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66 results

The Materiality of Wearable Computers – Craft and Authentic User Experience

Journal Article
Kettley, S., & Smyth, M. (2004)
The Materiality of Wearable Computers – Craft and Authentic User Experience. Design Journal, 7(2), 32-41.
This paper presents work undertaken as part of an ongoing research programme into wearable computers and the processes for designing personal digital artifacts that exhibit au...

Sonifying the solar system

Conference Proceeding
Quinton, M., McGregor, I., & Benyon, D. (2016)
Sonifying the solar system. In The 22nd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2016), (28-35
Sound is potentially an effective way of analysing data and it is possible to simultaneously interpret layers of sounds and identify changes. Multiple attempts to use sound wi...

Extending the semiotics of embodied interaction to blended spaces.

Journal Article
O'Neill, S., & Benyon, D. (2015)
Extending the semiotics of embodied interaction to blended spaces. Human technology an interdisciplinary journal on humans in ICT environments, 11, 30-56.
In this paper, we develop a new way of understanding interactions in blended spaces. We do this by developing ideas about embodied semiotics and then apply these ideas to the ...

Natural Language Generation enhances human decision-making with uncertain information.

Conference Proceeding
Gkatzia, D., Lemon, O., & Rieser, V. (2016)
Natural Language Generation enhances human decision-making with uncertain information. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (264-268).
Decision-making is often dependent on uncertain data, e.g. data associated with confidence scores or probabilities. We present a comparison of different information presentati...

Visualising the soundfield and soundscape: extending Macaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., Crerar, A., Benyon, D., & LePlâtre, G. (2008)
Visualising the soundfield and soundscape: extending Macaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Auditory Display
The introduction of effective auditory warnings into a shared environment requires a prior understanding of the existing soundfield and soundscape. Reifying the physical and p...

Triangulation in practice.

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2009)
Triangulation in practice. Virtual Reality, 13, 171-181.
Triangulation is the means by which an alternate perspective is used to validate, challenge or extend existing findings. It is frequently used when the field of study is diffi...

Beat Haiku: interactive poetry application.

Conference Proceeding
Helgason, I. (2012)
Beat Haiku: interactive poetry application. In NordiCHI’12 Making sense through design, (777-778).
This application invites the user to create short Haiku poems by selecting and arranging words that are displayed onscreen. The web-based application is presented on a touchsc...

Task analysis and system design: the discipline of data

Journal Article
Benyon, D. (1992)
Task analysis and system design: the discipline of data. Interacting with Computers, 4(2), 246-259.
No abstract available.

An investigation into virtual representations of real places.

Conference Proceeding
Arnspang, J., Benyon, D., Fahle, M., Granum, E., Madsen, C., Pajdla, T., …Weinshall, D. (2002)
An investigation into virtual representations of real places. In Proc. Fifth Annual International Workshop on Presence, 66-78
The paper describes the main themes of a recently funded research project under the European Communitys Future and Emerging Technologies Presence initiative. The aim of the re...

Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise

Presentation / Conference
Sobolewska, E., Smith, C. F., & Turner, P. (2009, April)
Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise. Paper presented at HCI Educators 2009, University of Abertay, Dundee
The teaching and perhaps more importantly the practice of ethnographic techniques has become increasing important within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). But ethnography is a...