9 results
9 results

Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigating strategies: A case-based comparative analysis

Journal Article
O’Malley, C., Piroozfar, P., Farr, E. R. P., & Pomponi, F. (2015)
Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigating strategies: A case-based comparative analysis. Sustainable Cities and Society, 19, 222-235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2015.05.009
Urbanisation may have been shown to have no effect on climate change, but some researchers suggest that cities are fully capable of responding to it. Urban Heat Islands (UHIs)...

Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA.

Conference Proceeding
Fringuellino, M., & Smith, S. (1998)
Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA. In Atti del XXVII Convegno nazionale Associazione Italiana Acustica, 103-107
No abstract available.

Scrutinising embodied carbon in buildings: the next performance gap made manifest.

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., & Moncaster, A. (2017)
Scrutinising embodied carbon in buildings: the next performance gap made manifest. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.049
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is becoming increasingly mainstream as an early-stage design-decision tool for buildings. Still, there are considerable variations in how the metho...

Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation

Conference Proceeding
Deakin, M., Mora, L., & Reid, A. (2017)
Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation. In P. Ketikidis, & A. Solomon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development. , (529-539
Smart specialisation can be considered an entrepreneurial discovery process which makes it possible to identify where regions can benefit from specialising in specific areas o...

The accelerated urban growth in Mexico City. Figures and future scenarios

Presentation / Conference
Karen Hernandez Garcia, A. (2019, June)
The accelerated urban growth in Mexico City. Figures and future scenarios. Paper presented at XVII Symposium of Mexican students and studies in the UK
Mexico City has experienced an accelerated and disorganised urban growth over time, triggering a deficit of housing stock, job opportunities, public transport and infrastructu...

Evaluation of ventilation performance in public spaces.

Conference Proceeding
Currie, J., & Capper, G. (1998)
Evaluation of ventilation performance in public spaces. In G. Guarracino (Ed.), Proceedings, 2nd European conference on energy performance and indoor climate in buildings and 3rd international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation and energy conservation in buildings, 724-729
Smoking restrictions in the workplace and increased health consciousness at home have seen a sizable reduction in the number of spaces where smoking is permissible. The aim of...

SPR biosensor based on polymer multi-mode optical waveguide and nanoparticle signal enhancement

Journal Article
Gabriela Walter, J., Eilers, A., Alwis, L., Wilhelm Roth, B., & Bremer, K. (2020)
SPR biosensor based on polymer multi-mode optical waveguide and nanoparticle signal enhancement. Sensors, 20(10), https://doi.org/10.3390/s20102889
We present a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor that is based on a planar-optical multi-mode (MM) polymer waveguide structure applied for the detection of biomolecules ...

Update report on additional theoretical investigations into inter-laboratory results

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S. (1998, January)
Update report on additional theoretical investigations into inter-laboratory results. Paper presented at CEN TC126 WG1 AhG4, Munich

Post-disturbance haulout behaviour of harbour seals

Journal Article
Paterson, W. D., Russell, D. J., Wu, G., McConnell, B., Currie, J. I., McCafferty, D. J., & Thompson, D. (2019)
Post-disturbance haulout behaviour of harbour seals. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(S1), 144-156. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3092
1. The impact of anthropogenic activity associated with the construction of a proposed tidal turbine on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) was investigated using controlled distur...
11 results

An off-grid feasibility analysis

2013 - 2014
The feasibility study will provide building energy performance specifications and recommendations on suitable renewable technology designs for a portable accommodation unit in rural Perthshire. It wi...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,001

Digital Transformation of the Building Standards System

2022 - 2023
This project will support the digital transformation of the building standards system in Scotland by supporting a strengthened compliance system and putting in place the tools to develop a digital go...
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £11,714

Informational Database for Sustainable and Energy Efficient materials in sub-Saharan Africa

2018 - 2019
The population in Africa is growing rapidly, and thus the urbanization is accelerated. The need for detailed information on the performance of materials is a crucial part of the decision-making proces...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering

Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SURegen)

2007 - 2012
The overall aim of the SURegen consortium is to undertake research to develop a prototype Regeneration Simulator Workbench (RSW) that meets the decision-making challenges that Sustainable Urban Regene...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £250,547

A Proctor Group - KTP

2012 - 2014
To develop high performance floor and wall insulation products based on novel nanotechnology Aerogel materials that enhance the thermal performance of hard to treat buildings.
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £114,793

What Works in the Dev't of Sustainable Communities

2007 - 2010
Previous evidence-based reviews of neighbourhood renewal have suggested, ‘learning from what works’ provides the means to close the skills gap and raise the competencies of the core occupations respon...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £56,362

EXPGOV: City of Manchester (Case Study)

2010 - 2013
Researching and drafting of a case study on exploring emerging ICT-enabled governance models in EU Cities: City of Manchester
Funder: European Commission | Value: £5,231

Follow-on voucher Retrofoam Testing Case Study

2013 - 2015
The purpose of this follow-on project is to conduct a suite of research and development testing on an innovative insulation product, focused around a live project. The insulation product, Retrofoam, u...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £15,434

Follow-on voucher 4-in-a-block Retrofit Project

2013 - 2015
The purpose of this follow-on project is to conduct in-situ post-occupancy energy analyses on refurbished four-in-a block dwellings that have been upgraded to high sustainability standards using: inno...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £40,000

Circular design of emergency sheltering for Africa: a holistic approach

2018 - 2019
Africa is the continent with the highest number of displaced people due to wars, humanitarian crises, resource scarcity, and extreme climate events. Emergency sheltering always sets out with the best ...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £38,887