11 results

Accuracy and precision of wearable inertia sensor during a free-weight back squat.

Presentation / Conference
Kavaliauskas, M., Morrison, A., & Potts, N. (2018, July)
Accuracy and precision of wearable inertia sensor during a free-weight back squat. Poster presented at 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
INTRODUCTION: Previous research investigating the validity and reliability of the PUSH™ (PUSH Inc., Toronto, Canada) wearable inertia sensor during a back squat exercise has p...

Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a case study of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) in the context of the EU Push and Pull project

Presentation / Conference
Rye, T. & Llewellyn, R. (2016, November)
Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a case study of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) in the context of the EU Push and Pull project. Paper presented at International workshop on the economics of parking, Barcelona, 28th November 2016, University of Barcelona
Effective parking enforcement is absolutely critical to the effective operation and to the public acceptability of on-street parking policy. Very little empirically-based aca...

Pushing the Boundaries of Medical Device Management: The Keystone Model

Presentation / Conference
Brooks Young, P. (2011, September)
Pushing the Boundaries of Medical Device Management: The Keystone Model. Paper presented at European Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Conference (EMPEC

Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia

Presentation / Conference
Hamilton, M., Gribble, C., & Smith, S. (2017, December)
Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education SRHE, Cardiff, Wales
In Australia and the UK there is growing emphasis on ‘entrepreneurship’ in response to challenging economic circumstances. The current focus on developing ‘entrepreneurial’ ca...

An epidemiological study of injury and illness in the British Skeleton Squad 2009 -2013

Presentation / Conference
Palmer-Green, D., Thomas, H., Danny, H., Chris, P., Kay, R., Rod, J., & Glenn, H. (2014, April)
An epidemiological study of injury and illness in the British Skeleton Squad 2009 -2013. Poster presented at IOC International Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport
Background Injury and illness prevention can have not only athlete health benefits but also potential positive performance gains in elite sport. Valid injury/illness surveilla...

Methodological nationalism and ethnic lens in CEE migration research: A critical reflection

Presentation / Conference
Guma, T. (2022, November)
Methodological nationalism and ethnic lens in CEE migration research: A critical reflection. Paper presented at Migration to/from/within Central and Eastern Europe: Decolonial perspectives on race, gender, sexuality and class, Online
This paper offers a critical reflection on methodological approaches within the field of CEE migration. Drawing on ideas from critical migration studies, I discuss the ways in...

Volunteer tourism in Latin America: Activism, epistemic violence, and/or cultural relativism?

Presentation / Conference
Stanley, P. (2019, February)
Volunteer tourism in Latin America: Activism, epistemic violence, and/or cultural relativism?. Paper presented at 3rd European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Edinburgh
Latin America has a history of “internacionalistas”: outsiders travelling to help resistance efforts against murderous right-wing regimes. In the 1950s and 1960s, Che Guevara ...

How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains

Presentation / Conference
Duddy, D., Weaver, M., & Stantchev, D. (2017, September)
How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains. Paper presented at Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), Southampton Solent University, UK
Purpose This research develops a model similar to that used in Forrester’s ‘Beer Distribution Game’ to understand where uncertainty is generated in humanitarian supply chains....

Do attraction attract tourists?

Presentation / Conference
Chu, A. (2019, May)
Do attraction attract tourists?. Paper presented at 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong
Many studies revealed travelers’ motives to travel a destination but do not answer explicitly what specific features of a destination influence travelers’ decisions. Dann’s (...

Entrepreunership - some views from the UK

Presentation / Conference
McQuaid, R. W., & Greig, M. (2005, March)
Entrepreunership - some views from the UK. Paper presented at Unknown
No abstract available.



