Elaine Carnegie
Elaine Carnegie

Dr Elaine Carnegie



A healthcare professional with over 25 years’ experience spanning healthcare, academic and third sector arenas. Training and experience include research and policy, healthcare management, general nursing, psychiatric nursing, learning disability nursing and drug counselling complimented by Master of Medical Science in Primary and Community Care and Nursing Doctorate.


Membership of Professional Body

  • NMC The Nursing and Midwifery Council



29 results

Are nurses proactive about minimising their exposure to second hand tobacco smoke (SHS)

Presentation / Conference
Roberts, N. J., MacNicol, Y., carnegie, E., O'Donnell, R., & Semple, S. (2024, May)
Are nurses proactive about minimising their exposure to second hand tobacco smoke (SHS). Poster presented at 12th IPCRG World Conference, Athens, Greece

Ambient Air Pollution and Chronic kidney disease risk in Deltan communities: A Policy Brief, 2023

Journal Article
Okoye, O., Carnegie, E., & Mora, L. (online)
Ambient Air Pollution and Chronic kidney disease risk in Deltan communities: A Policy Brief, 2023. F1000Research, https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.145904.1
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a persistent, devastating, yet neglected, non-communicable disease in developing and emerging countries. National, regional, and international ...

Air Pollution and Chronic Kidney Disease Risk in Oil and Gas- Situated Communities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal Article
Okoye, O. C., Carnegie, E., & Mora, L. (2022)
Air Pollution and Chronic Kidney Disease Risk in Oil and Gas- Situated Communities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Public Health, 67, Article 1604522. https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2022.1604522
Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed at synthesising epidemiological data on the association between long-term air pollution and kidney-related outcomes i...

Is Population Density Associated with Non-Communicable Disease in Western Developed Countries? A Systematic Review

Journal Article
Carnegie, E. R., Inglis, G., Taylor, A., Bak-Klimek, A., & Okoye, O. (2022)
Is Population Density Associated with Non-Communicable Disease in Western Developed Countries? A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052638
Over the last three decades, researchers have investigated population density and health outcomes at differing scale. There has not been a systematic review conducted in order...

Does living in areas of relatively high population density, within western developed countries, increase one's risk of developing non-communicable disease? A systematic review of the literature

Carnegie, E. (2019)
Does living in areas of relatively high population density, within western developed countries, increase one's risk of developing non-communicable disease? A systematic review of the literature
Elaine Carnegie. Does living in areas of relatively high population density, within western developed countries, increase one's risk of developing non-communicable disease? A ...

Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to Analyze Young Women’s Constructions of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., Todorova, I., Petrova, D., Carnegie, E., & Whittaker, A. (2018)
Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to Analyze Young Women’s Constructions of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine. Sage Research Methods Cases, https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526440235
This case study introduces the reader to Foucauldian discourse analysis (FDA) as applied to a cross-cultural project around young women’s constructions of the Human Papillomav...

Report of Public Engagement Event, October 11 2016

Carnegie, E. (2018)
Report of Public Engagement Event, October 11 2016. Edinburgh Napier University
This research study was conducted in 2015. The aim was to understand the views and experiences of the HPV vaccine in order to inform policy and practice. The researchers condu...

Socio-environmental Health. Exploring risk and resource spaces within urban environments. An interdisciplinary enquiry.

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Reid, A., Deakin, M., & Inglis, G. (2018, September)
Socio-environmental Health. Exploring risk and resource spaces within urban environments. An interdisciplinary enquiry. Paper presented at Space and Poverty (Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research
Regenerative spaces (good for health, environment and the planet) are essential for human flourishing. Findings from previous research suggest an association between spatial p...

Just and Sustainable Places: Extending the Boundaries of Socio-environmental Health.

Presentation / Conference
Elaine, C., & Inglis, G. (2017, November)
Just and Sustainable Places: Extending the Boundaries of Socio-environmental Health. Paper presented at U!REKA Edinburgh 2017: Towards a Research and Education Strategy
Background: Ecological public health encompasses the complex relationship between environment and health - protecting the physical environment and its inhabitants from contami...

An interdisciplinary approach to community environmental health: Exploring socio-environmental relations

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E. (2017, November)
An interdisciplinary approach to community environmental health: Exploring socio-environmental relations. Poster presented at Second BSA conference on Society, Environment and Human Health, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, Cardiff
Background: Land use and distribution of resources and power result in spatial patterning such as residential segregation and population density, as well as social and health ...

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