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431 results

Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., Farver, I., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Parve, K., Patarcic, D., …Todorova, I. (2013)
Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Background: Following international trends, the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine was introduced in Europe for protection against infection from common strands of the HPV vi...

Locality, loneliness and lifestyle: a qualitative study of factors influencing women's health perceptions

Journal Article
Bates, J., & Machin, A. (2016)
Locality, loneliness and lifestyle: a qualitative study of factors influencing women's health perceptions. Health and Social Care in the Community, 24(5), 639-648.
The contribution of women to the achievement of global public health targets cannot be underestimated. It is well evidenced that within families, women are a key influence on ...

Effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for community living depressed women involved with the justice system

Journal Article
Black, S., Bowyer, D., Graham, P., Irvine Fitzpatrick, L., Pate, K., Woodrow, A., & Schwannauer, M. (2021)
Effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for community living depressed women involved with the justice system. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 31(3), 183-197.
Background Despite the prevalence of depression among women in the justice system, and its potentially significant consequences, there is a dearth of studies investigating psy...

‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness

Journal Article
McKay, E. A. (2010)
‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(3), 96-105.
The lives of women with an enduring mental illness have been little researched within occupational therapy. This study explored the experiences of five women living with endur...

Health needs and challenges of women and children in Uganda’s refugee settlements: Conceptualising a role for social work

Journal Article
Mwenyango, H., & Palattiyil, G. (2019)
Health needs and challenges of women and children in Uganda’s refugee settlements: Conceptualising a role for social work. International Social Work, 62(6), 1535-1547.
With 1.36 million refugees, Uganda has witnessed Africa’s highest refugee crisis and is confronted with subsequent protection and assistance demands. The Government of Uganda ...

“Labelled High-Risk”: Exploring perception of risk during childbirth in women with a BMI>35kg/m²

Norris, G. “Labelled High-Risk”: Exploring perception of risk during childbirth in women with a BMI>35kg/m². (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This thesis reports on a qualitative exploration of the lived experience of seven pregnant women, medically classified as severely obese, and subsequently labelled as a high-r...

Menopausal experiences of women with Intellectual Disabilities

Journal Article
Willis, D., Wishart, J. G., & Muir, W. J. (2010)
Menopausal experiences of women with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 24, 74-85.
Background  Little is known about the menopause in women with intellectual disabilities (ID) save that its onset is earlier than in the general population, and earlier still ...

33. Positive mental health in women living with breast cancer across geographic locations of residence: a data linkage study using the Scottish health survey.

Journal Article
Leung, J., Hubbard, G., Kyle, R., McLaughlin, D., Mullen, R., & Atherton, I. (2015)
33. Positive mental health in women living with breast cancer across geographic locations of residence: a data linkage study using the Scottish health survey. European journal of surgical oncology, 41(6), S27.
Aims: Breast cancer campaigns and support groups emphasize the importance for breast cancer patients to stay positive. However, existing research on mental well-being of breas...

A grounded theory approach to explore how women with Type 1 diabetes manage their diabetes during the menopausal transition

Mackay, L. A grounded theory approach to explore how women with Type 1 diabetes manage their diabetes during the menopausal transition. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Aim To explore the experiences of women with Type 1 diabetes during the menopausal transition using a grounded theory approach and, from the data, develop a substantive theory...

Same as you: health issues in women with learning disabilities after the menopause

Journal Article
Willis, D. (2007)
Same as you: health issues in women with learning disabilities after the menopause. Learning Disability Practice, 10, 16-22.
Rising life expectancy means that more people with learning disabilities are living into old age (Bittles et al 2002, Wilkinson and Janicki 2005). Although this is very welcom...
13 results

We Can Quit2: A randomised pilot trial of a community-based smoking cessation intervention for women in disadvantaged areas of Ireland

2017 - 2022
Smoking rates remain high in Ireland despite considerable progress being made to reduce them in recent years. Ireland ranks second highest for smoking-related causes of death in the EU. Lung cancer, w...
Funder: Irish Health Research Board | Value: £27,341

Assessing the implementation of the Public Health Scotland Physical Activity Referral Standards: A process evaluation

2022 - 2025
Physical inactivity is a major public health problem and increasing population physical activity levels is a Scottish Government priority. In Scotland, 49% of men and 58% of women were not active enou...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £298,277

Acceptability of extragenital Chlamydia testing

2017 - 2018
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted infection in Scotland, and has significant long‐term consequences to reproductive health. Recent studies suggest that in addition to the g...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £27,998

Scotland's Witches Voices - a follow up in depth study of two cases of significant interest in early nursing history - Christian Saidler (1597) and Bartie Patersoune (1607)

2022 - 2022
Background: the Witches Voices Study (Jan - Aug 2021) investigated healers/midwives accused of witchcraft in Scotland between 1563-1736. That study revealed some healers with unexpected healing pract...
Funder: Royal College of Nursing Foundation | Value: £995

Compassionate Companions: a service to support parents and families who experience perinatal loss.

2021 - 2024
This exciting proposal will provide a registered midwife who is interested in care of women who have experienced perinatal bereavement, the opportunity to undertake a full-time funded PhD over a three...
Funder: Held in Our Hearts Limited | Value: £68,751

Mental health and substance use care pathways and outcomes for people released from prison

2022 - 2024
Lay summary: It is important that people released from prison get help for mental health and substance use. This will protect their health and help them live life away from crime. People released from...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £42,581

The RECO study: Realist Evaluation of service models and systems for CO- existing serious mental health and substance use conditions.

2020 - 2022
The impact of serious mental health difficulties can be severe, long-lasting, and can seriously affect peoples' lives over a long period of time. It is common for people who experience serious mental ...
Funder: National Institute for Health Research | Value: £218,651

Young people with Learning disabilites & ethnic minority views about the HPV vaccine

2014 - 2016
In the United Kingdom (UK), cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 35 years. Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 are sexually transmitted viruses which may contribute t...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £39,762

Promoting smoking cessation during pregnacy: combined feasibility and pilot of a randomised controlled trial of a narrative and image-based intervention delivered via text-messaging.

2017 - 2019
We have developed an intervention that aims to help pregnant women to stop smoking by sending text messages with embedded behaviour change techniques (BCTs), as part of an engaging story with pictures...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £2,128

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) post perinatal loss: investigating final details for pilot trial and feasibility study

2019 - 2019
Approximately 3,500 women in the UK experience the trauma of perinatal loss each year. Up to 39% go on to develop perinatal PTSD. There is no effective treatment for these women, but EMDR is effective...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £33,319
10 results

Perceived barriers and enablers for women with serious mental illness in relation to breast screening: a narrative enquiry

2022 - date
Stuart Martin | Director of Studies: Dr Natasha Spassiani | Second Supervisor: Dr Diane Willis

A grounded theory approach to explore how women with Type 1 diabetes manage their diabetes during the menopausal transition

2009 - 2012
Liz Mackay | Second Supervisor: Lynn Kilbride

Shattered expectations: the experience of provider interaction from the perspectives of women with post traumatic stress disorder post childbirth, and midwives. An interpretative phenomenological analysis

2015 - 2019
Dr Jenny Patterson | Director of Studies: Prof Caroline Hollins-Martin | Second Supervisor: Prof Thanos Karatzias

Interpersonal trauma, substance misuse and pregnancy: a phenomenological exploration of pregnant women and midwives in Scotland

2013 - 2018
Dr Naomi Waddell | Director of Studies: Prof Thanos Karatzias | Second Supervisor: Michael Brown

How does women's paid work affect their infant feeding decisions and behaviours?

2018 - date
Mrs Joanne Ette | Director of Studies: Dr Cari Malcolm | Second Supervisor: Dr Rhona McInnes

Labelled "high risk": Exploring perception of risk during childbirth in women with an increased BMI >35kg/m2

2013 - 2019
Dr Gail Norris | Director of Studies: Prof Caroline Hollins-Martin | Second Supervisor: Dr Zoe Chouliara

Exploring the mechanisms underpinning the relationships among trauma, substance use and offending in Scottish incarcerated women

2013 - 2015
Anna Higgins | Director of Studies: Prof Thanos Karatzias | Second Supervisor: Dr Elizabeth Aston

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of clinically very severely obese women during pregnancy and the postnatal period

2013 - 2018
Alice Keely | Director of Studies: Dr Anne Whittaker | Second Supervisor: Lawrence Elliott

The effectiveness of an intervention by specialist breast care nurses to address the preceived needs and enhance the quality of life of woment with breast vancer receiving follow-up care:

2006 - 2014
Sue Cruickshank | Director of Studies: Jayne Donaldson | Second Supervisor: Prof Morag Gray

The woman-midwife relationship and continuity of carer: lived experiences of women and their midwives in Scotland

2017 - date
Ms Kathryn Hardie | Director of Studies: Dr Stephen Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr David Whiteley
