16 results

Collaborating with the Cities can B Movement: The case of Edinburgh can B

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Tan, H. (2021, December)
Collaborating with the Cities can B Movement: The case of Edinburgh can B. Presented at 2021 B Academics Global Community of Practice Conversations, Online
The 2021 B Academics Global Community of Practice Conversations was focused on collaborative experiences in research, teaching and practice. The event showcases how academics ...

Value(s): Taking a Systems/COR Critical Perspective

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Tan, H. (2021, September)
Value(s): Taking a Systems/COR Critical Perspective. Paper presented at OR63: Operational Research Society 63rd Annual Conference, Online
Mark Carney - the former Governor of the Bank of England calls for a new kind of economics and attacks the prevalent neo-liberal paradigm, in his 2021 book, Value(s) Building ...

Integrated soil and water management on smallholder family-farms in building resilience to hydrometeorological hazards in Trinidad

Presentation / Conference
Roop, R., St. Martin, C. C., & Weaver, M. (2021, March)
Integrated soil and water management on smallholder family-farms in building resilience to hydrometeorological hazards in Trinidad. Presented at Caribbean Science Symposium on Water, Online

OR and Grand Challenges: The Future of Mobility and Healthy Aging?

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Barnes, S. (2019, September)
OR and Grand Challenges: The Future of Mobility and Healthy Aging?. Presented at Operational Research Society Conference
When launched in 2017 the future UK Industrial Strategy focused on one shortcoming and four Grand Challenges for the UK as the first industrialised nation. The shortcoming we ...

Towards 'Systemic Sustainability': Assessing the O.R. Contribution

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., Tan, H., & Duddy, D. (2019, September)
Towards 'Systemic Sustainability': Assessing the O.R. Contribution. Paper presented at Operational Research Society Annual Conference
The emerging 'sustainability paradigm' presents challenges and opportunities for the next generation of leaders. However, Howieson, Burnes and Summers (2019) acknowledge that ...

Young People on Boards: Creating a Diverse Talent Pipeline of Young Board Members

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M. (2018, October)
Young People on Boards: Creating a Diverse Talent Pipeline of Young Board Members. Presented at Business in the Parliament Conference 2018, Holyrood, Scottish Parliament
Weaver, M. (2018, October). Young People on Boards: Creating a Diverse Talent Pipeline of Young Board Members. Presented at Business in the Parliament Conference 2018, Holyroo...

Pathways towards charity trusteeship and developing a community of practice in the UK

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Hutchison, J. (2018, September)
Pathways towards charity trusteeship and developing a community of practice in the UK. Paper presented at The Poetics of Leadership: Creativity, Art and Story in Enabliing Meaningful Change
No abstract available.

OR and Grand Challenges: Land, Lakes & Beyond

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M. (2018, September)
OR and Grand Challenges: Land, Lakes & Beyond. Paper presented at The 60th Operational Society Annual Conference
In this session we shall seek to discuss: What “Grand Challenges” face us today and into the future in the areas of Land, Lakes and beyond? What contribution can the OR comm...

Making Boards More Inclusive for All

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M. (2018, May)
Making Boards More Inclusive for All. Presented at Holyrood Policy "Women on Public Boards: Preparing for Equal Representation", NASUWT, Edinburgh
No abstract available. Conference website - https://www.holyrood.com/event/women-public-boards-preparing-equal-representation

Meaningful Engagement for Retail Transformation: Value Co-Creation through Digital Technology and Sustainability Innovation

Presentation / Conference
Legl, C. (2018, May)
Meaningful Engagement for Retail Transformation: Value Co-Creation through Digital Technology and Sustainability Innovation. Poster presented at Edinburgh Napier University Business School annual conference, 2018
Meaningful engagement for retail transformation: value co-creation through digital technology and sustainability innovation Name: Carina Legl (MSc with Distinction in Interna...