Sighthill has everything you need for an amazing experience at university, from specialist labs and high-tech learning spaces to an elite sports facilities and a bustling cafe and canteen to catch up with friends.

Specialist Laboratories 

Our specialist facilities support our applied approach to learning, as students get the opportunity to work hands on in our bioscience, psychology and sport science laboratories. The labs have recently completed an upgrade and offer all the equipment needed for teaching and research.

Biological Sciences

We have labs for molecular biology and microbiology, biomedicine, environmental, animal and marine biology, as well as medicinal chemistry. Students can access a confocal microscope, molecular and protein biology equipment, a Class II containment facility for cell line and virus work, nanomaterial handling and characterisation equipment, and a histology section.

There are also biofuel research labs and facilities for assessing bioremediation in waste water and environmental biology laboratories, which allow studies into fresh water species and terrestrial animals.

Psychology and Social Sciences  

Purpose-built psychology labs present excellent opportunities for supporting practical work and research. In addition to a specialist computer lab equipped with experiment generating and analysis software, we have specialist labs for perception, eye-tracking, observation of social interaction, Bio-Pac and measuring Event-Related Potentials.

We have numerous experimental testing and interview rooms supported by state of the art video cameras and editing facilities.

Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

We have 5 purpose built, interconnected, and dedicated Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences labs for teaching, collecting and interpreting data and carrying out research. Within these spaces we use gold standard equipment, which is currently being used in an applied setting. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Lode Excalibur Sport Bike Ergometer
  • Woodway ELG Treadmill
  • Sysmex XN-350 Haemotology Analyser
  • Artinis NIRS - Octamon, PortaMon & PortaLite
  • EKF Diagnostics Biosen C-Line Glucose and Lactate Monitor
  • Cortex Metalyser 3B (x 4)
  • Kistler Force Plates (Fixed and Portable)
  • Delsys Trigno Avanti and Quattro EMG System
  • Theia Markerless Motion Capture System

We pride ourselves on giving our students a very hands-on approach, allowing them to use up to date methods which they can utilise when becoming Sport, Exercise and Health Science practitioners.

Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences Research Lab

This is where our Post Graduate students carry out their research. In this lab we utilise various ergometers to carry out physiological assessments such as breath by breath analysis and ECG stress tests. Furthermore, we undertake haematology analysis, vascular ultrasound and near infrared spectrometry within this space.

Human Performance Laboratory

This is our main laboratory, used for teaching, research and consultancy work. Using various ergometers, we can undertake a plethora of physiological and performance tests, each tailored to the individual participant, or researchers needs. We house, amongst other equipment, 4 metabolic carts, a blood lactate/glucose analyser, heart rate monitors, and 4 blood pressure monitors that can be used specifically during exercise testing.

Environmental Performance Laboratory

In our environmental performance laboratory we can manipulate the conditions to the needs of the athlete(s) or researcher. Our students get to investigate first-hand the effect of extreme conditions on human physiology, with the ability to change the conditions to 50°c, -10°c, and up to 95% humidity. We can also lower the oxygen content of the lab to replicate the conditions at altitudes of over 5000m, the same as Everest Base Camp. We  use this space to help prepare athletes for some of the most gruelling events on the planet, including ultramarathons thorough the Sahara Desert and Amazon Jungle.

Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation Laboratory

Recovery strategies and interventions are always a hot topic within performance sport. In this laboratory we can investigate the latest techniques being used in an applied setting to optimise recovery and rehabilitation. Our students can use our wet area to investigate the effect of cryotherapy or hot water immersion, test specific muscle groups on our state of the art isokinetic dynamometer, or test the benefits of different massage tools and techniques.

Biomechanics Laboratory

Two motion capture systems, including the first Theia markerless Motion capture system in Scotland, are the standout pieces of equipment in our state-of-the-art Biomechanics lab. We can also integrate and sync force plates and electromyography to collect and analyse a holistic biomechanical data set. We have worked with professional rugby, cricket, and football players within this space to help them both understand their own mechanics and also make marginal, but transformative improvements in their performance.

Field Testing

Alongside our Sport, Exercise and Health Science Laboratories, we also utilise numerous field-based testing methods. This again includes equipment that is currently used within performance sport, such as speed and reaction time analysis (Witty Timing Gates/SEM system), Jump/Power analysis (Optojump) and performance analysis (Veo Camera, Hudl Sportscode).

Learning Experience  

We are the #1 University in Edinburgh for overall student satisfaction for five years in a row (NSS 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024), so we know a thing or two about supporting our students to achieve their goals. 

Getting Ready for Employment

At the School of Applied Sciences, we are pioneering projects that will make you more employable after graduation. We have excellent graduate employment rates and are committed to empowering women in science and society. You’ll also have opportunities to study abroad or get a placement in an industrial lab.


Learn in an environment that places value in applied and impactful research. We were ranked the number one Scottish modern university for research power and research impact (REF 2021). Our researchers are covering topics including animal and plant scienceeducation and pedagogy, nano safety, mountain biking and much more. 

Explore the School of Applied Science research to get a feel for what we do here. 

Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

Sighthill is home to excellent places to study individually or in groups, including our five-storey Learning Resource Centre (LRC), with library and IT facilities plus stunning views over Edinburgh! 

Health, Fitness and Sports


Our [EN]GAGE sports facility caters for all levels of fitness and our facilities are here for everyone to enjoy, with a range of wheelchair-accessible equipment. We offer modern equipment and facilities to provide a fitness experience that’s invigorating, flexible and fun. Our facilities include a fitness suite, fitness classes, a sports hall and fitness consultations. 

Dual Career 

We help student athletes maximise success in both their sport and their studies through our Dual Career Policy. In recognition of our Dual Career support for talented athletes in full-time education, Edinburgh Napier University is the only university in Scotland to be accredited by the UK government's Talented Athletes Scholarship Scheme (TASS).


With the strongest economy in the UK outside London and regular awards for being the best city in the UK, Edinburgh is a great place to live, work and study.

Life science research in Edinburgh is among the best in the world. Across the city, researchers are making a difference in areas such as biotechnology, animal welfare and bio-infomatics.

As well as Edinburgh Napier, there are specialist science parks around the city home to cutting-edge life science companies’ collaborating with global organisations on new technology and improving lives.