Jacqueline Brodie
Jacqueline Brodie

Dr Jacqueline Brodie MA (Hons), MA, MSc, MSc BOE, PhD, PGCert TLHE, CMBE, NTF, SFHEA

Associate Professor


Dr Jackie Brodie joined Edinburgh Napier Business School in January 2005 and is the Business School's Head of Learning and Teaching and an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. In 2019 she was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship, in 2020 she co-lead a winning CATE application, and is a CABS Certified Management and Business Educator. She is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and a member of the JISC Student Experience Experts Group and a founding member of the Charity Board initiative steering group with RSM and Santander, which trains students to take up board positions on local charities. Jackie has led several funded Learning, Teaching and Assessment (LTA) research projects, such as the QAA Enhancement theme project “Extension of a Dissertation e-Toolkit for International Students”, which built on findings from the HEA funded evaluation “Exploring the Maze: An Evaluation of a Dissertation e-Toolkit Designed for Direct Entry Students Transitioning to HE”. Jackie’s current research includes leading a funded University study on: “ An investigation into the value of the learning experience of the Get On Board extra-curricular programme” and a QAA enhancement theme funded project on "Evidencing belonging in the online classroom". Other funded LTA projects Jackie has been involved with include the QAA enhancement theme project “A Benchmarking Exercise of Skills Award Frameworks” and Teaching fellow research into “The value of videos to support internationalisation in the Entrepreneurship Curriculum”. Jackie has published and presented her Entrepreneurship education and LTA research both internationally and in the UK, such as at the Barcelona EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference (Appropriate Methodologies for Entrepreneurship Education) and the QAA International Enhancement Themes Conferences in 2015 and 2017. Jackie is a reviewer for several Journals and a Journal board editor. At Edinburgh Napier University she is the programme leader for the online MSc Business Management Suite of Programmes and module leader for Managing Innovation which is taught online to MBA and MSc students. Jackie also supervises several PhD and DBA students within the Business School and has 10 doctoral completions. An extract from her PhD, looking at the Design and Adoption of Mobile Technology by Mobile Workers, was published by Springer as a book Chapter in Mobile Virtual Work: a New Paradigm.


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Panel Member - UK Teaching Excellence Awards Advisory Panel
  • Steering Committee Member - Student Charity Board initiative
  • Board Member - Young Professionals as Trustees


Conference Organising Activity

  • Invited Presenter - Advanced HE Learning and Teaching Conference - July 2020
  • CABS Learning Teaching Student Experience Conference
  • GLOBE CONFERENCE, USA - Member of Scientific and Paper Review Committee
  • 3rd QAA International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference - Presenter/reviewer
  • QAA 13th Enhancement Themes Conference -Reviewer/Presenter
  • 2nd QAA International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference
  • Institute For Small Business Conference - Reviewer/ Presenter


Editorial Activity

  • Editor - Teaching Fellow Journal - Edinburgh Napier University
  • Journal Editor - The Journal of Hospital and Medical Management


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner - Northampton
  • External Examiner - Bishop Grossetestes
  • DBA Examiner -South Wales University; Title: Mode switching from component manufacturer to system supplier – requirements, opportunities and best practices. A resource-based reflection on R&D
  • Member of External Review/Validation Panel Business School Programmes - Anglia Ruskin University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Leadership Excellence Awards Nomination - Edinburgh Napier University, Above & Beyond Awards 2020-21
  • Winner of Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)
  • Winner of the Enterprise Award - Edinburgh Napier University's Above and Beyond Awards 2018-19
  • National Teaching Fellow (2019)
  • Certificate - Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CABS Course)
  • Chartered Association of Business School's Leaders in Learning and Teaching (LLT) Programme completed - 2018-19
  • GLOBE Conference - Certificate of Excellence in Paper Reviewing
  • Best Paper Award - 3E Conference (ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference), Leeds, May 2016.
  • Nomination for Best Paper in Gender Track - ISBE Conference 2015
  • Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • Guest speaker - Evolve Conference - Oxford Brookes University
  • Guest Speaker - Advance HE NTF Scotland Celebration Event
  • Advance HE - Employability Podcast
  • Guest Speaker - ECSB - Round table on Entrepreneurship Pedagogy
  • Guest Speaker - Mod Gov Apprenticeship Conference
  • Guest Speaker - QAA Enhancement Themes Conference - Round table Speaker - Workshop
  • Guest Speaker - CABS - Distance learning in Scottish Business Schools
  • Guest speaker EY Foundation - Governance Webinar for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Invited Speaker - ENU Business School Public Engagement Awareness Event


Media Activity

  • Media endorsement of STEPS "The Informed Trustee"
  • Guest Speaker - HEA Video - SFHEA and Mentoring


Membership of Professional Body

  • Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE)
  • Member of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI).
  • BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT
  • Prince 2 Practitioner
  • Institute of Small Business and Enterprise


Public/Community Engagement

  • Organising Member - Charity Board Iniatitive Launch Events - Queen Margaret, Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier Universities
  • Conference Organiser - Public Engagement Event - Connecting our Young Professionals as Trustees with Third Sector Leaders.



  • International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research
  • The International Journal of Management Education
  • Industry and Higher Education
  • Journal of Hospital and Medical Management


Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects