21 results

Relating Innovative 2D Ideas into 3D Garments in Terms of Structure, Using ‘Sculptural Form Giving’ as an Intermediate Step in Creation.

Conference Proceeding
Kalkreuter, B., Vettese-Forster, S. & Huang, Y. C. (2010)
Relating Innovative 2D Ideas into 3D Garments in Terms of Structure, Using ‘Sculptural Form Giving’ as an Intermediate Step in Creation
This research focuses on finding a fashion design methodology to reliably translate innovative two-dimensional ideas on paper, via a structural design sculpture, into an inter...

Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences

Presentation / Conference
Stoltenberg, E., Firth, R., & Taks, M. (2017, September)
Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences. Paper presented at 19th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE 2017), Oslo, Norway
To prepare students for their future careers in a globalizing society, several large-scale higher education student and staff exchange programmes focus on international collab...

Defamiliarisation, Brecht and Criticality in Graphic Design

Buwert, P. (2016)
Defamiliarisation, Brecht and Criticality in Graphic Design. In Modes of Criticism 2: Critique of Method, 25-38. ISBN 9789279734762
Our lives are habitual. We habitualise what is familiar in order to be able to function day to day, and through this a vast chunk of our living becomes automatic. The process ...

Examining the Professional Codes of Design Organisations

Conference Proceeding
Buwert, P. (2018)
Examining the Professional Codes of Design Organisations. In C. Storni, K. Leahy, M. McMahon, P. Lloyd, & E. Bohemia (Eds.), Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2018: Catalyst, 172-186
Many of the professional organisations within the various fields of design activity publish professional codes of ethics in one form or another. This paper opens up a discussi...

(In)tangib/es: Sociocultural references in the design process milieu.

Strickfaden, M. (In)tangib/es: Sociocultural references in the design process milieu. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6201
This thesis broadly engages with the design process and design education, but focuses particularly on sociocultural and (in)tangible references that are communicated verbally,...

The chemical effect of filtered visible light on light-sensitive dyes

Presentation / Conference
Quye, A., Han, J., & Innes, M. (2016, October)
The chemical effect of filtered visible light on light-sensitive dyes. Poster presented at Dyes in History and Archaeology 35 (DHA35), Pisa, Italy
Despite best efforts to remove damaging UV and short wavelength light from museum displays, dyes on historical textiles can still fade or change colour if visible light causes...

Learning from the locals: how can co-design support malaria education in a post-colonial environment?

Journal Article
MacLeod, M., & Macdonald, I. (2018)
Learning from the locals: how can co-design support malaria education in a post-colonial environment?. Design for Health, 2(1), 163-185. doi:10.1080/24735132.2018.1451676
Designing for social good framed within an ethical practice has a long tradition informed by the democratic philosophy of John Dewey, but more recently it has been acknowledge...

Evaluating historic graffiti based on cultural significance and definitions of art

Journal Article
Vettese-Forster, S., & Forster, A. M. (2012)
Evaluating historic graffiti based on cultural significance and definitions of art. Journal of European Popular Culture, 2, 113-128. https://doi.org/10.1386/jepc.2.2.113_1
Many examples of historic graffiti have been shown to be worthy of attention and conservation. The examples discussed in this article have been selected for their previous aca...

Hybrid Practices in Moving Image Design

Macdonald, I. (2016)
Hybrid Practices in Moving Image Design. (1). Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41375-4
This book, written from the perspective of a designer and educator, brings to the attention of media historians, fellow practitioners and students the innovative practices of ...

Hong Kong design and Sino-American trade negotiations.

Turner, M. (2003)
Hong Kong design and Sino-American trade negotiations. In K. Law, & K. Lee (Eds.), The Economy of Hong Kong in Non-Economic Perspectives, 130-141. Oxford (Asia
My article considers how ‘originality and imitation’ in design is perceived as an intrinsic quality, but may be better understood as a relative quality when viewed from the pe...



