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142 results

Can proactive support prevent unscheduled care? A controlled observational retrospective cohort study in cancer patients in Scotland

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Young, J., & Savinc, J. (2024)
Can proactive support prevent unscheduled care? A controlled observational retrospective cohort study in cancer patients in Scotland. BMC Health Services Research, 24, Article 457.
Introduction: Preventative spend is a global health and social care strategy. Improving Cancer Journeys (ICJ) is a proactive, holistic, multidisciplinary project consistent wi...

Can mental healthcare for Muslim patients be person-centred without consideration of religious identity? A concurrent analysis

Journal Article
Jabeen, T., & Snowden, A. (2022)
Can mental healthcare for Muslim patients be person-centred without consideration of religious identity? A concurrent analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 64, Article 103449.
Background Muslims constitute the largest, fastest growing religious minority in the UK. Globally, nurses are legally, morally and ethically obliged to provide non-discriminat...

Men's Perspectives of Caring for a Female Partner with Cancer: A Longitudinal Narrative Study

Journal Article
Young, J., Snowden, A., Kyle, R., & Stenhouse, R. (2022)
Men's Perspectives of Caring for a Female Partner with Cancer: A Longitudinal Narrative Study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e5346-e5355.
Increasing evidence on men's involvement in informal, unpaid care has not transferred to the research literature around men's experiences. The aim was to explore the perspecti...

Chaplains Work in Primary Care

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Telfer, I., Vandenhoeck, A., Verhoef, J., & Gibbon, A. (in press)
Chaplains Work in Primary Care. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy,
Health is holistic, but health services are often not. Primary care is the first point of contact for patients in the UK, and at least two in every three present with complex ...

Active Living Becomes Achievable (ALBA): An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Behaviour Change Intervention at Promoting Physical Activity for Improved Mental Wellbeing

Journal Article
Peddie, N., Snowden, A., & Westbury, T. (2022)
Active Living Becomes Achievable (ALBA): An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Behaviour Change Intervention at Promoting Physical Activity for Improved Mental Wellbeing. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 9(2), 135-148.
Physical activity (PA) has been shown to be beneficial for physical and mental wellbeing. However, there is evidence to indicate people with mental health conditions are signi...

‘Pinholes in my arms’: the vicious cycle of vascular access

Journal Article
Kelly, L., & Snowden, A. (2021)
‘Pinholes in my arms’: the vicious cycle of vascular access. British Journal of Nursing, 30(14),
Background: Vascular access devices (VADs) are essential for delivery of intravenous therapies. There are notable gaps in the literature regarding a focus on patient experienc...

Statistical Fit is like Beauty: a Rasch and Factor Analysis of the Scottish PROM

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Karimi, L., & Tan, H. (2022)
Statistical Fit is like Beauty: a Rasch and Factor Analysis of the Scottish PROM. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 28(3), 415-430.
Chaplains help people face some of the most complex, intractable and traumatic issues in their lives. Spiritual care works. Unfortunately, spiritual needs are rarely met in he...

‘It was quite a shock’: A qualitative study of the impact of organisational and personal factors on newly qualified nurses' experiences

Journal Article
Ho, S., Stenhouse, R., & Snowden, A. (2021)
‘It was quite a shock’: A qualitative study of the impact of organisational and personal factors on newly qualified nurses' experiences. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(15-16), 2373-2385.
Background: Nurses are critical to achieving the goal of universal health coverage. However, shortages of nursing staff are endemic. Of particular concern, newly qualified nur...

What did Chaplains do During the Covid Pandemic? An international survey

Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2021)
What did Chaplains do During the Covid Pandemic? An international survey. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 75(1 (supplement)), 6-16.
A survey was designed to learn from chaplain experiences of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic across the globe. In June 2020, 1657 chaplains responded from 36 countries. The...

Evaluation of Improving the Cancer Journey: Final Report

Young, J., Snowden, A., & Savinc, J. (2020)
Evaluation of Improving the Cancer Journey: Final Report. Macmillan
8 results

Transforming Cancer Care Evaluation

2022 - 2024
This is a follow on Evaluation from the TCAT and the ICJ that Edinburgh Napier undertook.
Funder: MacMillan Cancer Support | Value: £79,225

Understanding and Maximising the Roles and Contributions of NHS Chaplains across UK

2019 - 2019
The NHS in the UK employs an estimated 1,500+ chaplains. Chaplains deliver specialist spiritual care to patients and staff across the NHS, offering comfort to those of all faith and none. Despite the ...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £29,626

International PROM project

2017 - 2021
European work extending from the Scottish PROM work in chaplaincy. Hosted in Leuven as centre for chaplaincy research in europe (ERICH) with proposed study using PROM in Belgium and Holland in first i...

Assessing the impact of a diagnosis of mental illness on young people: feasibility study

2017 - 2018
This study concerns the impact of a diagnosis of mental illness on young people and their families. One in ten adolescents suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder and there is increasing awareness t...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £12,931

Emotional Intelligience_Quantitative aspects

2017 - 2020
To understand the relationship between EI, demographic factors, previous caring at entry to nurse education, and progression through pre-registration education on the performance and retention of newl...
Funder: NHS Education Scotland | Value: £2,500

Behavioural Change Approach to Physical Activity Engagement and Sustainment

2016 - 2019
PhD studentship
Funder: The Scottish Association for Mental Health | Value: £60,000

Holistic Needs Assessment in Cancer Care

2016 - 2023
People living with and beyond cancer are vulnerable to a number of physical, functional and psychological issues. Undertaking a holistic needs assessment (HNA) is one way to support a structured discu...
Funder: MacMillan Cancer Support | Value: £130,839

Evaluation of Glasgow's Improving Cancer Journeys programme

2015 - 2024
The evaluation proposed here is necessarily flexible to support the programme’s evolution. The overall aim is to provide the programme with the most valid and robust practical evidence in a timely and...
Funder: MacMillan Cancer Support | Value: £183,530
6 results

The influence of perceived levels of physical activity on engagement with cardiac rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome

2017 - 2022
Dr Sheona Mchale | Director of Studies: Prof Lis Neubeck | Second Supervisor: Dr Coral Hanson

Evaluating ALBA: A pragmatic evaluation of a behaviour change intervention designed to increase physical activity to improve mental wellbeing

2016 - 2020
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for impr...
Dr Nicola Peddie | Director of Studies: Dr Tony Westbury | Second Supervisor: Prof Austyn Snowden

Exploring nursing students' perspectives on preserving dignity in care: A mixed methods Q-methodology study

2016 - 2019
A complex and contested concept, dignity is recognised as a significant factor in a person’s ...
Rosemary Mullen | Director of Studies: Prof Austyn Snowden | Second Supervisor: Dr Angela Kydd

'Pinholes in my arms': The vicious cycle of vascular access

2016 - 2020
Dr Linda Kelly | Director of Studies: Prof Austyn Snowden | Second Supervisor: Ruth Paterson

Self-rated health and health inequalities by area deprivation in British nurses

2015 - date
The PhD project will explore the relationship between area deprivation and self-reported health in UK Nurses. I aim to as...
Mr William Ball | Director of Studies: Dr Iain Atherton | Second Supervisor: Dr Richard Kyle

One year caring: A longitudinal, narrative study on men’s perspectives of caring for a female partner with cancer

2015 - 2021
Jenny Young | Director of Studies: Prof Austyn Snowden | Second Supervisor: Prof Graeme Smith

