Yvonne Kuipers
yvonne kuipers

Prof Yvonne Kuipers



Yvonne Kuipers is a Professor of Midwifery and has a background that has encompassed a career in women’s reproductive health that spans over 20 years; as an independent midwife in the Netherlands, and teaching and researching women’s reproductive health within universities in the Netherlands, Belgium and Scotland. Yvonne is a honorary professor at the University of Antwerp and she is an NMC Registered Midwife and Lecturer.

Yvonne completed her PhD in 2016 at the University of Maastricht, Netherlands. During the PhD she developed and tested an interactive tailored web-based intervention to prevent and reduce antenatal maternal distress. The intervention was effective and was later successfully adapted for Flanders, Belgium.

Yvonne her research domains include woman-centred care, midwifery models of care and women's emotional well-being throughout the transition period to motherhood. She has been awarded for the ISeeYou project, a woman-centred continuity of carer midwifery student project, for its innovative nature, at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences ("Wall of fame", 2017). The project was also the price winning research project at the International Normal Labour & Birth Research Conference (2017).

Yvonne Kuipers is a strong advocate for improving the emotional well-being of women during the transition to parenthood and the development of healthy and resilient families through research, publications, education and presenting at conferences.


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Midwifery Unit Network (MUNet)
  • EU COST 18212 Action Perinatal Mental Health and Birth-Related Trauma: maximising best practice and optimal outcomes (DEVoTION)
  • Small-sized and caseload midwifery practices
  • Concerning Maternity Network Group
  • Guideline 'Antenatal care'
  • Normal Labour & Birth
  • Scottish Woman Held Maternity Record (SWHMR)
  • Interprofessional Learning
  • Guideline 'Delayed first and second stage of labour'
  • Local protocol development


Conference Organising Activity

  • Online seminar woman-centred care
  • CARE4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress


Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor Woman and Birth
  • Midwifery Units Standards
  • Kennispoort
  • Lancet Midwifery Series


External Examining/Validations

  • Walking the path. Creating a framework for midwifery ethics in the United States.
  • Getting the picture. Understanding the role of third trimester routine ultrasounds in maternal anxiety and bonding


Fellowships and Awards

  • The-all-you-need-to-know-about-continuity-of-carer-newsletter


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • ZonMW


Grant Reviewer

  • Swiss National Science Foundation


Invited Speaker

  • Perceived reality and subjective importance of shared decision-making during perinatal care
  • Home birth - a means to an end or an end in itself?
  • Women's traumatic childbirth experiences
  • Midwifery-led care: A mixed-methods synthesis
  • When your dream job can become a nightmare: reports of work-related traumatic events.
  • PATH PerinatAl menTal Health.
  • Black Mirror: Midwifery practice and education in Antwerp: forecasting its future with scenario planning
  • Validity and accuracy of the Whooley questions and Fear of Childbirth Scale to identify antenatal reduced emotional wellbeing.
  • Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Validity and accuracy of the Whooley questions and Fear of Childbirth Scale to identify antenatal reduced emotional wellbeing
  • PATH- Perinatal mentAl HealTH: study protocol
  • On cloud 9? Maternal emotional wellbeing 6 weeks to 1 year postpartum. A cross-sectional study in Flanders
  • Perceptions of midwives on their role in transition to parenthood – A Q-methodology study.
  • Woman-centred care - mission impossible or catch 22?
  • Listening to the voices of women with a traumatic birth experience – an animation “She will always remember”.
  • MEtoWE
  • Woman-centred care 2.0
  • ‘ISeeYou’: A woman-centred care education and research project in Dutch bachelor midwifery education.
  • Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review.
  • Listening to the voices of women with a traumatic birth experience
  • It takes a village to raise a child. PATH project.
  • Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review.
  • PRIME-study – Prescribing In Midwifery, women’s and midwives’ Experiences
  • Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review.
  • Dutch midwives’ views on and experiences with woman-centred care – A Q- methodology study
  • Dutch midwives’ views on and experiences with woman-centred care – A Q- methodology study
  • ISeeYou project
  • Woman-centered care 2.0.: Bringing the concept into focus
  • Conflicting values experienced by Dutch midwives – Dilemmas of loyalty, responsibility and selfhood.
  • Advancing the concept of woman- centred care
  • Shared-decision making about place of birth
  • Shared-decision making about place of birth
  • Midwives’ perceptions of influences on their behaviour of woman-centred care
  • Looking over the neighbour’s fence - to learn about woman-centred care from other professions
  • A Dutch midwifery research agenda
  • Applying Intervention Mapping as a framework for developing an intervention to prevent maternal distress among Dutch pregnant women
  • Factors influencing maternal distress among Dutch women with a healthy pregnancy
  • Dutch midwives’ behavioural intentions of antenatal management of maternal distress and factors influencing these intentions: an exploratory survey
  • Dutch midwives’ behavioural intentions of antenatal management of maternal distress and factors influencing these intentions: an exploratory survey
  • Public Health in midwife-led care: Opportunities, challenges and dilemmas in antenatal management of care for Maternal Distress
  • Maternal distress- What do midwives do and what motives do they have? A two-phased exploratory study
  • Antenatal interventions to prevent or treat maternal distress: A systematic review of Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Maternal Distress - What do midwives do?
  • Primary & secondary preventive interventions for maternal distress
  • Less is more


Media Activity

  • Women's voices about their traumatic birth experience
  • Governmental hostage of pregnant women
  • Induction of Labour BBC radio 2


Membership of Professional Body

  • Fellow Higher Education Academy
  • NMC registration Midwife
  • Registered midwife


Non-executive Directorship

  • WazzUp Mama Consultancy


Public/Community Engagement

  • Mind the Gap



  • Reviewer ENU Research Culture Fund 23/24
  • Reviewer journals


Spin-outs and Licences

  • WazzUp Mama


Visiting Positions

  • Academic House NHS Lothian
  • Professor of Midwifery
  • Honorary Senior Fellow



80 results

How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions

Presentation / Conference
Crozier, S., Kuipers, Y., McLuckie, C., & Norris, G. (2022, November)
How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions. Paper presented at Scotland Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Edinburgh
The presentation will outline the development of a new shortened midwifery programme in Scotland, the stakeholder-led participatory approach to evaluation and the emerging the...

Students as researchers: an example of high-level participation of undergraduate midwifery students as co-investigators in research

Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., & Verschuren, S. (in press)
Students as researchers: an example of high-level participation of undergraduate midwifery students as co-investigators in research. Women and Birth, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2022.11.004
Background There is a shift in focus of the curricula of undergraduate midwifery research-education - from research content to the research process, and the student from being...

Systematic Review of the Content Validity of Patient Reported Outcome Measures of Transition to Parenthood

Journal Article
Beeck, E. V., Van den Branden, L., Bramer, W. M., & Kuipers, Y. (in press)
Systematic Review of the Content Validity of Patient Reported Outcome Measures of Transition to Parenthood. Evaluation and the Health Professions, https://doi.org/10.1177/01632787221127382
This review aims to identify self-report instruments examining aspects of transition to parenthood for use in practice and research. After performing a literature search in Em...

The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population

Journal Article
van Gils, Y., Bleijenbergh, R., Brosens, C., Van den Branden, L., Rimaux, S., & Kuipers, Y. J. (2022)
The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26, 2050-2059. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-022-03476-5
Introduction: The Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (Brief-COPE) measures individuals’ coping strategies. There is limited evidence on the psychometric properti...

Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper

Journal Article
Leinweber, J., Fontein‐Kuipers, Y., Karlsdottir, S. I., Ekström‐Bergström, A., Nilsson, C., Stramrood, C., & Thomson, G. (in press)
Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper. Birth, https://doi.org/10.1111/birt.12666
Introduction: A positive childbirth experience promotes women’s health, both during and beyond the perinatal period. Understanding what constitutes a positive childbirth exper...

Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Presentation / Conference
Kuipers, Y. (2022, May)
Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presented at Nordic Midwifery Congress (NJF), Helsinki
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to influence psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women. Methods: We conducted a non-concurrent cross-sectional study a...

Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Presentation / Conference
Kuipers, Y., & Mestdagh, E. (2022, May)
Psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at NJF Congress 2022, Helsinki, Finland
Background The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to influence psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women. Methods We conducted a non-concurrent cross-sectional study amo...

The social conception of space of birth narrated by women with negative and traumatic birth experiences

Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. J., Thomson, G., Goberna-Tricas, J., Zurera, A., Hresanová, E., Temesgenová, N., …Leinweber, J. (in press)
The social conception of space of birth narrated by women with negative and traumatic birth experiences. Women and Birth, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2022.04.013
Background: Many women experience giving birth as a negative or even as a traumatic event. Birth space and its occupants are fundamentally interconnected with negative and tra...

Midwifery-led care: A single mixed-methods synthesis

Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., Degraeve, J., Bosmans, V., Thaels, E., & Mestdagh, E. (in press)
Midwifery-led care: A single mixed-methods synthesis. International Journal of Healthcare Management, https://doi.org/10.1080/20479700.2022.2070824
Background: Midwifery Led Care (MLC) has shown to be beneficial for women and for midwives. The implementation of MLC remains challenging. Objective: To explore the utility ...

The intervening effect of the What Being the Parent of a New Baby is Like-Revised questionnaire on maternal affect

Journal Article
Van Beeck, E., Pridham, K. F., & Kuipers, Y. (2022)
The intervening effect of the What Being the Parent of a New Baby is Like-Revised questionnaire on maternal affect. Research Ethics, 18(3), 250-262. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470161221094929
The 'What Being the Parent of a New Baby is Like-Revised' (WPL-R) is an instrument designed to measure adaptation to parenthood. In the process of pilot testing and validating...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • eMind - eMidwifery, occupational therapy & Nursing Digitalisation
  • SwAP to Care
  • PATH - PerinAtal MenTal Health
  • ENSURE - Everybody counts
  • What's Up Mama
  • Virtual Relief
  • Midwives4Mothers Woman-midwife relationships can save lives
  • SHIFT - Sexual Health In the over FourTy-fives, with attention for menopause
  • MEtoWE - Maternal life balance during transition to parenthood
  • PRIME - Prescribing In MidwifEry
  • Ups & Downs
  • Transition to parenthood
  • ISeeYou
  • Woman-centred care
  • Promoting Healthy Pregnancy – WazzUp Mama?!

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Depressive symptoms and self and social stigma of partners of pregnant and postpartum women
  • PPD and the level of depression literacy and personal and perceived stigma among postpartum women
  • Mother knows best - Being a mother in your own right and perceptions
  • Depression-related stigma and depression literacy among postpartum women in the Netherlands
  • The needs, barriers and facilitators reported by midwives and nurses on eHealth usage
  • The effect of Virtual Reality during labour on pharmacological pain relief
  • Barriers and facilitators to implement a Midwifery Model of Care in Flanders
  • Self-efficacy and performance in digital adaptability among nurses and midwives
  • eMind: Digitial adaptability of midwives and nurses in Flanders - closing the gap
  • The effect of Virtual Reality during labour on women's pain perception
  • Maternal emotional wellbeing during transition to parenthood: the role of midwives during this journey
  • Opinions of healthcare practitioners of midwife prescribingnon-medical
  • Women's personality, fear of birth and intention associated with intrapartum pain relief
  • Prescribing behaviour of midwives
  • Women's experiences of midwife prescribing
  • Validation of the postpartum bonding questionnaire
  • Coping behaviour associated with pregnancy-related anxiety
  • Maternal emotional wellbeing up to one year postpartum
  • Woman-centred care reported by women in different sized practices
  • The value that midwifery students place on the birth stories