12 results

Creating a sense of place with a deliberately constrained virtual environment

Journal Article
Turner, P., Turner, S., & Burrows, L. (2013)
Creating a sense of place with a deliberately constrained virtual environment. International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support, 1, 54-68. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCPS.2013.053554
This study took as its starting point the premise that a high degree of realism is not a necessary condition for the creation of a ‘sense of place’ in mediated experiences suc...

My Grandfather's iPod: an investigation of emotional attachment to digital and non-digital artefacts.

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2011)
My Grandfather's iPod: an investigation of emotional attachment to digital and non-digital artefacts. In ECCE '11 Proceedings of the 29th Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (149-156). https://doi.org/10.1145/2074712.2074742
Motivation -- to explore the nature and dimensions of attachment to digital and non-digital artefacts and explicate any differences in emotional attachment between digital and...

Do web pages have personalities?

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., Turner, S., & Wilson, L. (2009)
Do web pages have personalities?. In L. Norros, H. Koskinen, L. Salo, & P. Savioja (Eds.), Designing beyond the Product –, 53-60
We are fundamentally social animals: we are geared to understanding each other; to gauging each other's moods and states of mind; and we are very adept at judging each others ...

Place, Sense of Place, and Presence

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2006)
Place, Sense of Place, and Presence. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(2), 204-217. https://doi.org/10.1162/pres.2006.15.2.204
Recreating real places--as distinct from virtual spaces or environments--using virtual reality technology raises a series of significant challenges. Fortunately there is a lar...

Evaluating soundscapes as a means of creating a sense of place

Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., McGregor, I., Turner, S., & Carroll, F. (2003)
Evaluating soundscapes as a means of creating a sense of place
We report an empirical study into the creation of, and response to, a soundscape of a computer centre. We contrast the use of presence questionnaires, as means of assessing th...

Embedding context of use in CVE design.

Journal Article
Turner, S. & Turner, P. (2002)
Embedding context of use in CVE design. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 11, 665-676. doi:10.1162/105474602321050767. ISSN 1054-7460
A consideration of eventual context of use is crucially important for the success of virtual environments destined for real-world organizations, yet it is frequently absent fr...

An activity theoretic approach to surfacing evaluation issues.

Journal Article
Turner, P. & Turner, S. (2002)
An activity theoretic approach to surfacing evaluation issues. Journal of applied systems studies : methodologies and applications for systems approaches. 3, 134-155. ISSN 1466-7738
We introduce activity theory and the role of contradictions as a basis for making visible the structure and dynamics of work systems. Then, by way of a case study set in a nat...

End-user perspectives on the uptake of computer supported cooperative working.

Journal Article
Turner, S. & Turner, P. (2002)
End-user perspectives on the uptake of computer supported cooperative working. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. 14, 3-15. doi:10.4018/joeuc.2002040101. ISSN 1546-2234
Researchers in Information Systems have produced a rich collection of meta-analyses and models to further understanding of factors influencing the uptake of information techno...

A web of contradictions.

Journal Article
Turner, S. & Turner, P. (2001)
A web of contradictions. Interacting with Computers. 14, 1-14. doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(01)00039-X. ISSN 0953-5438
We describe our use of contradictions, a concept central to a popular formulation of activity theory, to derive requirements of a new technical system to support an administra...

Getting the story straight

Conference Proceeding
McCall, R., Turner, P., Turner, S., & McCall, R. (2001)
Getting the story straight. In A. Blandford, J. Vanderdonckt, & P. Gray (Eds.), People and Computers XV-Interaction without frontiers: joint proceedings of HCI 2001 and IHM 2001. , (267-278). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0353-0_16
We argue that the use of a user-centred design approach necessarily involves some form of story telling or narrative. Given that both the potential end-users and the designers...