30 results

Breaking down disciplinary walls: redefining the teaching of Translation for Intercultural Dialogue

Presentation / Conference
Penman, C., & Wilkinson, J. (2021, May)
Breaking down disciplinary walls: redefining the teaching of Translation for Intercultural Dialogue. Paper presented at Breaking down the walls of Babel: dialogues in translation, University of Warwick
The study of translation is experiencing a revival and a transformation as recognition of its pedagogical value beyond the training of future translators grows. Training in tr...

Translation and translanguaging: by Mike Baynham and Tong King Lee, Abington, Routledge, 2019, 199 pp., £23.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-138-06704-2

Journal Article
Penman, C. (2020)
Translation and translanguaging: by Mike Baynham and Tong King Lee, Abington, Routledge, 2019, 199 pp., £23.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-138-06704-2. Language and Intercultural Communication, 20(4), 390-392. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2020.1766806

The role of subtitles in mediating cultural sensitivity in French popular comedies

Presentation / Conference
Penman, C. (2019, November)
The role of subtitles in mediating cultural sensitivity in French popular comedies. Paper presented at 19th International Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication: Translating Cultures, Cultures in Translation, Valencia, Spain
The role of foreign language films in promoting intercultural literacies in language learning programmes has long been recognised (Pegrum 2008, Yang and Fleming 2013). More re...

Discourse analysis as social critique: discursive and non-discursive realities in critical social research

Journal Article
Penman, C. (2018)
Discourse analysis as social critique: discursive and non-discursive realities in critical social research. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18(6), 696-698. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2017.1365105
Abstract not available.

The metaphorical landscape of the concept of ‘untranslatability’: cultural limitations and affordances

Presentation / Conference
Penman, C. (2017, June)
The metaphorical landscape of the concept of ‘untranslatability’: cultural limitations and affordances. Paper presented at 17th International Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication. Interrogating the 'Third Space': Negotiating meaning and performing 'culture'., Edinburgh
This paper considers opportunities to explore ‘inbetweeness’ in differing conceptualisations of ‘untranslatability’. Three ontological pathways will be considered as to the p...

Thinking, Doing, Publishing - Pedogical Research on the Go

Presentation / Conference
Gray, A., Penman, C., & Foster, M. (2017, February)
Thinking, Doing, Publishing - Pedogical Research on the Go. Paper presented at Innovations in Teaching and Supporting Learning, Edinburgh Napier University
Joint Presentation with Christine Penman and Monika Foster Available at - http://blogs.napier.ac.uk/teachingfellows/teaching-fellows-conference-2017-2/

Exploration de l’altérité culturelle à travers des mots: ponts, déficiences et suffisances

Presentation / Conference
Penman, C. (2017, January)
Exploration de l’altérité culturelle à travers des mots: ponts, déficiences et suffisances. Paper presented at Journée d’études: Traduction et interculturalité, Mulhouse, France
Penman, C. (2017, January). Exploration de l’altérité culturelle à travers des mots: ponts, déficiences et suffisances. Paper presented at Journée d’études: Traduction et inte...

Every picture tells a story: using selfie-inspired activities to enhance social relations and encourage self-reflexivity.

Book Chapter
Victoria, M. (2016)
Every picture tells a story: using selfie-inspired activities to enhance social relations and encourage self-reflexivity. In C. Penman, & M. Foster (Eds.), Innovations in learning and teachingMerchiston Publishing
This chapter explores the results of a study in Thailand that capitalised on the popularity of the selfie, providing second-year English language students with an opportunity ...

Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press

Book Chapter
Gray, A. (2016)
Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press. In C. Penman, & M. Foster (Eds.), Innovations in Learning and TeachingEdinburgh: Merchiston Publishing
A pedagogic research publication showing new teaching approaches in higher education. This collection of chapters gives voice to academics from different disciplines across Ed...

Contextualising information literacy to assessment criteria and measuring the impact on student performance: a collaborative approach

Robertson, S. & Walker, K. (2016)
Contextualising information literacy to assessment criteria and measuring the impact on student performance: a collaborative approach. In Penman, C. & Foster, M. (Eds.). Innovations in Learning and Teaching, 107-122. Merchiston Publishing. ISBN 9780957688285
This chapter explores the collaboration between a subject librarian and a module leader to improve the information literacy skills within a large cohort under-graduate busines...



