25 results

Isolation of Indigenous Hydrocarbon Transforming Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soils in Libya: Selection for Use as Potential Inocula for Soil Bioremediation

Journal Article
Hakima, A., & Ian, S. (2017)
Isolation of Indigenous Hydrocarbon Transforming Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soils in Libya: Selection for Use as Potential Inocula for Soil Bioremediation. International journal of environmental bioremediation & biodegradation, 5(1), 8-17. https://doi.org/10.12691/ijebb-5-1-2
The Libyan oil industry has left a significant legacy of contamination and methods are required to remediate oil-contaminated soils in the area. In this work hydrocarbon utili...

Genome and proteome analysis of phage E3 infecting the soil-borne actinomyceteRhodococcus equi: Rhodococcusbacteriophage E3

Journal Article
Salifu, S. P., Vázquez-Boland, J. A., Salifu, S. P., Valero-Rello, A., Campbell, S. A., Inglis, N. F., …Vázquez-Boland, J. A. (2013)
Genome and proteome analysis of phage E3 infecting the soil-borne actinomyceteRhodococcus equi: Rhodococcusbacteriophage E3. Environmental microbiology reports, 5(1), 170-178. https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-2229.12028
We report on the characterization and genomic analysis of bacteriophage E3 isolated from soil and propagating in Rhodococcus equi strains. Phage E3 has a circular genome of 14...

Estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of statistical methodology

Journal Article
Manoukian, S., Stewart, S., Dancer, S., Graves, N., Mason, H., McFarland, A., …Reilly, J. (2018)
Estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of statistical methodology. Journal of Hospital Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhin.2018.06.003
Background Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) affects millions of patients worldwide. HAI is associated with increased healthcare costs, owing primarily to increased hospit...

Morphology and molecular systematic of marine gregarines (Apicomplexa) from Southwestern Atlantic spionid polychaetes

Journal Article
Rueckert, S., Glasinovich, N., Diez, M., Cremonte, F., & Vázquez, N. (2018)
Morphology and molecular systematic of marine gregarines (Apicomplexa) from Southwestern Atlantic spionid polychaetes. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 159, 49-60. doi:10.1016/j.jip.2018.10.010
Gregarines are a common group of parasites that infect the intestines of marine invertebrates, and particularly polychaetes. Here, we describe for the first time four gregarin...

Quantifying the relative effect of environmental contamination on surgical ward MRSA incidence: An exploratory analysis

Journal Article
Lee, X. J., Pettitt, A. N., & Dancer, S. J. (2018)
Quantifying the relative effect of environmental contamination on surgical ward MRSA incidence: An exploratory analysis. Infection, Disease & Health, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idh.2018.02.005
Background: To investigate and quantify the contribution of environmental contamination towards methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) incidence observed in a hosp...

Investigation of STM3071 as a potential regulator of cobalt transport in Salmonella enterica

Piotrowska, A. A. Investigation of STM3071 as a potential regulator of cobalt transport in Salmonella enterica. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1253543
Using bioinformatics we have identified stm3071 as a possible regulator of anaerobically induced genes involved in metal homeostasis (Price-Carter et al., 2001) and the aim of...

Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes

Journal Article
Adl, S. M., Bass, D., Lane, C. E., Lukeš, J., Schoch, C. L., Smirnov, A., …Zhang, Q. (2019)
Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 66(1), 4-119. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeu.12691
This revision of the classification of eukaryotes follows that of Adl et al., 2012 [J. Euk. Microbiol. 59(5)] and retains an emphasis on protists. Changes since have improved ...

How Does a Photocatalytic Antimicrobial Coating Affect Environmental Bioburden in Hospitals?

Journal Article
Reid, M., Whatley, V., Spooner, E., Nevill, A. M., Cooper, M., Ramsden, J. J., & Dancer, S. J. (2018)
How Does a Photocatalytic Antimicrobial Coating Affect Environmental Bioburden in Hospitals?. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 39(4), 398-404. https://doi.org/10.1017/ice.2017.297
BACKGROUND The healthcare environment is recognized as a source for healthcare-acquired infection. Because cleaning practices are often erratic and always intermittent, we hyp...

Spatial zoning of microbial functions and plant-soil nitrogen dynamics across a riparian area in an extensively grazed livestock system

Journal Article
de Sosa, L. L., Glanville, H. C., Marshall, M. R., Williams, A. P., Abadie, M., Clark, I. M., …Jones, D. L. (2018)
Spatial zoning of microbial functions and plant-soil nitrogen dynamics across a riparian area in an extensively grazed livestock system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 120, 153-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.02.004
Anthropogenic activities have significantly altered global biogeochemical nitrogen (N) cycling leading to major environmental problems such as freshwater eutrophication, biodi...

Waddlia chondrophila Infects and Multiplies in Ovine Trophoblast Cells Stimulating an Inflammatory Immune Response

Journal Article
Wheelhouse, N., Coyle, C., Barlow, P. G., Mitchell, S., Greub, G., Baszler, T., …Longbottom, D. (2014)
Waddlia chondrophila Infects and Multiplies in Ovine Trophoblast Cells Stimulating an Inflammatory Immune Response. PLOS ONE, 9(7), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0102386
BACKGROUND Waddlia chondrophila (W. chondrophila) is an emerging abortifacient organism which has been identified in the placentae of humans and cattle. The organism is a mem...