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52 results

Impact of 5g telematics

Journal Article
Thuemmler, C., Jell, T., Nunna, S., & Jumelle, A. K. L. (2015)
Impact of 5g telematics. Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management,
New technologies such as wearable wireless medical devices are transforming the way healthcare is delivered. As these devices become more powerful and numerous, the daunting c...

Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things

Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things. doi:10.2759/26127. ISBN 978-92-79-15088-3
Description of the DACAR project and its aims and objectives

Health 4.0: Application of Industry 4.0 Design Principles in Future Asthma Management .

Book Chapter
Thuemmler, C., & Bai, C. (2017)
Health 4.0: Application of Industry 4.0 Design Principles in Future Asthma Management . In Health 4.0: How Virtualization and Big Data are Revolutionizing Healthcare, 23-37. (1). BMC
No abstract available.

Specification for Generic Enablers as Software

Conference Proceeding
Brogan, J. P., & Thuemmler, C. (2014)
Specification for Generic Enablers as Software. In 2014 11th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 129-136. doi:10.1109/itng.2014.51
Generic Enablers are a specialism of software engineering. They are components used for providing reusable building blocks that enable the construction of applications for fut...

Review of Coding for Success implementation

Thuemmler, C. & Buchanan, B. (2010)
Review of Coding for Success implementation. London: UK Department of Health
Coding for Success was published in 2007 and described how bar coding and similar technologies can be used to improve patient safety, reduce costs and improve efficiency. This...

Trust-by-Design: Evaluating Issues and Perceptions within Clinical Passporting

Journal Article
Abramson, W., van Deursen, N. E., & Buchanan, W. J. (2020)
Trust-by-Design: Evaluating Issues and Perceptions within Clinical Passporting. Blockchain in Healthcare Today, 3,
A substantial administrative burden is placed on healthcare professionals as they manage and progress through their careers. Identity verification, pre-employment screening an...

Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems

Journal Article
Shahzad, B., Orgun, M. A., & Thuemmler, C. (2016)
Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems. Mobile Information Systems, 2016, 1-2.
Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems

Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis

Conference Proceeding
Grigoriadis, N., Bakirtzis, C., Politis, C., Danas, K., & Thuemmler, C. (2016)
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis. In 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom). , (100-104).
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and variable disease in matters of symptoms, clinical course and outcome. The ultimate goal of currently used drugs and therapeutic strategies ...

IoT analytics: collect, process, analyze and present massive amounts of operational data - research and innovation challenges.

Barnaghi, P., Bauer, M., Biswas, A. R., Botterman, M., Cheng, B., Cirillo, F., …Volk, M. (2015)
IoT analytics: collect, process, analyze and present massive amounts of operational data - research and innovation challenges. In Vermesan, O. & Friess, P. (Eds.). Building the Hyperconnected Society : IoT research and innovation value chains, ecosystems and markets. Volume 43, 1-331. River Publisher. ISBN 9788793237988, 9788793237995
IoT analytics: collect, process, analyze and present massive amounts of operational data - research and innovation challenges.

Relevant 5G Application Scenarios in the Health Domain

Conference Proceeding
Thuemmler, C. (in press)
Relevant 5G Application Scenarios in the Health Domain. In Proceedings of IEEE 5G and Beyond Testbed Workshop
No abstract available.
10 results

e-Health Security Infrastructure Evaluation

2012 - 2012
IIDI is working with Patient Reminders Limited supported the SFC Innovation Voucher scheme.  Patient Reminders Limited provides patient reminder products and solutions for use in clinical studies, ph...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,979


2013 - 2015
New ideas are on the way to make healthcare more accurate, more affordable and matching the needs of our changing societies. Demographic changes, progress in technology and in medicine offer options t...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £532,920

PEPS-C software for Prosody

2009 - 2009
This IIDI project led by Alistair Lawson investigates the feasibility of developing a prototype Flash-based version of PEPS-C (Profiling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication).  This is a test w...
Funder: Queen Margaret University | Value: £7,460

Personal health data manager

2012 - 2013
This SE/RSE Enterprise Fellowship aimed to commercialise intellectual property owned by Edinburgh Napier University related to e-Health data management into an end-user product. The project paved the ...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £32,926

Data Capture and Auto Identification Reference

2009 - 2011
This project relates to the research collaboration between Edinburgh Napier University, CipherLab, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, GS1 UK, Imperial College, and Kodit, and is funded through a resear...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £227,172


2014 - 2014
Weight management is a key health issue within Scotland. The focus of this project is to develop an intelligent online platform for weight management.  The project will use artificial intelligence met...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Scalable and Open Framework for Human/Digital Trust between Informal/Formal Personal Health Care Infrastructures

2011 - 2013
This project extends the e-Health Cloud-based Platform, and integrates with assisted living. The project integrates Edinburgh Napier University, Microsoft and HoIP, and has created a novel governance ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £243,325

Trust and Governance Integration into Living It Up (Sitekit)

2013 - 2014
Funder: Scottish Funding Council

CM2000 Follow On

2014 - 2014
Investigation of Big Data applied into Health and Social Care
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £40,000


2014 - 2015
The project has successfully defined the long-term requirements of the solution and also produced a prototype implementing on of these requirements
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000