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23 results

Contextual grounding in CVE design.

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2001)
Contextual grounding in CVE design. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14, (30-38). ISSN 1054-7460
A proper respect for eventual context of use is crucially important for the success of virtual environments destined for real-world organisations, yet is frequently absent fro...

Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation

Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2017)
Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation. Design Journal, 20(sup1), S3966-S3974.
The diffusion and democratisation of computing technologies and physical prototyping systems has supported the rise of Do-It-Yourself culture. In the context of design innovat...

The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments.

Journal Article
McCall, R., Benyon, D., Smyth, M., O'Neill, S., McCall, R., & Carroll, F. (2006)
The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(6), 668-687.
This paper describes the design, application, and refinement of a qualitative tool designed to study sense of place. The Place Probe incorporates a range of stimuli and techni...

Ontology Based Business Simulations

Journal Article
Farrenkopf, T., Guckert, M., Urquhart, N., & Wells, S. (2016)
Ontology Based Business Simulations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19(4),
Within business games there is a need to provide realistic feedback for decisions made, if such business games are to continue to remain relevant in increasingly complex busin...

Narratives of new media in Scottish households: the evolution of a framework of enquiry.

Journal Article
Davenport, E., Higgins, M., & Somerville, I. (2000)
Narratives of new media in Scottish households: the evolution of a framework of enquiry. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51, 900-912.
The authors describe a study of the social dynamics of new media in Scottish households. The evolving project drew on dialogues with multiple household members elicited in gro...

Constructing and Evaluating Visualisation Task Classifications: Process and Considerations

Journal Article
Kerracher, N., & Kennedy, J. (2019)
Constructing and Evaluating Visualisation Task Classifications: Process and Considerations. Computer Graphics Forum, 36(3), 47-59.
Categorising tasks is a common pursuit in the visualisation research community, with a wide variety of taxonomies, typologies, design spaces, and frameworks having been develo...

Automated responsive web services evolution through generative aspect-oriented component adaptation

Journal Article
Liu, X., Feng, Y., & Kerridge, J. (2008)
Automated responsive web services evolution through generative aspect-oriented component adaptation. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 31(1/2), 83-93.
When building service oriented systems, it is often the case that existing web services do not perfectly match user requirements in target systems. To achieve smooth integrati...

General and craniofacial development are complex adaptive processes influenced by diversity

Journal Article
Hart, E., Brook, A. H., Brook-O'Donnell, M., Hone, A., Hughes, T., & Smith, R. (2014)
General and craniofacial development are complex adaptive processes influenced by diversity. Australian Dental Journal, 59(S1), 13-22.
Complex systems are present in such diverse areas as social systems, economies, ecosystems and Biology and, therefore, are highly relevant to dental research, education and pr...

Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space

Journal Article
Smyth, M., Trigueiros, P., Helgason, I., Coelho, A., Gallacher, S., Burrows, A., …Penha, R. (2015)
Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 25, 813-816
Preface to the focus section: Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space Cities are exciting and people continue to be drawn to urban areas beca...

Presence in blended spaces

Journal Article
Benyon, D. (2012)
Presence in blended spaces. Interacting with Computers, 24, 219-226.
Mixed reality technologies have been around for over ten years but it is only with the proliferation of smart phones and tablet (computers) that mixed and augmented reality in...