Adrian Davis
adrian davis

Dr Adrian Davis FFPH,



School of Health & Social Welfare, Open University 1994-1999
- Trained in Public Health
- Research children's independent mobility decline (Hillman hypothesis) 4 subsequent peer reviewed papers
- Wrote first Medical Association report on Road Transport and health globally for the British Medical Ass. in 1997

Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster 1999-2005
- Councillor understanding of health impacts of transport, funded by DfT New Horizons

Bristol City Council Public Health Evidence Advisor 2008-18
- Designed city-wide 20mph programme as public health intervention
- Started translational research 1 page summaries of road transport topics
- Designed Lifecourse workstream for Local Sustainable Transport Fund for West of England highway authorities

University of the West of England, Visiting Professor 2012-2018
- Commenced series of YouGov studies on public attitudes and reported behaviours regarding 20mph speed limits

UWE Senior Research Fellow p/t 2017-
- Further research on 20mph speed limits for Scottish MSP to support Bill
- Centre Line Removal study funded by the Road Safety Trust
- Perceived Road Safety Indictor - for pedestrians and cycle users - funded by Road Safety Trust

TRI, Edinburgh Napier University, September 2018-
Honorary Professor, Moray House School of Sport and Education, University of Edinburgh ,2019-2022

Research Areas



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • City of Edinburgh Council Infrastructure Board
  • Trustee
  • Jury Panelist for 10th Annual Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Awards
  • Chair of the Transport Data and Evidence Group of the Social & Systems Recovery Group
  • Chair of the Transport Working Group of the Cleaner Air for Scotland Review


Editorial Activity

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Transport & Health


External Examining/Validations

  • PhD External Examiner


Fellowships and Awards

  • Dr of Business Administration
  • Visiting Professor
  • Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health through Distinction



14 results

20 mph speed limits: A meta-narrative evidence synthesis of the public health evidence

Book Chapter
van Erpecum, C.-P. L., Bornioli, A., Cleland, C., Jones, S., Davis, A., den Braver, N. R., & Pilkington, P. (2024)
20 mph speed limits: A meta-narrative evidence synthesis of the public health evidence. In J. S. Mindell, & S. J. Watkin (Eds.), Health on the Move 3: The Reviews (167-195). Elsevier.
Twenty mile per hour (20 mph) or 30 kph speed limit interventions are increasingly common in a wide range of European cities. Importantly, 20 mph or 30 kph speed limit interve...

Effective Trigger Speeds for Vehicle Activated Signs on 20 mph Roads in Rural Areas

Journal Article
Olowosegun, A., Fountas, G., & Davis, A. (2024)
Effective Trigger Speeds for Vehicle Activated Signs on 20 mph Roads in Rural Areas. Safety, 10(1), Article 25.
This paper aims to offer novel empirical evidence as to the identification of the most effective Trigger Speeds (TS) for Vehicle-Activated Signs (VAS) in rural areas. To achie...

Motonormativity: how social norms hide a major public health hazard

Journal Article
Walker, I., Tapp, A., & Davis, A. (2023)
Motonormativity: how social norms hide a major public health hazard. International Journal of Environment and Health, 11(1), 21-33.
Decisions about motor transport, by individuals and policy-makers, show unconscious biases due to cultural assumptions about the role of private cars-a phenomenon we term moto...

Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice

Götschi, T., Davis, A., & Racioppi, F. (2022)
Walking and Cycling: latest evidence to support policy-making and practice. Bonn, Germany: WHO Europe
Active travel modes, especially walking and cycling, are now recognized by many as modes that are fully equal to other urban transport modes, integrated in planning frameworks...

Transport and health: A personal and UK perspective

Book Chapter
Davis, A. (2020)
Transport and health: A personal and UK perspective. In C. Curtis (Ed.), Handbook of Sustainable Transport (48-57). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Starting in an era where three quantifiable impacts of road transport were viewed as the sum total of impacts – casualties and air and noise pollution – from the embryo of the...

Equality of restraint: Reframing road safety through the ethics of private motorised transport

Journal Article
Davis, A. L., & Obree, D. (2020)
Equality of restraint: Reframing road safety through the ethics of private motorised transport. Journal of transport & health, 19,
Background Motoring is an emancipation. It is both an individual freedom and a collective freedom with car ownership at 30, 491, 000 vehicles by 2019 in Great Britain. Yet, as...

Making the shift to sustainable transport in Scotland

Journal Article
Davis, A., & Whyte, B. (in press)
Making the shift to sustainable transport in Scotland. Cities and Health,
Transport sector decarbonisation is a Scottish Government policy aim. Recent legislation and funding announcements are beginning a shift away from support for habitual car use...

Beyond cycle lanes and large-scale infrastructure: a scoping review of initiatives that groups and organisations can implement to promote cycling for the Cycle Nation Project

Journal Article
Kelly, P., Williamson, C., Baker, G., Davis, A., Broadfield, S., Coles, A., …Gill, J. M. (2020)
Beyond cycle lanes and large-scale infrastructure: a scoping review of initiatives that groups and organisations can implement to promote cycling for the Cycle Nation Project. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(23), 1405-1415.
Background/objectives: Cycling has well-established positive relationships with health. Evidence suggests that large-scale infrastructure and built-environment initiatives to ...

Moving to healthy transport: the drivers of transformational change – a view from Scotland

Book Chapter
Davis, A. L. (2020)
Moving to healthy transport: the drivers of transformational change – a view from Scotland. In M. J. Nieuwenhuijsen, & H. Khreis (Eds.), Advances in Transportation and Health (407-421). (1). Elsevier.
The need to stabilize global average temperature rises to no more than 1.5 degrees may be the driver for transformational change that will also deliver major improvements in p...

A public health approach to assessing road safety equity - The Rose cycle

Book Chapter
Pilkington, P., & Davis, A. (2019)
A public health approach to assessing road safety equity - The Rose cycle. In K. Lucas, & K. Mertens (Eds.), Measuring Transport Equity (159-170). Elsevier.
This chapter explores challenges with assessing equity with regards to road traffic collisions (RTCs). The authors propose an approach that seeks to address not only injury ou...