Stathis Tingas
stathis tingas

Dr Stathis Tingas



Dr Stathis Tingas received a first degree (BScH) in Aeronautical Science from the Hellenic Air Force Academy in Greece in 2005 and a MSc and a PhD in Mechanics from the National Technical University of Athens in Greece in 2012 and 2016, respectively. Before his current appointment, he was an Aircraft Engineer with specialty in jet engines at the Hellenic Air Force (2005-2016), a postdoctoral research associate at KAUST (2016-2019) and a Lecturer in Engineering and Aviation at Perth College UHI (2019-2020).


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • U!REKA working group member on research cooperation (Sustainable Built/Urban Environment: sustainable construction and materials, energy, digital twinning, transport and logistics)
  • Member of CIHT's Steering Group on EV Infrastructure policy
  • Scottish Science Advisory Council (SSAC) and the Scottish Government (SG) Climate Change Policy & Implementation Unit Workshop on Climate Change Plan


Conference Organising Activity

  • Steering committee: 1st International Conference on Digital Technologies in Power System (InDiteP 2024)
  • Chair and Member of the Organising committee - The coming of age of renewable energy
  • Chair and Member of the Organising committee - 7th Annual Electric Vehicle Event


Editorial Activity

  • Guest Editor for Frontiers in Fuels
  • Editorial board member of Energy Engineering, (Tech Science Press)
  • Guest Editor for Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
  • Guest Editor for Energies MDPI
  • Hydrogen for Future Thermal Engines - Springer


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner - University of Limerick
  • External Examiner - University of West of Scotland
  • External Examiner - University of East London


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Panel member for EPSRC's New Horizons call (Materials and Mechanical Engineering Panel)


Grant Reviewer

  • Reviewer for Carnegie's Trust Vacation Scholarship scheme
  • Grant reviewer for the EPSRC


Public/Community Engagement

  • Organiser of the Solar/Wind Energy Workshop
  • Organiser of the Electic Vehicle Workshop



  • Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier
  • Journal reviewer: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
  • Journal Reviewer: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: Combustion Science and Technology, Taylor and Francis
  • Journal Reviewer: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: Combustion Theory and Modelling, Taylor and Francis
  • Journal Reviewer: AIP Advances
  • Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, SAGE Journals
  • Journal Reviewer: Journal of Energy Engineering, ASCE
  • Journal Reviewer: Combustion and Flame, Elsevier
  • Journal Reviewer: Fuel, Elsevier



76 results

Unravelling the chemical and transport characteristics of turbulent MILD combustion

Presentation / Conference
Manias, D. M., Tingas, S., Minamoto, Y., & Im, H. G. (2019, June)
Unravelling the chemical and transport characteristics of turbulent MILD combustion. Paper presented at 7th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flow (IWMRRF), Trondheim, Norway
Manias, D. M., Tingas, S., Minamoto, Y., & Im, H. G. (2019, June). Unravelling the chemical and transport characteristics of turbulent MILD combustion. Paper presented at 7th ...

CSP analysis of Local Sensitivity data

Presentation / Conference
Tingas, S., & Goussis, D. (2019, June)
CSP analysis of Local Sensitivity data. Paper presented at 7th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flow (IWMRRF), Trondheim, Norway
Tingas, S., & Goussis, D. (2019, June). CSP analysis of Local Sensitivity data. Paper presented at 7th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flow (IWMRRF), Tro...

A Generalized Partially Stirred Reactor Combustion Closure Using Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis

Presentation / Conference
Quadarella, E., Stagni, A., Tingas, S., Cuoci, A., Parente, A., Faravelli, T., & Im, H. (2019, June)
A Generalized Partially Stirred Reactor Combustion Closure Using Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis. Paper presented at 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Tenerife, Spain
Quadarella, E., Stagni, A., Tingas, S., Cuoci, A., Parente, A., Faravelli, T., & Im, H. (2019, June). A Generalized Partially Stirred Reactor Combustion Closure Using Computat...

A Unified Description of Flame Topologies at Different Turbulent Combustion Regimes Using Computational Singular Perturbation

Presentation / Conference
Tingas, S., & Im, H. (2019, May)
A Unified Description of Flame Topologies at Different Turbulent Combustion Regimes Using Computational Singular Perturbation. Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Aachen, Germany
Identifying turbulent flame topologies for unambiguous deter-mination of key flame quantities is a challenging task for high Karlovitz number conditions in which different sca...

Turbulent Burning Characteristics of Hydrogen/Air Premixed Flames in Different Combustion Regimes

Presentation / Conference
Song, W., Tingas, S., Hernández Pérez, F. E., & Im, H. G. (2019, April)
Turbulent Burning Characteristics of Hydrogen/Air Premixed Flames in Different Combustion Regimes. Paper presented at 9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
Song, W., Tingas, S., Hernández Pérez, F. E., & Im, H. G. (2019, April). Turbulent Burning Characteristics of Hydrogen/Air Premixed Flames in Different Combustion Regimes. Pap...

Tangential stretching rate: Theory and application in the diagnostics of turbulent flames

Presentation / Conference
Song, W., Tingas, S., Im, H., Ciottoli, P., Galassi, R., & Valorani, M. (2019, March)
Tangential stretching rate: Theory and application in the diagnostics of turbulent flames. Paper presented at 11th US National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA

CSP and Local Sensitivity Analysis

Presentation / Conference
Tingas, S., & Goussis, D. (2019, March)
CSP and Local Sensitivity Analysis. Paper presented at 11th US National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA
Tingas, S., & Goussis, D. (2019, March). CSP and Local Sensitivity Analysis. Paper presented at 11th US National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA.

Development of a reduced four-component (toluene/n-heptane/iso-octane/ethanol) gasoline surrogate model

Journal Article
Li, Y., Alfazazi, A., Mohan, B., Alexandros Tingas, E., Badra, J., Im, H. G., & Mani Sarathy, S. (2019)
Development of a reduced four-component (toluene/n-heptane/iso-octane/ethanol) gasoline surrogate model. Fuel, 247, 164-178.
The prospect of blending gasoline fuel with ethanol is being investigated as a potential way to improve the knock residence of the base gasoline. However, one of the drawbacks...

DNS of turbulent premixed flames propagating in a channel

Presentation / Conference
Song, W., Tingas, S., Hernandez Perez, F., & Im, H. (2019, March)
DNS of turbulent premixed flames propagating in a channel. Poster presented at KAUST Research Conference on Future of Fuels and Energy, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Song, W., Tingas, S., Hernandez Perez, F., & Im, H. (2019, March). DNS of turbulent premixed flames propagating in a channel. Poster presented at KAUST Research Conference on ...

Focusing on lactate shuttle: a model of brain metabolism analyzed with CSP

Presentation / Conference
Patsatzis, D., Tingas, S., Goussis, D. A., & Mani Sarathy, S. (2019, February)
Focusing on lactate shuttle: a model of brain metabolism analyzed with CSP. Paper presented at 10th International Conference Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS), Napoli, Italy
The mammalian brain utilizes glucose as its main source of energy. However,it has been recently discovered that lactate can also be considered important as a fuel and a signal...

Current Post Grad projects