Antoine Reguis
antoine reguis

Antoine Reguis

Research Assistant


Antoine is a PhD candidate in the Scottish Energy Centre. He is graduated from Aix-Marseille University (MBA - 1999) and from the Institute for Applied Science in Lyon (INSA) in Civil Engineering and Building Physics (MRes - 1998). Antoine worked in the real estate in France before joining Napier University and the Scottish Energy Centre in May 2017. Antoine worked (2017) for The City of Edinburgh Council as a KTP Associate to develop scenarios to decarbonise public building stock by 2050. This work led the Council to adopt PassivHaus standard for all new schools. His current research is focused on the implementation of 4th generation district heating in Scotland (PhD) with Vattenfall Heat UK as an industry partner. Other area of research are Wastewater Heat Recovery and decarbonisation strategies for the building sector.

He raised more than £340K in research and consultancy projects since joining the Scottish Energy Centre.

Antoine is teaching Renewable Energy Finance (Msc) and is a regular guest speaker in Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes.


Conference Organising Activity

  • Conference: "Community heating networks"/ Fringe Festival


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Speaker - Decarbonisation of Public Buildings in Edinburgh by 2050, Scotland Build, SEC Glasgow, March 2019


Public/Community Engagement

  • Building retrofit, Heat pumps, Heat Network (Workshop)
  • Invited speaker at Edinburgh Association of Community Councils
  • Workshop with High School students


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