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19 results

Serving Best Interests in ‘Known Biological Father Disputes’ in the United Kingdom

Book Chapter
Macfarlane, L. (2016)
Serving Best Interests in ‘Known Biological Father Disputes’ in the United Kingdom. In E. E. Sutherland, & L. A. B. MacFarlane (Eds.), Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child : best interests, welfare and well-being (149-164). (1). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Article 3 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that in ‘all actions concerning children’ the ‘best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration’...

The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix

Conference Proceeding
Deakin, M., Mora, L., & Reid, A. (2018)
The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix. In M. Bozina Beros, N. Recker, & M. Kozina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, (94-103
This article suggests the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EPD) that underlies Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) is not so much caught in th...

GCHQ Cyber Zone at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator)

Exhibition / Performance
Kerr, G. GCHQ Cyber Zone at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator)
[]. 4 June 2019 - 9 June 2019. (Unpublished
Step into a fascinating digital world…come into the GCHQ Cyber Zone and see what it’s like to be a code cracker, ethical hacker and cyber security expert. Escape to cyber spac...

Applying user testing data to UEM performance metrics.

Conference Proceeding
Chattratichart, J., & Brodie, J. (2004)
Applying user testing data to UEM performance metrics. In CHI EA '04 CHI '04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1119-1122. doi:10.1145/985921.986003
The lack of standard assessment criteria for reliably comparing usability evaluation methods (UEMs) is an important gap in HCI knowledge. Recently, metrics for assessing thoro...

The smart region: governing the transition to intelligent small urban areas

Conference Proceeding
Mora, L., Branzanti, C., & Bolici, R. (2012)
The smart region: governing the transition to intelligent small urban areas. In Smart, creative, sustainable, inclusive: territorial development strategies in the age of austerity
Cities and megacities are getting smart. This strategic transition might be considered as an effective tool to cope with a number of current issues such as the urban populatio...

Stylized Facts on Smart Specialisation Research

Conference Proceeding
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2018)
Stylized Facts on Smart Specialisation Research. In M. Bozina Beros, N. Recker, & M. Kozina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, (176-185
Smart Specialisation has generated a paradigmatic change in regional innovation policies and the European Union has shown a strong interest in supporting research that investi...

Combining Co-Citation Clustering and Text-Based Analysis to Reveal the Main Development Paths of Smart Cities

Journal Article
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019)
Combining Co-Citation Clustering and Text-Based Analysis to Reveal the Main Development Paths of Smart Cities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 56-69.
Bibliometrics is a powerful tool for analyzing knowledge domains and revealing their cognitive-epistemological structure. Different mathematical models and statistical techniq...

Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers

Journal Article
Brodie, J., & Perry, M. (2001)
Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers. SIGGROUP bulletin : a publication of the Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work, 22(3), 22-27.
The uptake of mobile phones in the UK has increased exponentially in the past two years, indicating that a wider range of users are now utilising mobile technologies in differ...

Smart City Development Paths: Insights from the First Two Decades of Research

Conference Proceeding
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2018)
Smart City Development Paths: Insights from the First Two Decades of Research. In A. Bisello, D. Vettorato, P. Laconte, & S. Costa (Eds.), Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2017, (403-420).
More than 20 years have now passed since the concept of smart city first appeared in a scholarly publica-tion, marking the beginning of a new era in urban innovation. Since th...

Strategic principles for smart city development: A multiple case study analysis of European best practices

Journal Article
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019)
Strategic principles for smart city development: A multiple case study analysis of European best practices. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 70-97.
Recent studies reveal a deep-rooted division in research on smart cities, which surfaces as a set of dichotomies that question whether smart city development should be based o...