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Revisiting the ‘third space’ in language and intercultural studies

Journal Article
Xiaowei Zhou, V., & Pilcher, N. (2019)
Revisiting the ‘third space’ in language and intercultural studies. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19(1), 1-8. doi:10.1080/14708477.2018.1553363
No abstract available.

Western and Eastern Building Conservation Philosophies: Perspectives on Permanence and Impermanence

Journal Article
Forster, A. M., Thomson, D., Richards, K., Pilcher, N., & Vettese, S. (2019)
Western and Eastern Building Conservation Philosophies: Perspectives on Permanence and Impermanence. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 13(6), 870-885.
In this conceptual paper, we illuminate Western building conservation philosophy practice with insights into Eastern conservation philosophy and associated aesthetic understan...

How a view of language underpins approaches to supporting higher education students that facilitate neo-liberalism, and how to resist this

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2018)
How a view of language underpins approaches to supporting higher education students that facilitate neo-liberalism, and how to resist this. Power and Education, 175774381881180. doi:10.1177/1757743818811801
In this article we argue a particular view of language underpins approaches to supporting students in Higher Education, and that this view facilitates neoliberalism. Universit...

Diversity and inclusion in UK Higher Education: staff perspectives on institutional representations and their reality

Journal Article
Richards, K., Pilcher, N., Galbrun, L., Forster, A., & Richards, J. (2023)
Diversity and inclusion in UK Higher Education: staff perspectives on institutional representations and their reality. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 28(4), 647-669.
This paper examines staff perspectives on institutional representations of a range of areas of diversity and inclusion in a key post-compulsory education sector: that of UK Hi...

Contextualising higher education assessment task words with an ‘anti-glossary’ approach

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2014)
Contextualising higher education assessment task words with an ‘anti-glossary’ approach. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27(5), 604-625. doi:10.1080/09518398.2013.805443
Key ‘generic’ assessment task words such as ‘discuss’ and ‘critically evaluate’ are integral to higher education assessment. Although sources such as study skills guides give ...

An individual subjectivist critique of the use of corpus linguistics to inform pedagogical materials.

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2016)
An individual subjectivist critique of the use of corpus linguistics to inform pedagogical materials. Dialogic Pedagogy, 4,
Corpus Linguistics, or the gathering together of language into a body for analysis and development of materials, claims itself an assured, established method (or field) that v...

Avoiding dialogues of non-discovery through promoting dialogues of discovery.

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2015)
Avoiding dialogues of non-discovery through promoting dialogues of discovery. Dialogic Pedagogy, 3, 43-64.
International students and direct entrants—those entering a higher year of a degree—often come from socio-economic or cultural backgrounds different from traditional students,...

Academic literacies: the word is not enough

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2017)
Academic literacies: the word is not enough. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-16.
For Academic Literacies, the world is textually mediated; written texts and what informs them reveal elements such as subject-discipline practices. Furthermore, multi-modaliti...

Da capo: A musical technique to evoke narrative recall

Journal Article
Pilcher, N., Cortazzi, M., & Jin, L. (2014)
Da capo: A musical technique to evoke narrative recall. Psychology of Music, 42(4), 483-502.
This article proposes the use of recorded music chosen by researchers to elicit participant accounts of life experiences, a technique we name ‘da capo recall.’ Fifteen mainlan...

Dialogues: ‘QUANT’ researchers on ‘QUAL’ methods.

Journal Article
Pilcher, N., & Cortazzi, M. (2016)
Dialogues: ‘QUANT’ researchers on ‘QUAL’ methods. Qualitative Report, 21(3), 450-473
Qualitative researchers commonly perceive that positivist hard-science researchers and policies of governments deprecate qualitative methods and approaches. Curiously though, ...



