18 results

Remote ischaemic preconditioning in orthotopic liver transplantation (RIPCOLT trial): a pilot randomized controlled feasibility study

Journal Article
Robertson, F. P., Goswami, R., Wright, G. P., Imber, C., Sharma, D., Malago, M., …Davidson, B. R. (2017)
Remote ischaemic preconditioning in orthotopic liver transplantation (RIPCOLT trial): a pilot randomized controlled feasibility study. HPB, 19(9), 757-767. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpb.2017.05.005
Background Ischaemia Reperfusion (IR) injury is a major cause of morbidity, mortality and graft loss following Orthotopic Liver Transplantation (OLT). Utilising marginal graft...

Lower Resting and Exercise-Induced Circulating Angiogenic Progenitors and Angiogenic T-Cells in Older Men

Journal Article
Ross, M. D., Malone, E. M., Simpson, R., Cranston, I., Ingram, L., Wright, G. P., …Florida-James, G. D. (2018)
Lower Resting and Exercise-Induced Circulating Angiogenic Progenitors and Angiogenic T-Cells in Older Men. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 314(3), 392-402. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00592.2017
Ageing is associated with a dysfunctional endothelial phenotype, as well as reduced angiogenic capabilities. Exercise exerts beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, p...

Monoclonal T-Cell Receptors: New Reagents for Cancer Therapy

Journal Article
Stauss, H. J., Cesco-Gaspere, M., Thomas, S., Hart, D. P., Xue, S., Holler, A., …Morris, E. C. (2007)
Monoclonal T-Cell Receptors: New Reagents for Cancer Therapy. Molecular Therapy, 15(10), 1744-1750. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.mt.6300216
Adoptive transfer of antigen-specific T lymphocytes is an effective form of immunotherapy for persistent virus infections and cancer. A major limitation of adoptive therapy is...

Protocol for a prospective randomized controlled trial of recipient remote ischaemic preconditioning in orthotopic liver transplantation (RIPCOLT trial)

Journal Article
Robertson, F. P., Goswami, R., Wright, G. P., Fuller, B., & Davidson, B. R. (2016)
Protocol for a prospective randomized controlled trial of recipient remote ischaemic preconditioning in orthotopic liver transplantation (RIPCOLT trial). Transplantation Research, 5(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13737-016-0033-4
Ischaemic reperfusion (IR) injury is a major cause of graft loss, morbidity and mortality following orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Demand for liver transplantation ha...

Human MHC Class I-restricted high avidity CD4 + T cells generated by co-transfer of TCR and CD8 mediate efficient tumor rejection in vivo

Journal Article
Xue, S., Gao, L., Ahmadi, M., Ghorashian, S., Barros, R. D., Pospori, C., …Stauss, H. J. (2013)
Human MHC Class I-restricted high avidity CD4 + T cells generated by co-transfer of TCR and CD8 mediate efficient tumor rejection in vivo. OncoImmunology, 2(1), https://doi.org/10.4161/onci.22590
In this study, we generated human MHC Class I-restricted CD4+ T cells specific for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV), two herpesviridae associated with lympho...

The type III intermediate filament vimentin regulates organelle distribution and modulates autophagy

Journal Article
Biskou, O., Casanova, V., Hooper, K., Kemp, S., Wright, G. P., Satsangi, J., …Stevens, C. (2019)
The type III intermediate filament vimentin regulates organelle distribution and modulates autophagy. PLOS ONE, 14(1), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209665
The cytoskeletal protein vimentin plays a key role in positioning of organelles within the cytosol and has been linked to the regulation of numerous cellular processes includi...

Regulatory T-cell adoptive immunotherapy: potential for treatment of autoimmunity

Journal Article
Wright, G. P., Ehrenstein, M. R., & Stauss, H. J. (2011)
Regulatory T-cell adoptive immunotherapy: potential for treatment of autoimmunity. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 7(2), 213-225. https://doi.org/10.1586/eci.10.96
Tregs have shown considerable potential in treating preclinical models of autoimmunity. These studies have highlighted the importance of Treg antigen (Ag) specificity. Transla...

Engineering Specificity and Function of Therapeutic Regulatory T Cells

Journal Article
McGovern, J. L., Wright, G. P., & Stauss, H. J. (2017)
Engineering Specificity and Function of Therapeutic Regulatory T Cells. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2017.01517
Adoptive therapy with polyclonal regulatory T cells (Tregs) has shown efficacy in suppressing detrimental immune responses in experimental models of autoimmunity and transplan...

CD3 limits the efficacy of TCR gene therapy in vivo

Journal Article
Ahmadi, M., King, J. W., Xue, S. A., Voisine, C., Holler, A., Wright, G. P., …Stauss, H. J. (2011)
CD3 limits the efficacy of TCR gene therapy in vivo. Blood, 118(13), 3528-3537. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2011-04-346338
The function of T-cell receptor (TCR) gene modified T cells is dependent on efficient surface expression of the introduced TCR / heterodimer. We tested whether endogenous CD3...

WT1-specific T cell receptor gene therapy: Improving TCR function in transduced T cells

Journal Article
Stauss, H. J., Thomas, S., Cesco-Gaspere, M., Hart, D. P., Xue, S., Holler, A., …Morris, E. (2008)
WT1-specific T cell receptor gene therapy: Improving TCR function in transduced T cells. Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases, 40(1), 113-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcmd.2007.06.018
Adoptive transfer of antigen-specific T lymphocytes is an attractive form of immunotherapy for haematological malignancies and cancer. The difficulty of isolating antigen-spec...
7 results

The role of exercise and age on vitamin D metabolism

2015 - 2019
My main area of research interest is the role of exercise and ageing on vitamin D metabolism. Scotland is identified as a vitamin D deficient nation...
Dr Hannah Margaret Lithgow | Director of Studies: Dr Mel Leggate | Second Supervisor: Prof G Florida-James

Identification and whole genome analysis of cefotaxime resistant Escherichia coli recovered from a tertiary treatment wastewater treatment plant discharge point

2019 - date
Li Black | Director of Studies: Dr Fiona Stainsby | Second Supervisor: Dr Donald Morrison

Bio-Nanomaterial Hazard Assessment: development of in vitro models to aid assessment of reproductive function in response to nanomedicines

2019 - date
Sarah Horgan | Director of Studies: Prof Gary Hutchison | Second Supervisor: Dr Eva Malone

Generating ag-specific human regulatory T-cells by TCR gene transfer for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

2017 - 2018
Victoria Riddell | Director of Studies: Dr Graham Wright | Second Supervisor: Prof Peter Barlow

The interaction of regulatory T-cells and osteoclasts in health and ageing

2018 - date
Raquel Lopera-Burgueno | Director of Studies: Dr Graham Wright | Second Supervisor: Prof Peter Barlow

The effects of age and fitness status on circulating angiogenic T-cells

2021 - date
Mr Luke Stephen | Director of Studies: Dr Graham Wright | Second Supervisor: Dr Mel Leggate

Cationic Host Defence Peptides as novel therapeutics for Chlamydia infection

2016 - 2018
Beatriz Cozar Fernandez | Director of Studies: Prof Peter Barlow | Second Supervisor: Dr Nick Wheelhouse