12 results

Make-Believing Animated Films Featuring Digital Humans: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Online Sources

Journal Article
Hetherington, R., & McRae, R. (2017)
Make-Believing Animated Films Featuring Digital Humans: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Online Sources. Animation, 12(2), 156-173. https://doi.org/10.1177/1746847717710738
A qualitative inquiry of reviews of films featuring digital humanlike characters was performed by sampling user comments from three online reviewer aggregator sites: the Inter...

The creative producer – the business of art or the art of business?

Conference Proceeding
MacPherson, R. (2003)
The creative producer – the business of art or the art of business?. In A. Sharma (Ed.), Beyond the theory of practice : CILECT conference
No abstract available.

The believability of hyper realistic characters in animated movies.

Conference Proceeding
Hetherington, R. (2015)
The believability of hyper realistic characters in animated movies. https://doi.org/10.1145/2814464.2814478
In a pilot study, participants were asked to watch sets of short movie excerpts featuring performances of a human actor, and 5 animated characters of varying human likeness an...

An Affordance-based Framework for CVE Evaluation

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2002)
An Affordance-based Framework for CVE Evaluation. In X. Faulkner, J. Finlay, & F. Détienne (Eds.), People and Computers XVI - Memorable Yet Invisible, 89-103. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0105-5_6
We argue that a conceptual framework is required to support the practical evaluation of collaborative virtual environments. We propose such a framework based on an extended, t...

Seeing the wood for the trees

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., Rogers, A. R., Turner, S., & Ellman, J. (1996)
Seeing the wood for the trees. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Proceedings : 3rd ERCIM Workshop on "User Interfaces for All", 1-6
This paper describes the work in progress of the TREE project. TREE is a European-funded language engineering project addressing the issue of advertising and accessing employm...

Is Activity Theory an adequate account of the use of multiple artefacts in cooperative working?

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., Turner, S., & Horton, J. (1998)
Is Activity Theory an adequate account of the use of multiple artefacts in cooperative working?. In P. Wright, & R. Fields (Eds.), The Proceeding of the Second International Workshop on Understanding Work and Designing Artefacts

Where am I? Place as the basis for Presence.

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2002)
Where am I? Place as the basis for Presence. In P. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Workshop on Space, Spatiality and Technologies

Users as abstractions

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P. (2003)
Users as abstractions. In K. Horton, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Understanding sociotechnical action : workshop proceedings, 31-39
No Abstract available.

Enactive appropriation

Journal Article
Flint, T., & Turner, P. (2016)
Enactive appropriation. AI & society, 31(1), 41-49. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-015-0582-y
The appropriation of digital artefacts involves their use, which has changed, evolved or developed beyond their original design. Thus, to understand appropriation, we must und...

Cui Bono?

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (1999)
Cui Bono?. In Proceedings of the 1st French-British Virtual Reality International Workshop
No abstract available.