Isam Wadhaj
Isam Wadhaj

Dr Isam Wadhaj



Isam (PhD, MSc, BEng, FHEA) is a Lecturer and researcher in the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University. He holds a BEng degree in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems and MSc in Advanced Networking from Edinburgh Napier University. Isam was awarded his PhD from Edinburgh Napier University in August 2022. His teaching role has involved lecturing across a range of subject areas including Computer Systems and Network Security, Networking, Mobile Computing and Security Systems for IoT at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Isam holds Cisco CCNA, CCNP qualification.
In addition, Isam has been involved in supervising Honours, summer interns and MSc.
He developed a cloud-based virtualization platform for the teaching and training of Security to both on-campus and distance learning students.
Isam focuses on Internet of things, Iot Security, Routing Protocols and Cross Layer Design, Wireless Body Area Networks and E-Health and Wireless Networks research. He has published many quality scholarly articles. His most recent research has been published in several highly-cited IEEE Access, MDPI journals and IEEE international conferences.


Editorial Activity

  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Security and Privacy for IoT Applications in Smart Environments: the journal of Applied Sciences (MDPI).


Fellowships and Awards

  • Best paper award International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ICETIS 2021)



  • International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ICETIS 2021)
  • IEEE Access



15 results

A Comparative Study of VANET Routing Protocols for Safety Applications

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coyle, K., Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., & Ghaleb, B. (2023, November)
A Comparative Study of VANET Routing Protocols for Safety Applications. Presented at 2023 IEEE 28th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Edinburgh
The rapid advancement of vehicular communication technologies has led to the emergence of Vehicular AdHoc Networks (VANETs), which hold immense potential for improving road sa...

A Testing Methodology for the Internet of Things Affordable IP Cameras

Book Chapter
Dzwigala, G., Ghaleb, B., Aldhaheri, T. A., Wadhaj, I., Thomson, C., & Al-Zidi, N. M. (2022)
A Testing Methodology for the Internet of Things Affordable IP Cameras. . Springer.
IP cameras are becoming a cheaper and more convenient option for a lot of households, whether it being for outdoor, indoor security, or as baby or pet monitors. Their security...

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in Oil and Gas Industry: Applications, Requirements and Existing Solutions

Conference Proceeding
Wadhaj, I., Ghaleb, B., & Thomson, C. (2021)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in Oil and Gas Industry: Applications, Requirements and Existing Solutions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems ICETIS 2021: Volume 2 (547-563).
Effective measurement and monitoring of certain parameters (temperature, pressure, flow etc.) is crucial for the safety and optimization of processes in the Oil and Gas Indust...

An RPL based Optimal Sensors placement in Pipeline Monitoring WSNs

Conference Proceeding
Wadhaj, I., Thomson, C., & Ghaleb, B. (2021)
An RPL based Optimal Sensors placement in Pipeline Monitoring WSNs. In Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems: ICETIS 2021 (533-546).
Compared to an ordinary sensor network, Linear Sensor Networks (LSNs) has many applications in a number of areas such as surveillance and monitoring of international boundarie...

A Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Preambling Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node

Journal Article
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2021)
A Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Preambling Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node. Wireless Networks, 27(5), 3423-3439.
Utilising the mobilisation of a sink node in a wireless sensor network to combat the energy hole, or hotspot issue, is well referenced. However, another issue , that of energy...

Towards an Energy Balancing Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node

Journal Article
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2021)
Towards an Energy Balancing Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node. Computer Communications, 170, 50-64.
The issue of energy holes, or hotspots, in wireless sensor networks is well referenced. As is the proposed mobilisation of the sink node in order to combat this. However, as t...

A New Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Dynamic Preambling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network

Conference Proceeding
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Al-Dubai, A., & Tan, Z. (2020)
A New Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Dynamic Preambling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network. In 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)
The issue of energy holes, or hotspots, in wireless sensor networks is well referenced. As is the proposed mobilisa-tion of the sink node in order to combat this. However, as ...

Mitigation Mechanisms Against the DAO Attack on the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL)

Journal Article
Wadhaj, I., Ghaleb, B., Thomson, C., Al-Dubai, A., & Buchanen, B. (2020)
Mitigation Mechanisms Against the DAO Attack on the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). IEEE Access, 8, 43665-43675.
Destination Advertisement Objects (DAOs) are sent upward by RPL nodes toward the DODAG root, to build the downward routing paths carrying traffic from the root to its associat...

Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) in Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node

Conference Proceeding
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2019)
Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) in Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT).
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) the use of Mobile Sink Nodes (MSNs) has been proposed in order to negate the ”hotspot” issue. This where nodes closest to the sink node shal...

Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) A Dynamic Communication Threshold for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network

Journal Article
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2019)
Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) A Dynamic Communication Threshold for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network. Sensors, 19(22),
The hotspot issue in wireless sensor networks, with nodes nearest the sink node losing energy fastest and degrading network lifetime, is a well referenced problem. Mobile sink...

Current Post Grad projects