Alice Pearsons
alice pearsons

Miss Alice Pearsons

Research Assistant


Qualifying in 2015, Alice has worked as a nurse across a range of acute clinical environments, primarily cardiology and emergency care. Alice later completed an MSc in Human Anatomy at Edinburgh University undertaking a 3D bioprinting dissertation project looking at recreating the anatomical structure of an enthesis (connection tissue between bone and tendon).

In Sept 2019, Alice joined Edinburgh Napier University as a research assistant working on a three year feasibility randomised controlled trial to co-design a mobile app to increase medication adherence in atrial fibrillation. Whilst working with the team Alice has worked on multiple projects within atrial fibrillation and physical activity and works across both university and clinical settings. Alice has a special interest in co-design, delphi and realist review methodology.

Alice is currently undertaking her PhD part time exploring integrated atrial fibrillation approaches to service delivery within Scotland. This includes a realist review looking at what, how and for whom an integrated atrial fibrillation approach will work.


Conference Organising Activity

  • Assistant Organiser: Cardiovascular Health Conference ‘A focus on physical activity interventions,' Edinburgh Napier University (November 2019)


Invited Speaker

  • Conference Talk: Integrated Care in Atrial Fibrillation. What works for whom and in what circumstance
  • Conference Talk: Oral presentation for "Self-management of atrial fibrillation: a content analysis of commercially available apps"


Membership of Professional Body

  • Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals



  • Reviewer Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
  • Reviewer Europace
  • Reviewer Health Informatics Journal



14 results

A narrative review of global and national physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines development processes - The GUidelines Standards (GUS) project

Journal Article
Milton, K., Hanson, C., Pearsons, A., Chou, R., & Stamatakis, E. (in press)
A narrative review of global and national physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines development processes - The GUidelines Standards (GUS) project. Preventive Medicine,
Background: Clinical and public health guidelines serve to direct clinical practice and policy, based on the best available evidence. The World Health Organization (WHO) and ...

Understanding for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works: a realist review

Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C., Hendriks, J., & Neubeck, L. (in press)
Understanding for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works: a realist review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Article zvad093.
Aims To understand for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works (or does not work). Methods and Results A r...

Exploring the patient experience of remote hypertension management in Scotland during COVID-19: a qualitative study

Journal Article
Mchale, S., Paterson, M., Pearsons, A., Neubeck, L., Atherton, I., Guthrie, B., …Hanley, J. (2023)
Exploring the patient experience of remote hypertension management in Scotland during COVID-19: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 13(12), Article e078944.
Objectives The aim of this study was to understand how patients experienced hypertension management, with or without BP telemonitoring, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design...

The need for improved Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) care

Journal Article
Elliott, N., Pearsons, A., Hanson, C., & Neubeck, L. (2023)
The need for improved Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) care. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 18(11), 1-5.
In this article, Natalie Elliot and colleagues discuss the need for improved care for patients who have experienced spontaneous coronary artery dissection.

What lifestyle management interventions are needed for atrial fibrillation?

Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C., & Neubeck, L. (2022)
What lifestyle management interventions are needed for atrial fibrillation?. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 17(11),

Justification, Rationale and Methodological Approaches to Realist Reviews

Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Neubeck, L., Hendricks, J., & Hanson, C. (in press)
Justification, Rationale and Methodological Approaches to Realist Reviews. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,
Realist reviews offer a method to understand why an intervention is successful or not. Many factors influence how complex healthcare interventions are delivered and this makes...

Managing stroke through COVID-19 and beyond

Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C., Rowat, A., & Neubeck, L. (2021)
Managing stroke through COVID-19 and beyond. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 27(9),

Atrial fibrillation self-management: a mobile telephone app scoping review and content analysis

Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C. L., Gallagher, R., O'Carroll, R. E., Khonsari, S., Hanley, J., …Neubeck, L. (2021)
Atrial fibrillation self-management: a mobile telephone app scoping review and content analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(4), 305–314.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) affects over 1.4 million people in the UK, resulting in a five-fold increased stroke risk and a three to four times greater risk of severe, disabling ...

A modified Delphi study to gain consensus for a taxonomy to report and classify physical activity referral schemes (PARS)

Journal Article
Hanson, C. L., Oliver, E., Dodd-Reynolds, C., Pearsons, A., & Kelly, P. (2020)
A modified Delphi study to gain consensus for a taxonomy to report and classify physical activity referral schemes (PARS). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1), Article 158 (2020).
Background: Physical Activity Referral Schemes (PARS), including exercise referral schemes, are a popular approach to health improvement, but understanding of effectiveness is...

Global atrial fibrillation awareness week and the new European Society of Cardiology guidelines

Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C. L., & Neubeck, L. (2020)
Global atrial fibrillation awareness week and the new European Society of Cardiology guidelines. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 15(11),
Abstract not available.

Current Post Grad projects