Stathis Tingas
stathis tingas

Dr Stathis Tingas



Dr Stathis Tingas received a first degree (BScH) in Aeronautical Science from the Hellenic Air Force Academy in Greece in 2005 and a MSc and a PhD in Mechanics from the National Technical University of Athens in Greece in 2012 and 2016, respectively. Before his current appointment, he was an Aircraft Engineer with specialty in jet engines at the Hellenic Air Force (2005-2016), a postdoctoral research associate at KAUST (2016-2019) and a Lecturer in Engineering and Aviation at Perth College UHI (2019-2020).


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • IEA 46th Task Leaders Meeting on Sustainable Combustion
  • Scottish Science Advisory Council (SSAC) and the Scottish Government (SG) Climate Change Policy & Implementation Unit Workshop on Climate Change Plan
  • Member of CIHT's Steering Group on EV Infrastructure policy
  • U!REKA working group member on research cooperation (Sustainable Built/Urban Environment: sustainable construction and materials, energy, digital twinning, transport and logistics)


Conference Organising Activity

  • Chair - H2 and Vectors Policy Forum: Expert Insights
  • Steering committee: 1st International Conference on Digital Technologies in Power System (InDiteP 2024)
  • Chair and Member of the Organising committee - The coming of age of renewable energy
  • Chair and Member of the Organising committee - 7th Annual Electric Vehicle Event


Editorial Activity

  • Guest Editor for Frontiers in Fuels
  • Editorial board member of Energy Engineering, (Tech Science Press)
  • Guest Editor for Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
  • Guest Editor for Energies MDPI
  • Hydrogen for Future Thermal Engines - Springer


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner - University of East London
  • External Examiner - University of Limerick
  • External Examiner - University of West of Scotland


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Panel member for EPSRC's New Horizons call (Materials and Mechanical Engineering Panel)


Grant Reviewer

  • Reviewer for Carnegie's Trust Vacation Scholarship scheme
  • Grant reviewer for the EPSRC


Public/Community Engagement

  • Organiser of the Solar/Wind Energy Workshop
  • Organiser of the Electic Vehicle Workshop



  • Journal reviewer: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
  • Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: Combustion Science and Technology, Taylor and Francis
  • Journal Reviewer: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, SAGE Journals
  • Journal Reviewer: Combustion Theory and Modelling, Taylor and Francis
  • Journal Reviewer: AIP Advances
  • Journal Reviewer: Journal of Energy Engineering, ASCE
  • Journal Reviewer: Combustion and Flame, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: Fuel, Elsevier



76 results

Engine performance and emissions from a fumigated hydrogen/ammonia compression ignition engine with a hydrogen peroxide pilot

Journal Article
Paterson, G., Tingas, E., Hardalupas, Y., & Taylor, A. M. (2024)
Engine performance and emissions from a fumigated hydrogen/ammonia compression ignition engine with a hydrogen peroxide pilot. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 67, 334-350.
The study investigates, numerically, the potential use of introducing aqueous HO as an ignition promoter in a statistically homogeneous NH/H fuelled, medium speed (1250 rpm), ...

8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023)

Conference Proceeding
8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023). In F. Muhammad-Sukki, N. Aini Bani, & E. (. A. Tingas (Eds.), 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023)

Asymptotic analysis of detonation development at SI engine conditions using computational singular perturbation

Journal Article
Dimitrova, I. D., Luong, M., Sanal, S., Tingas, E., & Im, H. G. (in press)
Asymptotic analysis of detonation development at SI engine conditions using computational singular perturbation. Combustion Theory and Modelling,
The occurrence and intensity of the detonation phenomenon at spark-ignition (SI) engine conditions is investigated, with the objective to successfully predict super-knock and ...

Editorial: A glimpse of EVC2023

Journal Article
Muhammad-Sukki, F., Bani, N. A., & Tingas, E. (2023)
Editorial: A glimpse of EVC2023. Transportation Research Procedia, 70, 1-4.
The Editorial describes the main aim and results of the 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC2023) held in Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom ...

Modelling the Transmission of Coxiella burnetii within a UK Dairy Herd: Investigating the Interconnected Relationship between the Parturition Cycle and Environment Contamination

Journal Article
Patsatzis, D. G., Wheelhouse, N., & Tingas, E. (2022)
Modelling the Transmission of Coxiella burnetii within a UK Dairy Herd: Investigating the Interconnected Relationship between the Parturition Cycle and Environment Contamination. Veterinary Sciences, 9(10), Article 522.
Q fever infection in dairy herds is introduced through the transmission of the bacterium Coxiella burnetii, resulting in multiple detrimental effects such as reduction of lact...

Computational investigation of ammonia-hydrogen peroxide blends in HCCI engine mode

Journal Article
Shafiq, O., & Tingas, E. (in press)
Computational investigation of ammonia-hydrogen peroxide blends in HCCI engine mode. International Journal of Engine Research,
The potential use of hydrogen peroxide as an ignition promoter to enable the use of ammonia in compression ignition engines is explored in the current study. A simplified nume...

Numerical analysis of zero-carbon HCCI engine fuelled with steam diluted H2/H2O2 blends

Journal Article
Fernie, O., Megaritis, T., Ganippa, L. C., & Tingas, E. (2022)
Numerical analysis of zero-carbon HCCI engine fuelled with steam diluted H2/H2O2 blends. Fuel, 326, Article 125100.
The addition of hydrogen peroxide and steam to a hydrogen-fuelled HCCI engine was investigated at various fuel lean conditions ( = 0.2–0.6) and compression ratios (15–20) usin...

Computational analysis of an HCCI engine fuelled with hydrogen/hydrogen peroxide blends

Journal Article
Dimitrova, I. D., Megaritis, T., Ganippa, L. C., & Tingas, E. (2022)
Computational analysis of an HCCI engine fuelled with hydrogen/hydrogen peroxide blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(17), 10083-10096.
In the current work, Chemkin Pro's HCCI numerical model is used in order to explore the feasibility of using hydrogen in a dual fuel concept where hydrogen peroxide acts as ig...

Computational singular perturbation analysis of detonation development and intensity at SI engine conditions

Presentation / Conference
Dimitrova, I., Luong, M., Sanal, S., Im, H., & Tingas, S. (2021, December)
Computational singular perturbation analysis of detonation development and intensity at SI engine conditions. Paper presented at 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Q fever and early pregnancy failure: a Scottish case control study

Journal Article
Wheelhouse, N., Kemp, S., Halliday, J. E. B., Tingas, E. A., Duncan, W. C., & Horne, A. W. (2022)
Q fever and early pregnancy failure: a Scottish case control study. Reproduction and Fertility, 3(1),

Current Post Grad projects