9 results

Impact of Ubiquitous Real-Time Information on Bus Passenger Route Choice

Islam, M. F. Impact of Ubiquitous Real-Time Information on Bus Passenger Route Choice. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1508471
Over the last decade, Ubiquitous Real-time Passenger Information (URTPI) has become popular among public transport passengers. The effectiveness of URTPI and hence the value o...

Developing a framework for standardising and harmonising intermodal terminal concession contracts.

Presentation / Conference
Monios, J., & Bergqvist, R. (2015, June)
Developing a framework for standardising and harmonising intermodal terminal concession contracts. Paper presented at 4th Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures, Florence
Much effort goes into planning of freight infrastructure to achieve government policy aims of modal shift, and governments (and government-backed infrastructure managers and r...

Travel Plans: a critical comparison of the application of land use planning processes in England & Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Llewellyn, R., Tricker, R., & Paton, D. (2013, August)
Travel Plans: a critical comparison of the application of land use planning processes in England & Scotland. Paper presented at 6th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management, Dalian, China

Better for everyone: an approach to multimodal network design considering equity.

Journal Article
Camporeale, R., Caggiani, L., Fonzone, A., & Ottomanelli, M. (2016)
Better for everyone: an approach to multimodal network design considering equity. Transportation Research Procedia, 19, 303-315. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.090
We propose a formulation of the Network Design Problem (NDP) to support transport planners in dealing with multimodal networks in contexts characterised by different (and some...

Strategy Choice in Transit Networks

Conference Proceeding
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J. D., Kurauchi, F., & Hassan, S. (2013)
Strategy Choice in Transit Networks. In 10th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)

Structure of mobility phenomenon: outcomes of an exploratory analysis with techniques of non-linear multivariate analysis.

Presentation / Conference
Colonna, P., d'Amoja, S. & Fonzone, A. (2005, September)
Structure of mobility phenomenon: outcomes of an exploratory analysis with techniques of non-linear multivariate analysis. Paper presented at 3rd SIIV International Congress, Bari, Italy

Social economic factors influencing transport supply and demand: a conceptual framework and some evidences from statistical analysis.

Presentation / Conference
Colonna, P. & Fonzone, A. (2001, January)
Social economic factors influencing transport supply and demand: a conceptual framework and some evidences from statistical analysis. Paper presented at AIPCR and IRC International Seminar on Sustainable Development in Road Transport, New Delhi, India

Mobilità e infrastrutture di trasporto: verso uno sviluppo come promozione delle opportunità.

Colonna, P. & Fonzone, A. (2002)
Mobilità e infrastrutture di trasporto: verso uno sviluppo come promozione delle opportunità. Durban, South Africa: Le Strade, Special Issue for XXII AIPCR World Road Congress, Italian Report

Strategy choice in transit networks.

Presentation / Conference
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J., Kurauchi, F. & Hemdan, S. (2012, July)
Strategy choice in transit networks. Paper presented at CASPT12 - Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport, Santiago, Chile