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88 results

A software tool for evaluating navigation.

Conference Proceeding
McCall, R., & Benyon, D. (1997)
A software tool for evaluating navigation. In Proceedings of WebNet World Conference on the WWW and Internet 1999, 1723
Traditional methods of usability evaluation ignore some aspects related to navigation. In contrast the navigation in information space paradigm sees the user as situated withi...

PhotoPal: companionship, sharing and the digital echo.

Conference Proceeding
Mival, O., O'Keefe, B., Bradley, J., Roa-Seiler, N., & Benyon, D. (2008)
PhotoPal: companionship, sharing and the digital echo. In Proceedings of CHI Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos Workshop
This short paper introduces the research of the 14 partner, EU Framework 6 project, COMPANIONS. It focuses on the development of PhotoPal, a multimodal system harnessing the c...

How to tackle auditory interface aesthetics? Discussion and case study

Conference Proceeding
LePlâtre, G., & McGregor, I. (2004)
How to tackle auditory interface aesthetics? Discussion and case study. In Proceedings of ICAD 04-Tenth Meeting of the International Conference on Auditory Display, Sydney, Australia, July 6-9, 2004
This paper discusses the importance of auditory interface aesthetics and presents an empirical investigation of sound aesthetics in context. The theoretical discussion examine...

Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis.

Book Chapter
Priss, U. (2005)
Linguistic applications of formal concept analysis. In B. Ganter, G. Stumme, & R. Wille (Eds.), Formal Concept Analysis, Foundations and Applications, 149-160. Springer-Verlag.
Formal concept analysis as a methodology of data analysis and knowledge representation has potential to be applied to a variety of linguistic problems. First, linguistic appli...

Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Kresin, F., Balestrini, M., Unteidig, A. B., Lawson, S., …Dourish, P. (2018)
Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research. In CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Falling costs and the wider availability of computational components, platforms and ecosystems have enabled the expansion of maker movements and DIY cultures. This can be cons...

The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments.

Journal Article
McCall, R., Benyon, D., Smyth, M., O'Neill, S., McCall, R., & Carroll, F. (2006)
The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(6), 668-687.
This paper describes the design, application, and refinement of a qualitative tool designed to study sense of place. The Place Probe incorporates a range of stimuli and techni...

Designing blended spaces: historical echoes, testing a framework for digital tourism.

Journal Article
Ayan, S., & Benyon, D. (2014)
Designing blended spaces: historical echoes, testing a framework for digital tourism. International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design, 7(2), 1-12
This work relates heavily to blended space theory and the trajectories approach previously done in this field. Imaz and Benyon have introduced the ideas of conceptual blending...

The REAL Corpus: a crowd-sourced corpus of human generated and evaluated spatial references to real-world urban scenes

Conference Proceeding
Bartie, P., Mackaness, W., Gkatzia, D., & Rieser, V. (2016)
The REAL Corpus: a crowd-sourced corpus of human generated and evaluated spatial references to real-world urban scenes. In 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
We present a newly crowd-sourced data set of natural language references to objects anchored in complex urban scenes (In short: The REAL Corpus – Referring Expressions Anchore...

Wizard of Oz experiments for Companions.

Conference Proceeding
Bradley, J., Mival, O., & Benyon, D. (2009)
Wizard of Oz experiments for Companions. In Proceedings British HCI 2009, (313-317
Wizard of Oz experiments allow designers and developers to see the reactions of people as they interact with to-bedeveloped technologies. At the Centre for Interaction Design ...

Responsive environments, place and presence.

Journal Article
McCall, R., O'Neill, S., Carroll, F., Benyon, D., & Smyth, M. (2005)
Responsive environments, place and presence. PsychNology journal, 3, 34-74
This paper examines the effect that changing arena (i.e. an immersive CAVE or head mounted display) and adding an augmented barrier has on the sense of place and presence in t...