46 results

Putting employer engagement at the heart of Higher Education degree programmes. Sharing Edinburgh Napier University’s experiences.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D., & Hussian, M. (2015)
Putting employer engagement at the heart of Higher Education degree programmes. Sharing Edinburgh Napier University’s experiences.
Edinburgh Napier University has 50 year history of working with regional employers to develop programmes of study which produce appropriately skilled and qualified graduates. ...

Veterinary Nurse training in the UK

Conference Proceeding
Cooper, B., & Smith, D. (2015)
Veterinary Nurse training in the UK
Veterinary Nursing in the UK is still a relatively young profession. Whilst it is known that there were animal nurses in existence in the late 1800’s the role and title ‘Veter...

Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D., & Copper, B. (2015)
Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom
Veterinary nursing is now a well recognise professional route in the UK. There is considerable capacity within the industry to increase the number of veterinary nurses employ...

Ensuring standards of clinical care provided by veterinary nurses through regulation, registration and accredited training.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D., Dougherty, K., & Yates, K. (2015)
Ensuring standards of clinical care provided by veterinary nurses through regulation, registration and accredited training
The gestation of veterinary nursing as a recognised and self-regulated profession in the United Kingdom can be best described as long and difficult. Caught between the twin e...

Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D., & Webster, B. Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students. Manuscript submitted for publication

Smith, D., & Webster, B. Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students. Manuscript submitted for publication
This paper is primarily aimed at addressing some of the issues that relate to student mobility in the area of veterinary nurse education across the world. Mobility of veterin...

Value and training of veterinary nurses: Curriculum and qualification.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D. (2014)
Value and training of veterinary nurses: Curriculum and qualification

The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK.

Book Chapter
Wood, S. J., Smith, D., Morriss, C. J., & Cuddeford, D. (2012)
The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK. In M. Saastamoinen, M. J. Fradinho, A. S. Santos, & N. Miraglia (Eds.), Forages and grazing in horse nutrition, 163-176. Wageningen Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-755-4_17
Good pasture management on equine operations is essential to maintaining the productivity and value of the pasture as well as providing the proper nutrients and environment to...

Phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is essential for interleukin-8 release from intestinal epithelial cells in response to challenge with Escherichia coli O157 :H7 flagellin.

Journal Article
Fraser-Pitt, D. J., Cameron, P., McNeilly, T. N., Boyd, A., Manson, E. D. T., & Smith, D. G. E. (2011)
challenge with Escherichia coli O157 :H7 flagellin. Microbiology, 157, 2339-2347. https://doi.org/10.1099/mic.0.047670-0
Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 is a major food-borne and environmental pathogen responsible for both sporadic cases and outbreaks of food poisoning which can lead to serio...

Characterisation of proteins extracted from the surface of Salmonella Typhimurium grown under SPI-2-inducing conditions by LC-ESI/MS/MS sequencing.

Journal Article
Sherry, A. E., Inglis, N. F., Stevenson, A., Fraser-Pitt, D. J., Everest, P., Smith, D. G. E., & Roberts, M. (2011)
Characterisation of proteins extracted from the surface of Salmonella Typhimurium grown under SPI-2-inducing conditions by LC-ESI/MS/MS sequencing. Proteomics, 11, 361-370. https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.200900802
Salmonella enterica has two pathogenicity islands encoding separate type three secretion systems (T3SS). Proteins secreted through these systems facilitate invasion and surviv...

'Big Brother' researchers to rein in horse obesity

Journal Article
Smith, D. (2010)
'Big Brother' researchers to rein in horse obesity. Inspiring Futures,
RESEARCHERS have adopted Big Brother tactics to tackle growing levels of obesity in Britain’s horse population. One in three horses, and over 80% of ponies, are currently bel...