13 results

Virtualizing the real: a virtual reality contemporary sculpture park for children

Journal Article
Flint, T., Hall, L., Stewart, F., & Hagan, D. (2018)
Virtualizing the real: a virtual reality contemporary sculpture park for children. Digital Creativity, 29(2/3), 191-207. https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2018.1511601
This paper discusses a virtual reality experience for a contemporary sculpture park, Jupiter Artland, developed in Minecraft targeting 9-11-year-old children. Issues of fideli...

“This is amazing, I’m in two worlds!” A multiple reality game designed with children for children.

Presentation / Conference
Flint, T. (2017, September)
“This is amazing, I’m in two worlds!” A multiple reality game designed with children for children. Paper presented at IPA 2017

The Ensoulment of Virtual Space Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging With a Sculpture Park

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., Turner, P., & Banach, A. (2016)
The Ensoulment of Virtual Space Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging With a Sculpture Park. In J. C. Read, & P. Stenton (Eds.), IDC '16 Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. , (680-683). https://doi.org/10.1145/2930674.2938613
This is a demonstration of a Minecraft facsimile of Jupiter Artland, a sculpture park on the outskirts of Edinburgh. With the cooperation of primary school children we develop...

Let’s Play the Arcade Machines

Conference Proceeding
Stewart, F., Flint, T., Grandison, T., Webster, G., & Tyrie, C. (2022)
Let’s Play the Arcade Machines. In Proceedings of the 35th British HCI and Doctoral Consortium 2022, UK. https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2022.46
“Let’s Play the Arcade Machines” showcases games made by children in schools in the Wester Hailes area of Edinburgh. The project aims to expose the children to a constructioni...

Looking at technology with Parkour eyes.

Presentation / Conference
Flint, T., & Turner, P. (2014, June)
Looking at technology with Parkour eyes. Paper presented at Interaction Design and Children, Aarhus University, Denmark
This workshop paper discusses the theme of repurposing and its relationship to appropriation. By centering on the social, cultural aspect of appropriation we link it to afford...

Mixing and re-purposing realities.

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., Hall, L., & Stewart, F. (2018)
Mixing and re-purposing realities. https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2018.39
This paper discusses a mixed reality that intertwines two parallel spaces, a real and a virtual contemporary sculpture park. With the goal to create a game that motivated chil...

Psychogeography With Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Barrett-Duncan, H. (2018, July)
Psychogeography With Technology. Presented at 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI), Belfast
This submission is a co-created map of Wester Hailes which draws from methods of psychogeography. The map is touch sensitive. Touching pictures on the map triggers bespoke aud...

Designing for mixed reality with children

Presentation / Conference
Flint, T. (2017, May)
Designing for mixed reality with children. Paper presented at Researching with and for children: Place, pedagogy and play, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland

Digi-Mapping: Unpacking Meaning of Place Through Creative Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Jamieson, K. (2021, February)
Digi-Mapping: Unpacking Meaning of Place Through Creative Technology. Paper presented at Cultural Heritage and Social Impact: Digital Technologies for Inclusion and Participation, Online
Examining heritage can provide opportunities for marginalised communities to consider and valorise both their collective past and the relationality of more personal and mundan...

Digi-Mapping: Unpacking meaning of place through Creative Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., Jamieson, K., & Muir, L. (2020, August)
Digi-Mapping: Unpacking meaning of place through Creative Technology. Paper presented at ACHS 2020 FUTURES – Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, University College London, UK
Personal meaning attached to space through digital media gives rise to contested narratives and reveals a polyvocality of place (Farman, 2018). Attributing meaning or ensoulme...