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225 results

Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms

Presentation / Conference
Ryan, F., Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Lawson, A. (2019, June)
Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms. Paper presented at Conceptions of Library and Information Science 10 (CoLIS10), Ljubjana, Slovenia
Introduction. The broad theme of this paper is the use of information to build, manage and evaluate personal reputations. It reports the findings of a study that considered th...

Social network analysis and festival cities: an exploration of concepts, literature and methods

Journal Article
Jarman, D., Theodoraki, E., Hall, H., & Ali-Knight, J. (2014)
Social network analysis and festival cities: an exploration of concepts, literature and methods. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 5(3), 311-322.
Social network analysis (SNA) is an under-utilised framework for research into festivals and events. This paper reflects upon the history of SNA, and explores its key concepts...

Nature Inspired Optimisation for Delivery Problems: From Theory to the Real World

Urquhart, N. (2022)
Nature Inspired Optimisation for Delivery Problems: From Theory to the Real World. Cham: Springer.
This book explains classic routing and transportation problems and solutions, before offering insights based on successful real-world solutions. The chapters in Part I introdu...

Delphi Study of Risk to Individuals who Disclose Personal Information Online

Journal Article
Haynes, D., & Robinson, L. (in press)
Delphi Study of Risk to Individuals who Disclose Personal Information Online. Journal of Information Science,
A two-round Delphi study was conducted to explore priorities for addressing online risk to individuals. A corpus of literature was created based on 69 peer-reviewed articles ...

Achieving Consensus within SSM.

Journal Article
Berg, T., Pooley, R., & Queenan, J. (2011)
Achieving Consensus within SSM. International journal of humanities and social science, 1, 231-239
SSM is a socio-technical system methodology offering tools for analysing complex situations. This modelling approach identifies differing worldviews of the system by encouragi...

Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen engagement

Presentation / Conference
Cruickshank, P., Ryan, B., & Hall, H. (2017, June)
Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen engagement. Paper presented at i3: Information: Interactions and impact
This extended abstract presents results of an investigation of the practices of community representatives (in this case: Community Councillors in Scotland) in exploiting infor...

Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts

Journal Article
Xu, D., Tian, Z., Lai, R., Kong, X., Tan, Z., & Shi, W. (2020)
Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts. Information Fusion, 64, 1-11.
Traditional text emotion analysis methods are primarily devoted to studying extended texts, such as news reports and full-length documents. Microblogs are considered short tex...

Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks

Journal Article
Torres Vega, M., Koonen, A. M. J., Liotta, A., & Famaey, J. (2018)
Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7(2), 278-281.
In light of the extreme radio congestion, the time has come to consider the upper parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical beam-steered wireless communications offer gre...

The possible DREaM: developing LIS research excellence

Journal Article
Hall, H., & Oppenheim, C. (2012)
The possible DREaM: developing LIS research excellence. CILIP Update, 32-34
No abstract available.

Enhancing the impact of LIS research projects

Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Taylor-Smith, E. (2011)
Enhancing the impact of LIS research projects. Edinburgh: Research Information Network
This report covers extent to which funded research projects in the domain of library and information science (LIS) influence practice in the UK. It focuses particularly on ide...


30 results

dot.rural Portrait KE

2015 - 2016
Portrait is a software tool developed to help care staff get to know personal and social information about clients that live in residential care facilities. The Portrait system consists of a biography...
Funder: University of Aberdeen | Value: £3,287

The evolution of social networking and its impact on Career Management Skills

2014 - 2018
In his thesis The role of networking and social media tools during job search: an information behaviour perspective Mowbray explores job search networking amongst 16-24 year olds living in Scotland, a...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £59,401

Repairing Polluted Artificial Intelligent Systems with Machine Unlearning

2019 - 2021
This project is intended to seek in-depth understanding of the new promising decentralised machine learning scheme, namely federated learning, and develop a proof-of-concept algorithm-independent unle...
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £29,998

Research Impact and Value in Library and Information Science (RIVAL) Network

2019 - 2021
To develop a formal Scotland-wide network of LIS researchers and practitioners, to help spread expertise into a connected practitioner community across all LIS sectors through high quality training an...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £20,000


2016 - 2016
Analysis of transactional data provided by real time cloud based ordering systems linked within the food supply chain which targets Foodservice sector
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £19,807

Library and Information Science Research Coalition

2009 - 2012
The broad mission of the LIS Research Coalition was to facilitate a co-ordinated and strategic approach to LIS research across the UK. Professor Hazel Hall, Director of the Centre for Social Infor...
Funder: Library & information Science Research Coalition | Value: £76,484

Information Literacy for Democratic Engagement (IL-DEM)

2016 - 2016
The findings of this research will contribute to strategies to improve citizen engagement in the democratic process at community level. Community Councillors are a vital link between local communities...
Funder: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | Value: £9,668

The Sound Beneath Our Feet

2022 - 2022
This project will develop an immersive audio installation in which to experience sonified seismic data from volcanic activity. The environment will foster new ways of experiencing data from both scien...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,915

Career information literacy and decision-making

2019 - 2023
The main aim of this doctoral study is to generate new knowledge on career development learning with reference to decision-making amongst young people in S2-S6 preparing for their lives beyond school ...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £52,279

Gaze tracking through in-ear sensing

2019 - 2019
Eye-tracking is an increasingly popular technique in which user’s eye movements are captured by a computer system, allowing it to ascertain where the user is looking in a display or visual scene (fixa...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £9,991
36 results

Hazel Hall to receive the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award

11 July 2019
The Association for Information Science and Technology announced Professor Hazel Hall as the winner of the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award.

Centre for Social Informatics researchers report on the long-term value of networking grants

15 February 2018
The Journal of Documentation has recently accepted a journal article by Centre for Social Informatics researchers that considers the long-term value and impact of AHRC network grant funding.

Professor Hazel Hall wins SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017

12 January 2018
Professor Hazel Hall has won the SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017

Professor Isto Huvila visits the Centre for Social Informatics

26 November 2017
Professor Isto Huvila of Uppsala University, Sweden visited Scotland in November 2017. As part of his programme he spent some time with colleagues in the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Nap...

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ASIST2017 in Washington DC

30 October 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics participated at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST2017) in Washington DC on 30th October 2017.

Dr. Simon Powers has been appointed as an Associate Editor for Adaptive Behavior

18 October 2017
Adaptive Behavior is an indexed, international peer reviewed journal that publishes articles on adaptive behavior in biological systems and autonomous artificial systems. Dr. Simon Powers has been inv...

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to the ESRC ‘Ways of being in a digital age’ project review conference

9 October 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the the ESRC ‘Ways of being in a digital age’ project review conference in October 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ECIL 2017

19 September 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) in St Malo, France, in September 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribution to ECKM 2017

7 September 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the European Conference on Knowledge Management 2017 in Barcelona, Spain in September 2017.

Dr. Simon Powers is invited as the keynote speaker at the Second International Workshop of Social Learning and Cultural Evolution

26 August 2017
Simon Powers will give the keynote talk at the Second International Workshop of Social Learning and Cultural Evolution, part of the European Conference on Artificial Life held in Lyon, France, 4th Sep...