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How can we design spaces (physically, digitally) to enhance cognitive flexibility and what is their impact on cognition? How can we develop flexible algorithms approaching human problem solving?

This theme investigates the design of spaces and technology that impacts cognitive performance and the development of cognitively flexible algorithms.

“Visualisation of Metadata in 2D/3D Digital Cuneiform Artefacts”

Funded by the AHRC

Dr Michael Wamposyc

CEDAR Spatial Technology and Design study

Distinguished by its imprinted, wedge-shaped reed marks on clay tablets, cuneiform script is one of the earliest known writing systems in the world and documents millennia of human civilisations. Combining AI and augmented visualisation techniques, this project focuses on research, development and visual prototyping of the computational content of these tablets in spatial environments. Of particular interest within the topic are cognitive and epistemic issues of 2D/3D metadata translation and representation. 

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Research Projects and Networks

Research Environment and Infrastructure


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