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248 results

PyDentity: A playground for education and experimentation with the hyperledger verifiable information exchange platform

Journal Article
Abramson, W., Papadopoulos, P., Pitropakis, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2021)
PyDentity: A playground for education and experimentation with the hyperledger verifiable information exchange platform. Software Impacts, 9,
PyDentity lowers the entry barrier for parties interested in experimenting with the Hyperledger’s verifiable information exchange platform. It enables educators, developers an...

Behaviour reflects personality: detecting co-residence attacks on Xen-based cloud environments

Journal Article
Pitropakis, N., Pikrakis, A., & Lambrinoudakis, C. (2015)
Behaviour reflects personality: detecting co-residence attacks on Xen-based cloud environments. International Journal of Information Security, 14(4), 299-305. doi:10.1007/s10207-014-0255-8
Cloud computing is gradually becoming the most popular option of Information Technology infrastructures. However, an important issue that has emerged through that revolution i...

Towards The Creation of A Threat Intelligence Framework for Maritime Infrastructures

Conference Proceeding
Pitropakis, N., Logothetis, M., Andrienko, G., Karapistoli, I., Stephanatos, J., & Lambrinoudakis, C. (2020)
Towards The Creation of A Threat Intelligence Framework for Maritime Infrastructures. In Computer Security: ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, CyberICPS, SECPRE, SPOSE, and ADIoT (53-68).
The maritime ecosystem has undergone through changes due to the increasing use of information systems and smart devices. The newly introduced technologies give rise to new att...

Towards a Security Enabled and SOA-based QoS (for the Smart Grid) Architecture

Journal Article
Chrysoulas, C., & Pitropakis, N. (2018)
Towards a Security Enabled and SOA-based QoS (for the Smart Grid) Architecture. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, 4(12), 153551.
QoS and Security features are playing an important role in modern network architecures. Dynamic selection of services and by extension of service providers are vital in today’...

Hiding in Plain Sight: A Longitudinal Study of Combosquatting Abuse

Conference Proceeding
Kintis, P., Miramirkhani, N., Lever, C., Chen, Y., Romero-Gómez, R., Pitropakis, N., …Antonakakis, M. (2017)
Hiding in Plain Sight: A Longitudinal Study of Combosquatting Abuse. In CCS '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Domain squatting is a common adversarial practice where attackers register domain names that are purposefully similar to popular domains. In this work, we study a specific typ...

Cloud Security, Privacy, and Trust Baselines

Book Chapter
Pitropakis, N., Katsikas, S., & Lambrinoudakis, C. (2016)
Cloud Security, Privacy, and Trust Baselines. In Cloud Computing Security Foundations and Challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group
According to ISO 27001, a threat is a potential event. When a threat turns into an actual event, it may cause an undesirable incident. It is undesirable because the incident...

The Greater The Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse: Facing Malicious Insiders in The Cloud

Conference Proceeding
Pitropakis, N., Lyvas, C., & Lambrinoudakis, C. (2017)
The Greater The Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse: Facing Malicious Insiders in The Cloud. In C. Becker Westphall, Y. Woo Lee, B. Duncan, R. Ege, A. Olmsted, M. Vassilakopoulos, …S. Katsikas (Eds.), CLOUD COMPUTING 2017 - The Eighth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization
The financial crisis made companies around the world search for cheaper and more efficient solutions to cover their needs in terms of computational power and storage. Their qu...

Predicting Malicious Insider Threat Scenarios Using Organizational Data and a Heterogeneous Stack-Classifier

Conference Proceeding
Hall, A. J., Pitropakis, N., Buchanan, W. J., & Moradpoor, N. (2019)
Predicting Malicious Insider Threat Scenarios Using Organizational Data and a Heterogeneous Stack-Classifier. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
Insider threats continue to present a major challenge for the information security community. Despite constant research taking place in this area; a substantial gap still exis...

The Far Side of Mobile Application Integrated Development Environments

Conference Proceeding
Lyvas, C., Pitropakis, N., & Lambrinoudakis, C. (2016)
The Far Side of Mobile Application Integrated Development Environments. In S. Katsikas, C. Lambrinoudakis, & S. Furnell (Eds.), Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 111-122.
Smart phones are, nowadays, a necessity for the vast majority of individuals around the globe. In addition to the ubiquitous computing paradigm supported by such devices, ther...

Information literacy in Scotland: making it mainstream.

Journal Article
Crawford, J., Irving, C., & Smith, L. (2015)
Information literacy in Scotland: making it mainstream. CILIP Update, 41-43
How the Right Information an online community of practice, is bringing together information professionals and representatives from other professions to promote information lit...
6 results

Next Generation Trust Architecture

2018 - 2020
This work will provide proof-of-concept infrastructures and which will be used to create an ecosystem for strong use cases, and thus attract new funding for the building of new health and social care ...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £149,959

Reliable Internet of Things based monitoring & Surveillance in Oil & Gas Fields (RsIoT)

2015 - 2017
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and Internet of things are among the top potential new technologies that dramatically alter the world and the way we live and work. Indeed, in recent decades, the need ...
Value: £66,635

Building new research partnerships with the Qatari Institutions

2012 - 2012
This short research visit aims at building research collaborative links with the Texas A & M University at Qatar and the University of Qatar
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £1,700

The Sound Beneath Our Feet

2022 - 2022
This project will develop an immersive audio installation in which to experience sonified seismic data from volcanic activity. The environment will foster new ways of experiencing data from both scien...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,915

Trisent: Innovation Voucher for Personal Context Data Project

2018 - 2018
This is a small project to initiate an engagement following an unsuccessful application for a larger Data Lab project. Trisent’s core technology is called the Personal Context Management System (PCM...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

ENSEMBLE Performing Together Apart: Enhancing Immersive Multi-Location Co-Performance in Real Time

2018 - 2018
The feeling of being immersed within a live performance by an ensemble of world class musicians can be a deeply engaging and highly valued cultural experience for audiences as well as for the performe...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £58,268
5 results