12 results

Impact of Ubiquitous Real-Time Information on Bus Passenger Route Choice

Islam, M. F. Impact of Ubiquitous Real-Time Information on Bus Passenger Route Choice. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1508471
Over the last decade, Ubiquitous Real-time Passenger Information (URTPI) has become popular among public transport passengers. The effectiveness of URTPI and hence the value o...

Modelling behavioural responses to tolling by microsimulation

Martínez del Rincón, E. M. Modelling behavioural responses to tolling by microsimulation. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/8855
Over the past few decades there has been a renewed interest in road pricing. This has come about due to the increasing realisation of the negative effects of unrestrained car ...

Competition and complementarity between seaports and hinterlands for locating distribution activities.

Monios, J., Notteboom, T., Wilmsmeier, G. & Rodrigue, J. (2016)
Competition and complementarity between seaports and hinterlands for locating distribution activities
A locational duality in port-related distribution activities is emerging. In some regions, distribution activities have moved from ports to inland locations, driven in part by...

Developing a framework for standardising and harmonising intermodal terminal concession contracts.

Presentation / Conference
Monios, J., & Bergqvist, R. (2015, June)
Developing a framework for standardising and harmonising intermodal terminal concession contracts. Paper presented at 4th Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures, Florence
Much effort goes into planning of freight infrastructure to achieve government policy aims of modal shift, and governments (and government-backed infrastructure managers and r...

Regeneration friend or foe? - issues with national congestion pricing

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (2005)
Regeneration friend or foe? - issues with national congestion pricing. Scotregen, 4-5
There has been support for the Minister for Transport, Alistair Darling, as he took the major step of proposing trials for a national Road User or Congestion Charging scheme. ...

Expansion of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) and its influence on modal split: the case of Edinburgh.

Journal Article
Rye, T., Cowan, T., & Ison, S. (2007)
Expansion of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) and its influence on modal split: the case of Edinburgh. Transportation Planning and Technology, 29(1), 75-89. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081060600585368
This article considers the inter-relationship between on-street parking and choice of mode for journeys to work in the Scottish city of Edinburgh. This city is typical of many...

Modelling vehicle emissions using the TEMIS program: part 2 case studies.

Journal Article
Saleh, W., & Nelson, J. D. (1998)
Modelling vehicle emissions using the TEMIS program: part 2 case studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 212(3), 205-212
Many challenges are associated with the ever increasing level of energy consumption and the damage to the environment caused by the pollutants from all sectors. On the local l...

Achieving access to work, improved social inclusion and reducing rural access costs.

Presentation / Conference
Cooper, U., Nelson, J. D., Wright, S., & Cooper, J. A. (2010, April)
Achieving access to work, improved social inclusion and reducing rural access costs. Paper presented at Scottish Transport Applications and Research (STAR) Conference, Glasgow
The paper considers the contribution that focused Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) may make to the delivery of improved access to work in rural Scottish locations. Whilst acc...

The production of capitalist “smooth” space in global port operations

Journal Article
Wilmsmeier, G., & Monios, J. (2015)
The production of capitalist “smooth” space in global port operations. Journal of Transport Geography, 47, 59-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.06.016
New developments in a post-Fordist economic environment have changed the source of port competitiveness from economies of scale based on basic production factors (capital, lan...

Using a “virtual joint venture” to facilitate the adoption of intermodal transport.

Journal Article
Monios, J., & Bergqvist, R. (2015)
Using a “virtual joint venture” to facilitate the adoption of intermodal transport. Supply chain management, 20(5), 534-548. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-02-2015-0051
Purpose The supply chain literature discusses various models of supply chain collaboration and integration. When applied to logistics, each has been shown to exhibit different...