Louise Drumm
louise drumm

Dr Louise Drumm

Associate Professor


I am an Associate Professor in Digital Education in the Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement at Edinburgh Napier University, where I lead the MSc in Blended and Online Education, and lecture on the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education programme. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), and I am an editor for the journal Research in Learning Technology​.

I have led on a number of institutional initiatives, including the Digital Support Partnership project, a cross-university strategic project to support all staff in student engagement in online learning and teaching during the academic year 2020-21 and the short-life working group on Blended Learning in 2022. I am currently engaged in internal and external work on the rapidly developing context of higher education learning, teaching and assessment in the age of generative artificial intelligence.

I have worked in a number of universities in the UK as a learning technologist, academic developer, lecturer and software developer. I am also an experienced theatre director and practitioner, and I like to explore creative approaches to academic practice and development.

My research interests include the relationship between digital education and theory, critical digital pedagogy, open education practices, feminist pedagogies, digital and AI literacies, and academic practice in Higher Education.

I am open to applications for PhDs in the areas of digital education, academic practice, higher education, critical digital and AI literacy, and theories of learning and teaching.

Research Areas



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Member of Expert Reference Group: Exploring the art of the possible in higher education 2035: modelling evidence-informed competing realities.
  • Working group member for defining terms of new Learning Technologist of the Year for Research Award, Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
  • Judge for Learning Technologist of the Year Research Award with the Association for Learning Technology (ALT)


Conference Organising Activity

  • Conference presentation: APT London, June 2023, 'The cat is out of the bag: students' attitudes and experiences of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT
  • Presentation 'The cat is out of the bag: students’ attitudes and experiences of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT.' APT23 conference, Kings College London
  • Conference Workshop: OER23 Inverness 'Guerrilla EdTech responses to Climate Change: Reframing, Rewilding, Reimagining'
  • Presentation: EDEN 2023 'ChatGPT and Me: The Student Voice on Future Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence'
  • Conference presentation: U!reka Amsterdam June, ''ChatGPT and Me' Learning in the age of AI: students' perspectives'
  • Radically reconfigured or just broken? How emergency online teaching has altered staff conceptions of learning and teaching’
  • Conference Presentation: 'Centring active learning online' U!REKA - Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance, 2020 conference with Ingeborg van Knippenberg (DLTE)and Claire Garden (SaS)
  • Conference workshop: “Forum theatre and digital education dilemmas: let's improvise!” ALT Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 3rd Sept 2019,
  • Conference workshop: 'Exploring assessment feedback through forum theatre' SHIFT 2019: Annual Conference of Learning, Teaching & Assessment, The University of Greenwich, 4th January 2019
  • Conference presentation: “But what exactly is @FemEdTech?” Defining an open distributed network, OER19, 10th April 2019, Galway, with Frances Bell and Lou Mycroft,
  • Conference presentation: “I had to put down my cup of tea and sit up”: Private online spaces for active learning” ALT Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 5th Sept 2019, with Martin Compton University of Greenwich,
  • Conference session: “Virtually Connecting fishbowl: a conference hallway conversation for everyone” , Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference, Edinburgh, 18-19th July 2019,
  • Conference presentation: “Building Learning Communities Through Building in a Virtual World (Minecraft)…and then breaking them” DLTE Learning and Teaching Conference, 20th June 2019, Edinburgh
  • Conference Workshop “Forum theatre: creative solutions and critical debate in higher education” SRHE Annual Research Conference 2019, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales, 13th December 2019
  • Conference presentation: 'Current critical debates in open education – where are we at?' OER18, Bristol, 18th-19th April 2018
  • Symposium presentation: 'Theories and practices of teaching with digital technologies at university, so what?' Glasgow Caledonian University, Postgraduate Research Symposium, 5th May 2017
  • Conference presentation: 'Freeing or controlling pedagogies? A rhizomatic view of theory and teaching practices with technology' SRHE Annual Research Conference 2016, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales, 7 December 2016,
  • Programme Committee member: The Next Generation: Digital Learning Research Symposium 2016, Dublin City University, November 2016
  • Symposium presentation: 'The role of theory in digital teaching in universities' The Next Generation: Digital Learning Research Symposium 2016, Dublin City University, November 2016
  • Conference presentation: 'Mapping Digital Technology Teaching Practices: Are we being scholarly?' The Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) EdTech2016 conference, 26th May 2016, Dublin
  • Conference presentation: 'Connections between theory and practice: rhizomatic teaching with digital technologies' ALT Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 7th September 2016
  • Conference paper: '“Is there theory behind practice? Theorising university teaching with digital technologies” '14th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2015, 29-30 October 2015, Hatfield
  • Seminar presentation 'The role of theory in teaching with digital technologies' GCU PhD Community Group Seminar, GCU, 6 Wed, 18 March 2015
  • Seminar Presentation 'What role does theory play in teaching with digital technology in universities?' Glasgow Caledonian University Centre for Lifelong Learning and Research, Tue, 31 March 2015
  • Seminar presentation: 'Navigating Theory: a PhD student’s ongoing journey' SRHE seminar ‘Where does theory come from in the doctoral project?’ GCU, Mon, 8 June
  • Seminar organiser: Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) at Glasgow Caledonian University ‘Where does theory come from in the doctoral project?’ 8th June 2015
  • Conference presentation: 'Theorising lecturer practices with digital technologies: Rhizomatic teaching in a dynamic environment' EdTech2015 Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, ‘Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities’, University of Limerick, Ireland, Thu, 28 May 2015 – Fri, 29 May 2015
  • Conference presentation: What role does theory play in university teaching with digital technologies?' SRHE Annual Research Conference - Newer Researchers conference Tues, 8th December 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales
  • Conference poster: '“Nomads, Barbarians or Roman Soldiers? Lecturers use of digital technologies for teaching' GCU ‘Celebrating Our Research’ - GSBS Research Day, GCU, Mon, 11 May 2015, poster
  • Seminar series co-ordinator: Glasgow Caledonian University's Research in Lifelong Learning Education Research, open seminars, 2015-16
  • Conference presentation: 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: Supporting staff through the transition to Moodle when they’ve already been teaching online for years' MoodleMoot Dublin, April 2013
  • Conference poster: 'Experiencing the Digital City: A co-curricular module to facilitate the enculturation of first year students' 7th Enhancement Themes Annual conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. March 2010
  • Conference presentation: 'Internationalisation and Experiencing the Digital City' Department of Computing and Engineering Research Day, April 2010, Edinburgh Napier University


Editorial Activity

  • Editor of 'Research in Learning Technology' published by the Association for Learning Technology


Fellowships and Awards

  • Awarded Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Learning Teaching and Assessing Award, 2009
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Speaker: Technology-Enhanced Mathematical Sciences Education
  • Invited speaker on 'Opportunities and challenges: AI and ChatGPT in higher education' at Institute of Government & Public Policy
  • Keynote: UHI conference 'Being Present with the Wicked Problem Haunting Higher Education'
  • Invited speaker: ALT Winter Summit Panel 'GenAI and the student experience'
  • Invited speaker: University of Dundee seminar on 'The cat is out of the bag: students’ attitudes and experiences of AI'
  • Invited Speaker: Colleges Development Network 'Preparing for AI'
  • Keynote: UWS June, 'Everything, everywhere, all at once: The challenges of generative AI in Higher Education'
  • Invited speaker: Committee of Heads of University Law Schools (CHULS) 'Preparing for learning and teaching in a post-AI landscape#
  • Invited Speaker: Scottish VPs for Learning & Teaching 'ENU approach to Learning in Post-AI World'
  • Invited Speaker: Hybrid Learning Under the Microscope, QAA member network event
  • Invited Speaker: What’s it even called? Hybrid/ hyflex teaching and meetings: reflections, experiences and possible futures, UCL
  • Invited lecture: National University of Ireland Galway PgDip Teaching Online, 'Theories and approaches to online learning: ENU's experience during Covid-19' 26th February 2021
  • Seminar Speaker: University of Manchester, students on PgCert 'Open Knowledge in Higher Education' Panel member contributing my expertise as an open education practitioner and researcher
  • Invited Speaker: Edinburgh College, presentation entitled 'Digital Pedagogy'
  • Invited Speaker: 'Theatre and pedagogy of the oppressed: applications within Higher Education' Freire at 100 Conference
  • Seminar speaker: Open University, Institute of Education Technology research group seminar ' Building your own map: academic careers in digital education' 25th March 2021
  • Invited lecture: Mary Immaculate College University of Limerick PgCert 'Building Communities of Enquiry online' 11th Nov 2020
  • Invited Speaker, University of the Highlands and Islands Digital Education Week Women's Network seminar, 'Personal stories and womens' academic careers' 22nd January 2021
  • Invited lecture: Technological University (TU) Dublin PgCert 'learning technologies to theory' 16th October 2019
  • Keynote speaker: Durham University Learning & Teaching Conference ‘Re-imagining the curriculum through digital practices’ September 2019
  • Pedagogy before technology? Connections between theory and practice when teaching with digital technologies


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member U!REKA (European university network) Digital Transformation Working Group
  • Member of AdvanceHE Transnational Education Development Group
  • Member of the Association of Learning Technology


Public/Community Engagement

  • Invited speaker for The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Curious - Education in the Post-Covid Era



  • Reviewer for 'Higher Education Pedagogies' journal
  • Reviewer for 'All Ireland Journal of Higher Education'
  • Reviewer for Association for Learning Technology's Annual Conference, September 2019
  • Reviewer for 'Research in Learning Technology' journal
  • Reviewer for Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) Newer Researcher conference, December 2015



10 results

Current Post Grad projects