4 results

Road Users’ Behavior at Marked Crosswalks on Channelized Right-Turn Lanes at Intersections in the State of Qatar

Journal Article
Muley, D., Kharbeche, M., Downey, L., Saleh, W., & Al-Salem, M. (2019)
Road Users’ Behavior at Marked Crosswalks on Channelized Right-Turn Lanes at Intersections in the State of Qatar. Sustainability, 11(20), https://doi.org/10.3390/su11205699
At non-signalized marked crosswalks, pedestrian priority is neither well-defined nor well acknowledged by drivers. This paper presents the findings of an investigation on both...

The Relationships between Social Deprivation, Pedestrian and Driver Actions and Exposure in Road Casualty Accidents at Mid-Block Crossings

Journal Article
Downey, L., Saleh, W., Kharbeche, . M., & Muley, D. (2018)
The Relationships between Social Deprivation, Pedestrian and Driver Actions and Exposure in Road Casualty Accidents at Mid-Block Crossings. Smart Highways, 6(1), 46-52
In July 2002, the UK Department for Transport enhanced its road safety targets to specifically tackle the significantly higher number of casualty accidents that occur in disad...

Pedestrian crashes at priority controlled junctions, roundabouts and signalised junctions: The UK case study

Journal Article
Downey, L. (2019)
Pedestrian crashes at priority controlled junctions, roundabouts and signalised junctions: The UK case study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(3), 308-313. https://doi.org/10.1080/15389588.2019.1574972
Objectives: Over half of pedestrians killed and seriously injured in Great Britain in 2015 were involved in crashes at junctions. This study investigates the nature of these c...

ITS related pedestrian crossing features at signalised intersections.

Presentation / Conference
Downey, L., Saleh, W., Kharbeche, M. & Muley, D. (2017, October)
ITS related pedestrian crossing features at signalised intersections. Presented at IEEE ITSC 2017, Japan


