28 results

VEZA: An informal network of tourism entrepreneurs.

Journal Article
Skokic, V., Lynch, P., & Morrison, A. (2019)
VEZA: An informal network of tourism entrepreneurs. Annals of Tourism Research, 77, 26-37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2019.05.004
This longitudinal research positioned at the juncture of tourism, entrepreneurship and transition economies studies investigates the specific informal personal network veza of...

Lifestyling Entrepreneurs' Sociological Expressionism

Journal Article
Sweeney, M., Docherty-Hughes, J., & Lynch, P. (2018)
Lifestyling Entrepreneurs' Sociological Expressionism. Annals of Tourism Research, 69, 90-100. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2018.01.006
This study explores the tourism host-home relationship investigated through documentary analysis of photographs choreographed through mutual negotiation between hosts and rese...

Mundane welcome: Hospitality as life politics

Journal Article
Lynch, P. (2017)
Mundane welcome: Hospitality as life politics. Annals of Tourism Research, 64, 174-184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2017.04.001
This research explores the experience of mundane welcome and elaborates the emergent concept, ‘hospitality life politics’ (HLP), referring to hospitality practises invoked by ...

Community non-participation in homestays in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India

Journal Article
Sood, J., Lynch, P., & Anastasiadou, C. (2017)
Community non-participation in homestays in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India. Tourism Management, 60, 332-347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.12.007
An upsurge in popularity of homestays has provided newer economic opportunities to remote Indian Himalayan communities. Despite the benefits homestays offer, their acceptance ...

In search of inhospitable knowledge.

Journal Article
Skokic, V., Lynch, P., & Morrison, A. (2016)
In search of inhospitable knowledge. Hospitality and Society, 6(1), 31-54. https://doi.org/10.1386/hosp.6.1.31_1
The aim of this article is to discuss the key issues which have had significant influence on a PhD research student journey from positivism to interpretivism and the subsequen...

Hotel entrepreneurship in a turbulent environment

Journal Article
Skokic, V., Lynch, P., & Morrison, A. (2016)
Hotel entrepreneurship in a turbulent environment. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 53, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2015.11.008
This paper aims to explore the factors that stimulate entrepreneurship among small hotels in a former socialist economy which experienced a turbulent economic and social trans...

Family perspectives on social hospitality dimensions while on holiday

Journal Article
Lynch, P. A., Schänzel, H. A., Schanzel, H., & Lynch, P. (2016)
Family perspectives on social hospitality dimensions while on holiday. Tourist Studies, 16(2), 133-150. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468797615594742
This article focuses on neglected social hospitality dimensions of food and accommodation on family holidays. Holidays signify concentrated periods of family time not only all...

Political (in)stability and its influence on tourism development.

Journal Article
Causevic, S., & Lynch, P. (2013)
Political (in)stability and its influence on tourism development. Tourism Management, 34, 146-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2012.04.006
This paper explores ways in which the context of economic and social renewal in the aftermath of political conflict affects tourism development. The primary research took plac...

Phoenix tourism: Post-Conflict Tourism Role

Journal Article
Causevic, S., & Lynch, P. (2011)
Phoenix tourism: Post-Conflict Tourism Role. Annals of Tourism Research, 38, 780-800. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2010.12.004
This paper explores the processes affecting tourism development following a major political conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The adopted critical theory analytical ap...

"My Home Is My Castle": Defiance of the Commercial Homestay Host in Tourism

Journal Article
McIntosh, A., Lynch, P., & Sweeney, M. (2011)
"My Home Is My Castle": Defiance of the Commercial Homestay Host in Tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 50, 509-519. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287510379160
The intrinsic nature of small tourism business provision has rarely been captured in previous literature, but it has recently gained momentum within scholarly discourse explor...