Artland in a talk titled An infrastructure for exploring the mixed reality continuum with children: Minecraft, Mixed Reality, and Jupiter Artland. T...

Appropriation Affordance and Minecraft Invited talk by Tom Flint

24 November 2017
Tom Flint gave a seminar for The Centre for Research in Digital Education titled Appropriation Affordance and Minecraft: What the methods people use to navigate Minecraft tell us about approaches to t...

Tom Flint to demonstrate VR application at The National Gallery London

28 July 2017
Tom Flint will be accompanying weavers from Dovecot Tapestry Studio at a workshop held at the National Gallery London.

Android Mixed Reality Game for Jupiter Artland launched at Edinburgh International Science Festival.

31 March 2017
A bespoke Android game based on the Jupiter Artland Minecraft Experience was launched at a special event today.

The Jupiter Artland Minecraft Experience

3 April 2016
A virtual version of Jupiter Artland in Minecraft was launched at Edinburgh International Science Festival.