How it works

Graduate Apprenticeships (GA) are designed to meet specific employer skills needs in Scotland.  They are a great way to upskill current staff or attract new and emerging talent to your business.

The below will give you a better understanding of how it works:

  • Graduate Apprentices work with you full-time, studying with us either on a day or block release basis (see course details below for more info)
  • Apprentices must work a minimum of 21 hours per week
  • University time must be included within your apprentice’s contracted working hours
  • Courses commence annually in August-September
  • Entry requirements are flexible and can take into account relevant work experience
  • Maximum length of degree is 4 years – advanced entry is available subject to application
  • Learning costs are fully funded, however employers must pay a salary (we recommend at least the National Living Wage). Travel and subsistence costs are not covered by SAAS funding
  • You do not have to pay the Apprenticeship Levy in order to be eligible
  • Graduate Apprentices must have settled status and have been living in the UK for at least three years immediately before the start of their course.  They must also reside in Scotland and be over 16 years of age on the day the course starts, and for the duration of their Graduate Apprenticeship.  Visit the SAAS website for more information on funding eligibility.
  • You make the decision on who joins the course, subject to their meeting entry requirements.  We do not carry a database of applicants to ‘place’ into your business
  • Graduate Apprentices need a workplace mentor. See our page on Graduate Apprenticeship mentoring
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