Andrew Livingstone
Andrew Livingstone

Dr Andrew Livingstone




8 results

Transforming Timber

Digital Artefact
Hairstans, R., Plowas, W., Livingstone, A., Connell-Skinner, K., Cramer, M., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Seminara, P. Transforming Timber. [Website content]

Hairstans, R., Plowas, W., Livingstone, A., Connell-Skinner, K., Cramer, M., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Seminara, P. Transforming Timber. [Website content]
The construction materials used since the industrial revolution now dominate the sector. This is one of the leading causes of our current climate crisis. We need alternative s...

Automated code compliance for structural timber design with building information modelling

Livingstone, A. Automated code compliance for structural timber design with building information modelling. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This work set out to identify and overcome the barriers to specifying structural timber within the UK. In the first instance, a survey of practising structural engineers was c...

Offsite Ready Booklets

Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., Henquel, V., Leitch, K., Stinson, J., Plant O'Toole, E., …Ferriz-Papi, J. A. (2020)
Offsite Ready Booklets. Edinburgh: Construction Industry Training Board

Automatic code compliance with multi-dimensional data fitting in a BIM context

Journal Article
Patlakas, P., Livingstone, A., Hairstans, R., & Neighbour, G. (2018)
Automatic code compliance with multi-dimensional data fitting in a BIM context. Advanced engineering informatics, 38, 216-231.
BIM-based tools can contribute to addressing some of the challenges faced by structural engineering practitioners. A BIM-based framework for the development of components that...

Timber Connections

Presentation / Conference
Livingstone, A. (2016, September)
Timber Connections. Presented at CPD Seminar Structural Timber Enfgineering, Stirling, Scotland
Timber Connections Design theory to Eurocode 5, including a demonstration of how to undertake value engineering.

Multi-dimensional data fitting for the structural design of a simple timber connection

Conference Proceeding
Livingstone, A., Patlakas, P., Milne, M., Smith, S., & Hairstans, R. (2016)
Multi-dimensional data fitting for the structural design of a simple timber connection. In M. Pöll, A. Fadai, W. Winter, & J. Eberhardsteiner (Eds.), WCTE 2016 e-book : containing all full papers submitted to the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), (2037-2044
This paper presents a novel method of automating the structural design of timber connections and ensuring code compliance within a Building Information Modelling (BIM) context...

A BIM platform for offsite timber construction.

Conference Proceeding
Patlakas, P., Livingstone, A., & Hairstans, R. (2015)
A BIM platform for offsite timber construction
This paper discusses the potential of a BIM platform for offsite timber construction within the context of the UK construction industry. It examines the benefits, limitations,...

The Case for Mass Customisation of Structural Timber Design

Conference Proceeding
Livingstone, A., Menendez, J., Leitch, K., & Hairstans, R. (2015)
The Case for Mass Customisation of Structural Timber Design. .
This paper reports on the potential of timber for structural applications in the international construction market, particularly in the light of its environmental credentials ...

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