Servicescape and shopping value: the role of negotiation intention, social orientation, and recreational identity at the Istanbul Grand Bazaar, Turkey
Journal Article
Yalinay, O., Baxter, I. W. F., Collinson, E., Curran, R., Gannon, M. J., Lochrie, S., …Thompson, J. (2018)
Servicescape and shopping value: the role of negotiation intention, social orientation, and recreational identity at the Istanbul Grand Bazaar, Turkey. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 35(9), 1132-1144.
This paper examines the influence of negotiation intention, recreational shopper identity, and social shopping orientation on both servicescape and visitors’ overall shopping ...
An examination of initiation rituals in a UK sporting institution and the impact on group development
Journal Article
Thompson, J., Johnstone, J., & Banks, C. (2018)
An examination of initiation rituals in a UK sporting institution and the impact on group development. European Sport Management Quarterly, 18(5), 544-562.
Research question: This study investigates the impact of initiation rituals on group development. Through the application of chaos theory, we examine how the trajectory of tea...
The traditional marketplace: serious leisure and recommending authentic travel
Journal Article
Curran, R., Baxter, I. W. F., Collinson, E., Gannon, M. J., Lochrie, S., Taheri, B., …Yalinay, O. (2018)
The traditional marketplace: serious leisure and recommending authentic travel. Service Industries Journal, 38(15-16), 1116-1132.
Services reliant on revenue generated from tourism are often beholden to how authentic visitors perceive their offering to be. From a managerial perspective, this is exacerbat...
Negotiation, bargaining, and discounts: generating WoM and local tourism development at the Tabriz bazaar, Iran
Journal Article
Thompson, J., Baxter, I. W. F., Curran, R., Gannon, M. J., Lochrie, S., Taheri, B., & Yalinay, O. (2018)
Negotiation, bargaining, and discounts: generating WoM and local tourism development at the Tabriz bazaar, Iran. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(11), 1207-1214.
This paper examines the effects of negotiation intention, bargaining propensity, and discount satisfaction on word-of-mouth (WoM) behaviours for tourists visiting Tabriz bazaa...
Travelling for Umrah: destination attributes, destination image, and post-travel intentions
Journal Article
Gannon, M. J., Baxter, I. W. F., Collinson, E., Curran, R., Farrington, T., Glasgow, S., …Yalinay, O. (2017)
Travelling for Umrah: destination attributes, destination image, and post-travel intentions. Service Industries Journal, 37(7-8), 448-465.
This paper examines the links between cosmopolitanism, self-identity, and a desire for social interaction on perceived destination image and behavioural intentions. A model wa...
A modern day panopticon: Using power and control theory to manage volunteer tourists in Bolivia
Journal Article
Thompson, J., Curran, R., & O'Gorman, K. D. (2017)
A modern day panopticon: Using power and control theory to manage volunteer tourists in Bolivia. Tourism Management Perspectives, 22, 34-43.
Volunteer tourism literature is yet to examine the impact of power and control practices on volunteer tourist compliancy. This paper contributes to closing this research gap b...