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Lipophilicity profiling and cell viability assessment of a selected panel of endocrine disruptors

Journal Article
Russo, G., Piccolo, M., Neri, I., Ferraro, M. G., Santamaria, R., & Grumetto, L. (2023)
Lipophilicity profiling and cell viability assessment of a selected panel of endocrine disruptors. Chemosphere, 313, Article 137569.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals widely used worldwide by industries in a variety of applications. Routinely exposure to these chemicals, even if at low doses, can cause dam...

Health help-seeking by men in Brunei Darussalam: masculinities and ‘doing’ male identities across the life course.

Journal Article
Idris, D. R., Forrest, S., & Brown, S. (2019)
Health help-seeking by men in Brunei Darussalam: masculinities and ‘doing’ male identities across the life course. Sociology of health and illness, 41(6), 1071-1087.
Using data collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with 37 adult men living in Brunei Darussalam, this paper explores how masculinities and ex...

Diversity, biomass and ecosystem processes in the marine benthos.

Journal Article
Bolam, S. G., Fernandes, T., & Huxham, M. (2002)
Diversity, biomass and ecosystem processes in the marine benthos. Ecological monographs, 72, (599-615). doi:10.1890/0012-9615(2002)072[0599:DBAEPI]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0012-9615
Recent studies in terrestrial, plant-dominated systems have shown that reductions in diversity can affect essential ecosystem processes, especially productivity. However, the ...

Analysis of small sided games training in elite youth soccer players.

Gilogley, W. Analysis of small sided games training in elite youth soccer players. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The aim of this study was to investigate small sided games (SSGs) field size (small, large) effect on elite youth soccer players. Analysing differences in youth age group play...

Citrullination Alters the Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Activities of the Human Cathelicidin LL-37 During Rhinovirus Infection

Journal Article
Casanova, V., Sousa, F. H., Shakamuri, P., Svoboda, P., Buch, C., D'Acremont, M., …Barlow, P. G. (2020)
Citrullination Alters the Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Activities of the Human Cathelicidin LL-37 During Rhinovirus Infection. Frontiers in Immunology, 11,
Human rhinoviruses (HRV) are the most common cause of viral respiratory tract infections. While normally mild and self-limiting in healthy adults, HRV infections are associate...

Rolling rhythms in front crawl swimming with six-beat kick

Journal Article
Psycharakis, S. G., Sanders, R. H., Sanders, R., & Psycharakis, S. (2009)
Rolling rhythms in front crawl swimming with six-beat kick. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(3), 273-279.
The purpose of this study was to establish the rhythm characteristics of skilled front crawl swimmers using a six-beat kick. These included the amplitudes of the first three F...

Early Adaptations to a Two-Week Uphill Run Sprint Interval Training and Cycle Sprint Interval Training

Journal Article
Kavaliauskas, M., Jakeman, J., & Babraj, J. (2018)
Early Adaptations to a Two-Week Uphill Run Sprint Interval Training and Cycle Sprint Interval Training. Sports, 6(3), 72.
This study sought to compare early physiological and performance adaptations between a two-week cycle sprint interval training (SIT) and uphill run sprint training (UST) progr...

Engaging young working class men in the delivery of sex and relationships education

Journal Article
Brown, S., & McQueen, F. (2020)
Engaging young working class men in the delivery of sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 20(2), 186-201.
Despite a substantial body of research on young people’s wishes about the content and delivery of sex and relationships education (SRE), studies still indicate dissatisfaction...

Sociological Tools for Improving Women's Representation and Experiences in Strength and Conditioning Coaching

Journal Article
Lord, R., & Kavaliauskas, M. (2022)
Sociological Tools for Improving Women's Representation and Experiences in Strength and Conditioning Coaching. Strength and Conditioning Journal,
Women are underrepresented in strength and conditioning (S&C) coaching, arguably more so than women in sport coaching. They account for approximately 6-16% of strength and con...

A comment on 'The adaptive value of gluttony: predators mediate the life history trade‐offs of satiation threshold' by Pruitt & Krauel (2010)

Journal Article
Postma, E., Gonzalez‐Voyer, A., & Holman, L. (2021)
A comment on 'The adaptive value of gluttony: predators mediate the life history trade‐offs of satiation threshold' by Pruitt & Krauel (2010). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(12), 1989-1993.
Inspection of the data that accompany Pruitt and Krauel's study of individual variation in satiation threshold and a comparison of these data with the Materials and Methods an...