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80 results

Combining linking and focusing techniques for a multiple hierarchy visualisation

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2002)
Combining linking and focusing techniques for a multiple hierarchy visualisation. In E. Banissi, F. Khosrowshahi, M. Sarfraz, & A. Ursyn (Eds.), Proceedings [of the] Fifth International Conference on Information Visualisation, 425-432.
Visualisations have previously combined linking and brushing operations successfully. However, none to our knowledge have combined linking and focussing techniques. We describ...

Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces

Conference Proceeding
Cooper, R., McKirdy, J., Griffiths, T., Barclay, P. J., Paton, N. W., Gray, P., …Goble, C. (2000)
Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces. In H. Arisawa, & T. Catarci (Eds.), Advances in Visual Information Management. VDB 2000. IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing (129-138).
Model-based user interface development environments show promise for improving the speed of production and quality user interfaces. Such systems usually have seperate descript...

Exploring and examining assessment data via a matrix visualisation

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2004)
Exploring and examining assessment data via a matrix visualisation. In M. F. Costabile (Ed.), Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) 2004, 158-162. doi:10.1145/989863.989886
OPAL (Online PArtner Lens) is an application designed to match project requirements with suitable teams and individuals, and as part of its matching process features an evalua...

The Prometheus database for taxonomy

Conference Proceeding
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. (2000)
The Prometheus database for taxonomy. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM 2000 (250-252).
This paper presents the work carried out in the Prometheus project and its motivation, taxonomy. Taxonomy presents challenges to common database systems. Because of its comple...

Using curves to enhance parallel coordinate visualisations

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2003)
Using curves to enhance parallel coordinate visualisations. In E. Banissi, K. Börner, C. Chen, G. Clapworthy, C. Maple, A. Lobben, …J. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings on Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, 2003. IV 2003, 10-16. doi:10.1109/iv.2003.1217950
This paper introduces a number of refinements to the Parallel Coordinates visualisation metaphor for multi-dimensional data. Firstly, the traditional set of poly-lines are rep...

Teallach's presentation model .

Conference Proceeding
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (2000)
Teallach's presentation model . In V. Gesu, S. Levialdi, & L. Tarantino (Eds.), Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2000) (151-154).
This short paper describes the presentation model used by the Teallach model-based user-interface development environment. Teallach's presentation model provides both abstract...

Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems.

Conference Proceeding
Liu, X., Yang, H., & Zedan, H. (1997)
Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems. In COMPSAC '97-21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 409-414.
This paper presents a short review of formal methods and their use in the re-engineering of computing systems. Five classes of formal notations and theories, namely state/mode...

A conceptual language for querying object oriented data

Conference Proceeding
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1994)
A conceptual language for querying object oriented data. In D. S. Bowers (Ed.), Directions in Databases: Proceedings [of the] 12th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 12, Guildford, United Kingdom, July 6-8, 1994 (187-204).
A variety of languages have been proposed for object oriented database systems in order to provide facilities for ad hoc querying. However, in order to model at the conceptual...

Video telephony for the deaf: analysis and development of an optimised video compression product.

Conference Proceeding
Muir, L. J., & Richardson, I. E. G. (2002)
Video telephony for the deaf: analysis and development of an optimised video compression product. In Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Multimedia (650-652).
The multimedia capability of video telephony and video conferencing systems has many applications and benefits. This paper describes research and development that aims to opti...

A multidatabase layer for the ODMG object model

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1999)
A multidatabase layer for the ODMG object model. In C. Rolland, & G. Grosz (Eds.), Oois '98: Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems, 9-11 September 1998, Paris (93-110).
The lack of a common object model has been addressed to some extent by the specification of the ODMG Object Model standard. However, the problem still exists for designers of ...