Brian Davison
Brian Davison

Dr Brian Davison MA MSc PhD SFHEA



Brian Davison graduated from Edinburgh University in 1987 with an MA in Linguistics with Artificial Intelligence. He has held several posts in industry including Head of Computer Systems, Configuration and Release Manager and Intranet Manager. Since joining the School of Computing in 2002, he has led modules in a wide range of subjects such as HCI, mobile development, database technology, the Internet of Things and embedded systems.
Brian has led several commercial design and development projects, and spent six years as a non-executive director of GearedApp, a limited company specialising in web and mobile applications. Now an established presence in the Scottish software development industry, GearedApp started life as a student. project group under Brian's supervision.
Over the last few years, Brian has developed a network of contacts in industry through his work with student projects. Building on this success, he now plans to establish a University-sponsored software development agency through which teams of students can deliver services to startups, social enterprises and the third sector.
Brian holds an MSc in Energy and Environmental Engineering and a PhD in wind turbine performance, has co-authored several articles in solar energy modelling, and manages the School's computational sustainability lab.




Editorial Activity

  • Guest Editor: Sensors special issue, "Sensors and Autonomous Systems in Smart Cities"


External Examining/Validations

  • External moderator, University of Roehampton
  • External Examiner at the University of Huddersfield
  • External panel member for the approval of the BSc Business Information Technology at the University of the West of Scotland
  • External member of the review panel for the BA/BSc (Hons) Information and Communications at Manchester Metropolitan University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member of IEEE


Non-executive Directorship

  • GearedApp Ltd.


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting tutor at Grenoble INP Esisar
  • Visiting lecturer at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry



18 results

IoT for Sustainability

Book Chapter
Davison, B. (2022)
IoT for Sustainability. In R. Buyya, L. Garg, G. Fortino, & S. Misra (Eds.), New Frontiers in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (253-286). Cham: Springer.
The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises a set of complementary technologies which offer unprecedented opportunities for interacting with the physical environment. Faced with mu...

The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment

Davison, B. The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The post-installation verification of wind turbine performance is an essential part of a wind energy project. Data collected from meteorological instruments and from the turbi...

Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis

Davison, B. (2019)
Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis. [Dataset].
This dataset was created in order to support comparative analyses concerning the relationships between meteorological parameters and wind turbine power output. It addresses so...

Learning-by-doing as a strategy for student engagement

Presentation / Conference
Davison, B. (2018, January)
Learning-by-doing as a strategy for student engagement. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier University’s Staff Conference 2018, Edinburgh
Fans of TED star Ken Robinson (2006) will immediately recognise the benefits of learning-by-doing (LBD): it prioritises activity over passive reception, allows students the sp...

Sensing domestic energy use

Presentation / Conference
Davison, B. (2017, November)
Sensing domestic energy use. Paper presented at U!REKA 2017: Towards and Education and Research Strategy, Edinburgh
Building accurate models of domestic energy use is difficult because of a lack of reliable representative data. This paper outlines a strategy for recruiting home owners to pr...

Internationalising groupwork: collaborative student projects with China and USA

Presentation / Conference
Davison, B. (2017, February)
Internationalising groupwork: collaborative student projects with China and USA. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier University Learning, Teaching and Research Conference, Edinburgh
The management of remote projects is challenging, especially for students who do not have the framework of a professional environment and a monthly salary for motivation. Addi...

Technological support for citizen science in global ecology

Presentation / Conference
Davison, B., Begossi, A., Roques, K., Pandeya, B., & August, T. (2016, August)
Technological support for citizen science in global ecology. Presented at 5th International EcoSummit: Ecological Sustainability - Engineering Change, Montpelier, France
The contribution of volunteers in ecology is undeniable. With developments in mobile technology and social media, many predict their contribution to become even more significa...

Five minutes of face time

Conference Proceeding
Davison, B., Rivera, E., & Fotheringham, J. (2015)
Five minutes of face time. In EDULEARN15 Proceedings. , (6951-6957
Despite the disadvantages of large class sizes identified by Cuseo [1], it is no longer unusual for university class sizes to far exceed 100 students. According to Cuseo, stud...

Computing collaboration with ZZULI

Journal Article
Davison, B. (2015)
Computing collaboration with ZZULI. Edinburgh Napier University Teaching Fellows Journal, Spring 2015,
This article describes an initiative to enhance international student cooperation through project work. The case study involves students from Edinburgh Napier University's Sch...

Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL.

Conference Proceeding
Davison, B., & McEwan, T. (2012)
Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL.
We reflect on the success of embedding legal, social, ethical and professional issues (LSEPI) into computing courses while at the same time encouraging a "growth mindset" in o...

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